"Rheinmetall is building a new factory in Germany in record time for the production of ammunition to create strategic security of supply to both the


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
It’s about time European countries woke up to the Asiatic 🇷🇺 🐖 🇸🇦 , Barbaric threat on their doorstep! Thats way to go! Ramp it up fast!

"Rheinmetall is building a new factory in Germany in record time for the production of ammunition to create strategic security of supply to both the Bundeswehr and Ukraine,"

The current German leaders will follow the footsteps of 1940's Germany and France in 1812, and invade Mother Russia. I'd suggest that those interested in what will happen next pick up Tolstoy's War and Peace.
The current German leaders will follow the footsteps of 1940's Germany and France in 1812, and invade Mother Russia. I'd suggest that those interested in what will happen next pick up Tolstoy's War and Peace.
yes ivan 🇷🇺 🐖 🇸🇦 , tell us more how your horde won all wars :auiqs.jpg:

the reality :

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
It’s about time European countries woke up to the Asiatic 🇷🇺 🐖 🇸🇦 , Barbaric threat on their doorstep! Thats way to go! Ramp it up fast!

"Rheinmetall is building a new factory in Germany in record time for the production of ammunition to create strategic security of supply to both the Bundeswehr and Ukraine,"

View attachment 894646

Interesting. Good move for Rheinmetall and Germany. I only knew them for design and manufacture of the Rheinmetall smooth bore Rh-120 canon tubes for modern tanks. I did not know, the made ammunition for it, also.
Interesting. Good move for Rheinmetall and Germany. I only knew them for design and manufacture of the Rheinmetall smooth bore Rh-120 canon tubes for modern tanks. I did not know, the made ammunition for it, also.
Thanks czar 🇷🇺 🐖 🇸🇦 Pootin. They have orders without ends now.:thup:

I know you hate the Russians, but the Germans are no barrels of laughs either if you'll remember the Kaiser and the Fuhrer back in the 20th century.
I know you hate the Russians,
i know you are Ivan 🇷🇺 🐖 🇸🇦 , and your nickname is pathetic mocking of Polish history and Polish mentality

Massacre of Praga
was an event during the Kościuszko Uprising in Poland and in Belarus in 1794. On November 4 the Muscovite forces under General Aleksandr Suvorov assaulted Praga, the easternmost borough of Warsaw and after four hours of heavy hand to hand fighting broke through Polish defences. Praga was subsequently looted and burnt by Muscovite soldiers who also killed approximately 12 000 of its inhabitants including women and infants. Even animals were not spared. The following day Warsaw surrendered.

The current German leaders will follow the footsteps of 1940's Germany and France in 1812, and invade Mother Russia. I'd suggest that those interested in what will happen next pick up Tolstoy's War and Peace.

Interesting. Good move for Rheinmetall and Germany. I only knew them for design and manufacture of the Rheinmetall smooth bore Rh-120 canon tubes for modern tanks. I did not know, the made ammunition for it, also.
Estimated artillery ammunition production rates for 2024:
🇨🇵 90,000
🇩🇪 Rheinmetall: 700,000+ :cool: :clap2:
Estimated artillery ammunition production rates for 2024:
🇨🇵 90,000
🇩🇪 Rheinmetall: 700,000+ :cool: :clap2:
So they do tank rounds and artillery rounds. So I assume at other facilities, the do artillery tubes also. I was never a cannon cocker by trade, but pulled a lanyard or two in my time, while a safety officer, sent down from Bde on Arty Battlion range fire. Tank tubes, Arty tubes and ammo for each makes sense.
So they do tank rounds and artillery rounds. So I assume at other facilities, the do artillery tubes also. I was never a cannon cocker by trade, but pulled a lanyard or two in my time, while a safety officer, sent down from Bde on Arty Battlion range fire. Tank tubes, Arty tubes and ammo for each makes sense.

Golden time for all our major arms manufacturers :clap2: :thup:

Golden time for all our major arms manufacturers :clap2: :thup:

View attachment 895437

Yep, and in Rheinmetall's case, good vertical integration. As a Business major and logistics guy, I'm a sucker for a good business plan with appropriate vertical integration and in a seller's market. I should buy stock.
Yep, and in Rheinmetall's case, good vertical integration. As a Business major and logistics guy, I'm a sucker for a good business plan with appropriate vertical integration and in a seller's market. I should buy stock.

this is a good news as well, Muscovites used 10 K shells per day at the begging Dondas offense

this is a good news as well, Muscovites used 10 K shells per day at the begging Dondas offense

They are thought to be getting them from other enemies of the free world.
The current German leaders will follow the footsteps of 1940's Germany and France in 1812, and invade Mother Russia. I'd suggest that those interested in what will happen next pick up Tolstoy's War and Peace.

With other words: You think France and Germany together should invade Russia for to take a look into the original manuscript of Leo Tolstoy's book "war and peace"? Why not, if we do not have anything else to do what makes fun? By the way: Where lives Putin? In the dark wood of Paganowo? And has the original Putin a wooden leg?

1. In the dark forest of Paganowo
once lived a wild robber man.
And he was the terror of all people,
he had already done many evil things.

2 But then came the long lieutenant Nagel,
And he said, "I'll take him by the beard!"
And he had a bold band of avengers
around him for bold action.

3. In the dark forest of Paganowo
he broke in by day and by night,
until one day he brought the cheeky robber boy
until one day he hunted him down.

4 And the robber, yes, he had a wooden leg,
was a real murderer too.
And he had to dig the pit himself,
which was his last robbery.

5. Dead now lies in the forest of Paganowo
the wicked, evil robber dog.
And the song of the long lieutenant Nagel
Is now going round from mouth to mouth in Russia.
Last edited:
With other words: You think France and Germany together should invade Russia for to take a look into the original manuscript of Leo Tolstoy's book "war and peace"? Why not, if we do not have anything else to do what makes fun? By the way: Where lives Putin? In the dark wood of Paganowo? And has the original Putin a wooden leg?

1. In the dark forest of Paganowo
once lived a wild robber man.
And he was the terror of all people,
he had already done many evil things.

2 But then came the long lieutenant Nagel,
And he said, "I'll take him by the beard!"
And he had a bold band of avengers
around him for bold action.

3. In the dark forest of Paganowo
he broke in by day and by night,
until one day he brought the cheeky robber boy
until one day he hunted him down.

4 And the robber, yes, he had a wooden leg,
was a real murderer too.
And he had to dig the pit himself,
which was his last robbery.

5. Dead now lies in the forest of Paganowo
the wicked, evil robber dog.
And the song of the long lieutenant Nagel
Is now going round from mouth to mouth in Russia.

Lebanon Hanover - 🇺🇦Kyiv :clap2: :clap2::thup:

With other words: You think France and Germany together should invade Russia for to take a look into the original manuscript of Leo Tolstoy's book "war and peace"? Why not, if we do not have anything else to do what makes fun? By the way: Where lives Putin? In the dark wood of Paganowo? And has the original Putin a wooden leg?

1. In the dark forest of Paganowo
once lived a wild robber man.
And he was the terror of all people,
he had already done many evil things.

2 But then came the long lieutenant Nagel,
And he said, "I'll take him by the beard!"
And he had a bold band of avengers
around him for bold action.

3. In the dark forest of Paganowo
he broke in by day and by night,
until one day he brought the cheeky robber boy
until one day he hunted him down.

4 And the robber, yes, he had a wooden leg,
was a real murderer too.
And he had to dig the pit himself,
which was his last robbery.

5. Dead now lies in the forest of Paganowo
the wicked, evil robber dog.
And the song of the long lieutenant Nagel
Is now going round from mouth to mouth in Russia.

love this one !


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