RFK jr finally gets something right....


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
LBJ started his political career when the incumbent Rep he was running against was murdered.... and no grand jury ever investigated....

It didn't stop there...

The three LBJ/Hoover/Zionism murders all followed a pattern.

1. a stooge was set up to take the rap
2. the sharpshooter(s) all got away with Hoover's help
3. the Israeli owned "US" media immediately went "911" and accepted the "lone wolf" excuse... and shouted down all others
4. Israel/Zionism was never listed as a "suspect" even though it did every one

Jackie O clearly stated "LBJ" when asked about who offed JFK.

MLK's family clearly states that stooge James Earl Ray was framed by LBJ... did so in 1998.

Now, finally, Global Warming moonbat RFK jr. has finally figured out Siran Siran did not murder his daddy...

Way to go, MORON....

Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.

"But when it was over, Kennedy had joined those who believe there was a second gunman, and that it was not Sirhan who killed his father."
Nutjob rants belong in the conspiracy theory section
LBJ started his political career when the incumbent Rep he was running against was murdered.... and no grand jury ever investigated....

It didn't stop there...

The three LBJ/Hoover/Zionism murders all followed a pattern.

1. a stooge was set up to take the rap
2. the sharpshooter(s) all got away with Hoover's help
3. the Israeli owned "US" media immediately went "911" and accepted the "lone wolf" excuse... and shouted down all others
4. Israel/Zionism was never listed as a "suspect" even though it did every one

Jackie O clearly stated "LBJ" when asked about who offed JFK.

MLK's family clearly states that stooge James Earl Ray was framed by LBJ... did so in 1998.

Now, finally, Global Warming moonbat RFK jr. has finally figured out Siran Siran did not murder his daddy...

Way to go, MORON....

Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.

"But when it was over, Kennedy had joined those who believe there was a second gunman, and that it was not Sirhan who killed his father."
Anyone who has bothered to study the several big assassinations of the 1960s, knows the government story is bull shit. It would seem to indicate that the government is covering up something.

Take the JFK documents that the government continues to withhold, even 55 years after the event. Why are they doing this? There can be only one answer. They are covering up something.
The op originally from the WaPo..
Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn’t believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.

Most people have long know that there was something hinky about the RFK assassination...13 bullets fired when Sirhan's gun only held 8. The autopsy that showed that RFK was killed by a shot to the back of the head..point blank...while Sirhan was in front of RFK when he fired. The LAPD did a shoddy job..and Sirhan's defense lawyer..never introduced any evidence to raise doubt. Some of the bullets did not match Sirhan's gun forensically.

I doubt we'll ever know--especially with the professional conspiracy theorists clouding the waters with outlandish 'zionist' bs.

But questions about the case arose almost immediately in Los Angeles, resulting in hearings and reinvestigations as early as 1971 by the district attorney, the police chief, the county board of supervisors and the county superior court. Many of them focused on the ballistics of the case, starting with Noguchi's finding that Kennedy had been shot from behind, which Sirhan's lawyer didn't raise in his defense.

In addition, lead crime scene investigator DeWayne Wolfer testified at trial that a bullet taken from Kennedy's body and bullets from two of the wounded victims all matched Sirhan's gun.

But other experts who examined the three bullets said they had markings from different guns and different bullet manufacturers. An internal police document concluded that "Kennedy and Weisel bullets not fired from same gun," (Weisel was the wounded ABC news producer) and "Kennedy bullet not fired from Sirhan's revolver."

This prompted a Los Angeles judge in 1975 to convene a panel of seven forensic experts, who examined the three bullets and refired Sirhan's gun. The panel said no match could be made between the three bullets, which appeared to be fired from the same gun, and Sirhan's revolver. They found Wolfer had done a sloppy job with the ballistics evidence and urged further investigation.
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The autopsy that showed that RFK was killed by a shot to the back of the head..point blank...while Sirhan was in front of RFK when he fired. The LAPD did a shoddy job..and Sirhan's defense lawyer..never introduced any evidence to raise doubt. Some of the bullets did not match Sirhan's gun forensically.

Congrats to Bobby jr. for finally figuring it out

50 fucking years later after the fact....
The autopsy that showed that RFK was killed by a shot to the back of the head..point blank...while Sirhan was in front of RFK when he fired. The LAPD did a shoddy job..and Sirhan's defense lawyer..never introduced any evidence to raise doubt. Some of the bullets did not match Sirhan's gun forensically.

Congrats to Bobby jr. for finally figuring it out

50 fucking years later after the fact....
Dang..you seem more interested in bashing the guy's son..than you do in actually finding out who did it! Of course, you already believe ZOG did it..thus killing any credibility the theory might have..and thus, the real killers have zero chance of getting caught.
Clearly, for all three JFK, RFK, MLK, it was the same set-up with Hoover/LBJ in control....

The "real killer" in all three was likely a Mossad sharpshooter.

RFK Jr. wants to imprison anyone who asks

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

LBJ offed the wrong Kennedys. He should have offed Teddy and RFK Jr., the two MOST WORTHLESS ONES....
Among the material was an audiotape, first unearthed by CNN journalist Brad Johnson, which had been inadvertently made by Polish journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski in the Ambassador ballroom, and turned over to police in 1969.

Pruszynski's microphone had been on the podium where Kennedy spoke, and TV footage shows him detaching it and moving toward the pantry as the shooting happens.

In 2005, audio engineer Philip Van Praag said the tape revealed that about 13 shots had been fired. He said he used technology similar to the ShotSpotter technology used by police to alert them to gunshots, and which differentiates gunshots from firecrackers or other loud bangs.

Van Praag said recently that different guns create different resonances and that he was able to establish that two guns were fired, that they fired in different directions, and that some of the shot "impulses" were so close together they couldn't have been fired by the same gun. He said he could not say "precisely" 13 shots but certainly more than the eight contained by Sirhan's gun.

"There were too many bullets," Robert Kennedy Jr. said. "You can't fire 13 shots out of an eight-shot gun.
Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.

I don't believe in the second gun theory.
Somebody had it out for The Kennedys. All of them. Perhaps they raped the wrong girl and it's some kind of vendetta?
Sirhan Sirhan was an Arab who killed Bobby Kennedy for supporting the right of Jewish self-determination.

The entire history of the Middle East has been re-written towards a pro-Arab view during my own lifetime, and this seems to be yet another part of it
Sirhan Sirhan was an Arab who killed Bobby Kennedy for supporting the right of Jewish self-determination.

The entire history of the Middle East has been re-written towards a pro-Arab view during my own lifetime, and this seems to be yet another part of it

So is it Fatwa and jihad against the Kennedys? Down to the last of their bloodline?
Sirhan Sirhan was an Arab who killed Bobby Kennedy for supporting the right of Jewish self-determination.

The entire history of the Middle East has been re-written towards a pro-Arab view during my own lifetime, and this seems to be yet another part of it

So is it Fatwa and jihad against the Kennedys? Down to the last of their bloodline?
I don't know.

What I do know is that Arabs have invested quite a lot into re-writing history. He who controls the past, controls the present, you know.

When I watched Sirhan Sirhan kill Bobby Kennedy at the time, the issue was of his support for the Jewish state. Now that it seems the entire world stands against this tiny state, I question this revisionist history.
LBJ started his political career when the incumbent Rep he was running against was murdered.... and no grand jury ever investigated....

It didn't stop there...

The three LBJ/Hoover/Zionism murders all followed a pattern.

1. a stooge was set up to take the rap
2. the sharpshooter(s) all got away with Hoover's help
3. the Israeli owned "US" media immediately went "911" and accepted the "lone wolf" excuse... and shouted down all others
4. Israel/Zionism was never listed as a "suspect" even though it did every one

Jackie O clearly stated "LBJ" when asked about who offed JFK.

MLK's family clearly states that stooge James Earl Ray was framed by LBJ... did so in 1998.

Now, finally, Global Warming moonbat RFK jr. has finally figured out Siran Siran did not murder his daddy...

Way to go, MORON....

Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.

"But when it was over, Kennedy had joined those who believe there was a second gunman, and that it was not Sirhan who killed his father."

Dude, do you ever go to bed?
If RFK had become POTUS, which he likely would have, he intended to investigate the assassination of his brother. This couldn't be allowed.

John Jr. lost his life in a plane crash. It has been speculated that he intended to run for POTUS and wanted to expose his father's killers. His magazine 'George' is said to point a finger at CIA asshole, George HW Bush.

There is speculation this all goes back to Joseph P Kennedy Sr. It is claimed he owed the Mafia something and when JFK became POTUS, he told the Mafia JFK would leave them alone. It is said the Mob had something to do with JFK's election victory, such as stuffing the ballot boxes in Chicago. They thought they had bought protection. Of course, JFK and RFK went after them ruthlessly. For this betrayal, the Mob murdered both men (maybe John Jr too)...with help from the Deep State and likely others within our government, including LBJ. Who benefited greatly after JFK's murder.

The government will never come clean on these murders. The cover up will exist forever.
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Sirhan Sirhan was an Arab who killed Bobby Kennedy for supporting the right of Jewish self-determination.

The entire history of the Middle East has been re-written towards a pro-Arab view during my own lifetime, and this seems to be yet another part of it

The second gun theory is actually pushed by Paul Schrade---who was also shot.

I'm not so sure that it is being rewritten towards a pro-Arab view. That doesn't mean that it wouldn't be taken advantage of to promote that at some point.

There is a documentary on Netflix currently that has Paul Schrade discussing his view. I didn't get the feeling that he was rewriting history. He appeared to be obsessed with what he felt was the truth.
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