RFK Jr. running as an independent will tilt the election to Gavin Newsom


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2021
I think RFK Jr. running as an independent would take a fairly even amount of votes from both sides. This article puts forward the idea that not only would RFK Jr. take a lot more votes from the Republican side, they propose that it is an op, designed specifically to enable Newsom, not Biden, to defeat Trump.

Stop thinking about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden. Unfortunately, this will be the narrative; this will be what is polled. However, Joe Biden will not be the DNC nominee.

The correct question is, what does RFK Jr. running as an independent do to the 2024 contest when it is Gavin Newsom -vs- Donald Trump?

In that scenario, the motives and intentions of RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, because Joe Biden is a blithering idiot, disappears. Democrats will happily stick with Newsom…. which is exactly why his visibility is everywhere right now. It’s an op.

RFK Jr. running as an independent, is part of that op.

Reset your reference point to the baseline where the intelligence operatives do not want you to be. When someone starts asking the question about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, stop them immediately. Joe Biden will not be the nominee. With Gavin Newsom as the DNC candidate coming out of Chicago, what does RFK Jr. do to THAT contest with Trump? That’s the question.
I think RFK Jr. running as an independent would take a fairly even amount of votes from both sides. This article puts forward the idea that not only would RFK Jr. take a lot more votes from the Republican side, they propose that it is an op, designed specifically to enable Newsom, not Biden, to defeat Trump.

Stop thinking about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden. Unfortunately, this will be the narrative; this will be what is polled. However, Joe Biden will not be the DNC nominee.

The correct question is, what does RFK Jr. running as an independent do to the 2024 contest when it is Gavin Newsom -vs- Donald Trump?

In that scenario, the motives and intentions of RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, because Joe Biden is a blithering idiot, disappears. Democrats will happily stick with Newsom…. which is exactly why his visibility is everywhere right now. It’s an op.

RFK Jr. running as an independent, is part of that op.

Reset your reference point to the baseline where the intelligence operatives do not want you to be. When someone starts asking the question about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, stop them immediately. Joe Biden will not be the nominee. With Gavin Newsom as the DNC candidate coming out of Chicago, what does RFK Jr. do to THAT contest with Trump? That’s the question.
So the normal Democrats (blue dog) that want to save this country from the Marxists, wont move away from Joe Biteme the empty vessel for the EVIL that has been turned loose upon the US?
I think RFK Jr. running as an independent would take a fairly even amount of votes from both sides. This article puts forward the idea that not only would RFK Jr. take a lot more votes from the Republican side, they propose that it is an op, designed specifically to enable Newsom, not Biden, to defeat Trump.

Stop thinking about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden. Unfortunately, this will be the narrative; this will be what is polled. However, Joe Biden will not be the DNC nominee.

The correct question is, what does RFK Jr. running as an independent do to the 2024 contest when it is Gavin Newsom -vs- Donald Trump?

In that scenario, the motives and intentions of RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, because Joe Biden is a blithering idiot, disappears. Democrats will happily stick with Newsom…. which is exactly why his visibility is everywhere right now. It’s an op.

RFK Jr. running as an independent, is part of that op.

Reset your reference point to the baseline where the intelligence operatives do not want you to be. When someone starts asking the question about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, stop them immediately. Joe Biden will not be the nominee. With Gavin Newsom as the DNC candidate coming out of Chicago, what does RFK Jr. do to THAT contest with Trump? That’s the question.
Gavin Newsome? Why would any sane person want what's been done to California to be done to the entire country? Who are you going to run as his VP...Lori Lightfoot?
I think RFK Jr. running as an independent would take a fairly even amount of votes from both sides. This article puts forward the idea that not only would RFK Jr. take a lot more votes from the Republican side, they propose that it is an op, designed specifically to enable Newsom, not Biden, to defeat Trump.

Stop thinking about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden. Unfortunately, this will be the narrative; this will be what is polled. However, Joe Biden will not be the DNC nominee.

The correct question is, what does RFK Jr. running as an independent do to the 2024 contest when it is Gavin Newsom -vs- Donald Trump?

In that scenario, the motives and intentions of RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, because Joe Biden is a blithering idiot, disappears. Democrats will happily stick with Newsom…. which is exactly why his visibility is everywhere right now. It’s an op.

RFK Jr. running as an independent, is part of that op.

Reset your reference point to the baseline where the intelligence operatives do not want you to be. When someone starts asking the question about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, stop them immediately. Joe Biden will not be the nominee. With Gavin Newsom as the DNC candidate coming out of Chicago, what does RFK Jr. do to THAT contest with Trump? That’s the question.
RFK Jr is a liberal and not a progressive Democrat. Most of his views are left of center but he has a level of common-sense that many in his party lack.
Gavin Newsome? Why would any sane person want what's been done to California to be done to the entire country? Who are you going to run as his VP...Lori Lightfoot?
We're talking about Dem voters. The same kind who elected that moron twice.
When did the Biden cult get the offical OK to bash Biden?

They do not think for themselves.

I have seen dogwhistles in the media since the spring.

Gavin made it very clear he is not running for President. He has said it over and over. Gavin would never lie.
I think it's the Democrat party as a whole that is coming up with all these Marxist policies. Biden is just an unwitting puppet-scapegoat. Switching Newsome for Biden won't change anything except for the fact that some of the new totalitarian ideas will actually be coming from Newsome's unhinged mind. In the end, it's the Marxist Democrat party and their allies in education and the media, that are destroying our country.
I think RFK Jr. running as an independent would take a fairly even amount of votes from both sides. This article puts forward the idea that not only would RFK Jr. take a lot more votes from the Republican side, they propose that it is an op, designed specifically to enable Newsom, not Biden, to defeat Trump.

Stop thinking about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden. Unfortunately, this will be the narrative; this will be what is polled. However, Joe Biden will not be the DNC nominee.

The correct question is, what does RFK Jr. running as an independent do to the 2024 contest when it is Gavin Newsom -vs- Donald Trump?

In that scenario, the motives and intentions of RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, because Joe Biden is a blithering idiot, disappears. Democrats will happily stick with Newsom…. which is exactly why his visibility is everywhere right now. It’s an op.

RFK Jr. running as an independent, is part of that op.

Reset your reference point to the baseline where the intelligence operatives do not want you to be. When someone starts asking the question about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, stop them immediately. Joe Biden will not be the nominee. With Gavin Newsom as the DNC candidate coming out of Chicago, what does RFK Jr. do to THAT contest with Trump? That’s the question.
Odd, but I haven't seen many Democrats supporting Kennedy. Repubs praise him often.
Gavin Newsome? Why would any sane person want what's been done to California to be done to the entire country? Who are you going to run as his VP...Lori Lightfoot?
We don't call him Gruesome for nothing. His choice of a black, gay from Maryland is typical.
I think RFK Jr. running as an independent would take a fairly even amount of votes from both sides. This article puts forward the idea that not only would RFK Jr. take a lot more votes from the Republican side, they propose that it is an op, designed specifically to enable Newsom, not Biden, to defeat Trump.

Stop thinking about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden. Unfortunately, this will be the narrative; this will be what is polled. However, Joe Biden will not be the DNC nominee.

The correct question is, what does RFK Jr. running as an independent do to the 2024 contest when it is Gavin Newsom -vs- Donald Trump?

In that scenario, the motives and intentions of RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, because Joe Biden is a blithering idiot, disappears. Democrats will happily stick with Newsom…. which is exactly why his visibility is everywhere right now. It’s an op.

RFK Jr. running as an independent, is part of that op.

Reset your reference point to the baseline where the intelligence operatives do not want you to be. When someone starts asking the question about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, stop them immediately. Joe Biden will not be the nominee. With Gavin Newsom as the DNC candidate coming out of Chicago, what does RFK Jr. do to THAT contest with Trump? That’s the question.

Can anyone pushing the Newsom prediction explain how Biden would step down that wouldn't damage the democrats? Also what happens to Harris? You think black activists will go along with promoting a white guy over Harris or another black woman heading the ticket?
While democrats are better than republicans when it comes to being united, that unity doesn't happen over night. If Biden steps down or is taken out it's a free for all to replace him.
Every POTUS election cycle we get these predictions of the front runner being taken out and someone not running being appointed or stepping in at the last minute. When has this ever actually happened?
I think RFK Jr. running as an independent would take a fairly even amount of votes from both sides. This article puts forward the idea that not only would RFK Jr. take a lot more votes from the Republican side, they propose that it is an op, designed specifically to enable Newsom, not Biden, to defeat Trump.
So you've all given up on Hillary Clinton's return?

Probably not. I'm sure that theory is just waiting in the shadows to come back again. Trump cult losers are that desperate.

The Democrats are romping in every special election, outperforming Biden-2020 by big margins. It won't be close, with Biden taking every state he took in 2020, plus North Carolina.
I think it's the Democrat party as a whole that is coming up with all these Marxist policies. Biden is just an unwitting puppet-scapegoat. Switching Newsome for Biden won't change anything except for the fact that some of the new totalitarian ideas will actually be coming from Newsome's unhinged mind. In the end, it's the Marxist Democrat party and their allies in education and the media, that are destroying our country.

Democrats never blame their policies for being unpopular but blame the messenger. The goal in replacing Biden would give democrats opportunity to repackage the Biden agenda with a fresh young face. This is why many are saying to make the case against Biden's policies and not his age.
So you've all given up on Hillary Clinton's return?

Probably not. I'm sure that theory is just waiting in the shadows to come back again. Trump cult losers are that desperate.

The Democrats are romping in every special election, outperforming Biden-2020 by big margins. It won't be close, with Biden taking every state he took in 2020, plus North Carolina.
It’s hard to imagine how fucked up a nation must be to re-elect either Don or Joe. Two of the dumbest MFers ever to be stain our political class and that’s saying a lot.
I think RFK Jr. running as an independent would take a fairly even amount of votes from both sides. This article puts forward the idea that not only would RFK Jr. take a lot more votes from the Republican side, they propose that it is an op, designed specifically to enable Newsom, not Biden, to defeat Trump.

Stop thinking about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden. Unfortunately, this will be the narrative; this will be what is polled. However, Joe Biden will not be the DNC nominee.

The correct question is, what does RFK Jr. running as an independent do to the 2024 contest when it is Gavin Newsom -vs- Donald Trump?

In that scenario, the motives and intentions of RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, because Joe Biden is a blithering idiot, disappears. Democrats will happily stick with Newsom…. which is exactly why his visibility is everywhere right now. It’s an op.

RFK Jr. running as an independent, is part of that op.

Reset your reference point to the baseline where the intelligence operatives do not want you to be. When someone starts asking the question about RFK Jr. taking votes from Biden, stop them immediately. Joe Biden will not be the nominee. With Gavin Newsom as the DNC candidate coming out of Chicago, what does RFK Jr. do to THAT contest with Trump? That’s the question.



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