Rex Tillerson potential Secretary of State


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
I hope you guys realize the gravity of something like this. ExxonMobil is a global empire with entire governments in their pocket.

They are the only corporation I know of that is actively involved in armed struggle with foreign militants. They are the only corporation I know of that hires private armies and then orders them to commit human right abuses.

This corporation is responsible for the destruction of entire ecosystems. This corporation is responsible for financing genocide in third world countries like Nigeria. Let's just consider the obvious danger of putting the worlds second largest oil company into the US governments most powerful department (par with the DOD).

I realize that he is just a candidate, but how could you ever reconcile with an administration that puts Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State? The state department would just use public funds to finance their overseas interests, by arming/bribing their allies and extorting their enemies.
Obvious sarcasm is obvious, but the secretary of state is far more dangerous. Like I said, ExxonMobil is a global empire with entire governments in their pocket. Human beings are dying fighting ExxonMobil's private armies, not even including the generals they have on payroll.

They have interests all around the globe, and this means that they could be handed the official capacity to negotiate on behalf of the United States.
This is interesting... Had me scratching my head when I saw the name pop up on the list of considerations. My first thought was that it was a "Fuck You" from Trump to all his critics that are complaining about his business conflicts while being in office... Double down while sending the dogs after some new blood for a while...
Something like this would be a slap in the face to most reasonable people. There has always been corporatism and demagogue behavior in government, but Trump has a way of making it blatantly obvious and still getting people to support him.

I wonder if a Trump supporter could defend something like this. Rex Tillerson as secretary of state would be the ultimate expression of corporatism and cronyism. The fact that he is even being considered raises red flags.
Something like this would be a slap in the face to most reasonable people. There has always been corporatism and demagogue behavior in government, but Trump has a way of making it blatantly obvious and still getting people to support him.

I wonder if a Trump supporter could defend something like this. Rex Tillerson as secretary of state would be the ultimate expression of corporatism and cronyism. The fact that he is even being considered raises red flags.
It is the common theme of this election. People are so anti government they think that a business minded mentality is whats needed to fix it. While I do agree with that to some degree, I believe many are overlooking the vast amount of power and corruption involved in corporate America and we need to be very weary of the potential conflicts of ascending these elites into political power
I keep emphasizing that ExxonMobil isn't just any other corporation. They are easily one of the worse corporations in the world, if not the worse corporation in the world. How many companies do you know that are engaged in armed combat in a half dozen countries?
Reviving this thread. This needs more discussion.
I hope you guys realize the gravity of something like this. ExxonMobil is a global empire with entire governments in their pocket.

They are the only corporation I know of that is actively involved in armed struggle with foreign militants. They are the only corporation I know of that hires private armies and then orders them to commit human right abuses.

This corporation is responsible for the destruction of entire ecosystems. This corporation is responsible for financing genocide in third world countries like Nigeria. Let's just consider the obvious danger of putting the worlds second largest oil company into the US governments most powerful department (par with the DOD).

I realize that he is just a candidate, but how could you ever reconcile with an administration that puts Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State? The state department would just use public funds to finance their overseas interests, by arming/bribing their allies and extorting their enemies.
You are green on the outside, and all red inside.....huh.....
I haven't read up on Rex, I only know the highlights of Exxons reputation. What are your specific points of concern? Has he broken laws or been directly responsible for moral atrocities?
I hope you guys realize the gravity of something like this. ExxonMobil is a global empire with entire governments in their pocket.

They are the only corporation I know of that is actively involved in armed struggle with foreign militants. They are the only corporation I know of that hires private armies and then orders them to commit human right abuses.

This corporation is responsible for the destruction of entire ecosystems. This corporation is responsible for financing genocide in third world countries like Nigeria. Let's just consider the obvious danger of putting the worlds second largest oil company into the US governments most powerful department (par with the DOD).

I realize that he is just a candidate, but how could you ever reconcile with an administration that puts Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State? The state department would just use public funds to finance their overseas interests, by arming/bribing their allies and extorting their enemies.
You are green on the outside, and all red inside.....huh.....

So caring about the environment is wrong?
Back up what you are saying. I've researched the man and as CEO of Exxon he has gone out of his way to make certain that Exxon is a good corporate citizen with every country they do business with.

Now back up what you are saying or you are full of shit. I can back up what I post. Back it up or suck it baby.

"The August 2011, OAO NK Rosneft and ExxonMobil concluded a strategic cooperation agreement to establish the framework for joint oil exploration and production in Russia, the United States and other countries.

Since the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement, Rosneft and ExxonMobil have formed 10 joint ventures for projects in the Russian Arctic, the Black Sea and western Siberia.

In 2014, one Rosneft and ExxonMobil joint venture drilled the first Arctic exploration well, Univerity-1, in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Our commitment to corporate citizenship in Russia

  • More than US$250 million has been provided for Sakhalin and Khabarovsk Krai infrastructure improvements in support of local community and Sakhalin-1 project needs, including hospitals and clinics, roads, bridges, harbors, airports, and power and water facilities.

  • The Sakhalin-1 consortium has provided over US$28 million to date to support contribution projects in Sakhalin and Khabarovsk regions. The focus is made on education, health care, culture, indigenous minority population traditions and language, sports and arts. Since 2012, Sakhalin-1 Consortium supports math and science higher education on Sakhalin through the creation of the Sakhalin Oil and Gas Technical Institute jointly with Sakhalin Government and Sakhalin University.

  • Since 2013, ExxonMobil has implemented Women’s Health community project “The Healthy North: Preventive Care in the Kara Sea Area” in the Archangelsk and Murmansk Oblasts to address the need for early cancer diagnosis through upgrade of diagnostic equipment for hospitals, a public awareness campaign for early check-ups and to promote a healthy way of life.

  • Since 2014, ExxonMobil has provided support for the State Geological Museum to create a modern, digital and interactive educational environment for children and young adults.

  • In 2013, ExxonMobil gave a contribution to Moscow State University to purchase laboratory equipment that will help students enhance their knowledge in the oil and gas field.

  • Since 2005, ExxonMobil Russia Inc. has supported more than 14,500 orphans and orphanage graduates through Nadezhda (Hope) Charity Foundation programs from five regions near Moscow.
More at link:
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I hope you guys realize the gravity of something like this. ExxonMobil is a global empire with entire governments in their pocket.

They are the only corporation I know of that is actively involved in armed struggle with foreign militants. They are the only corporation I know of that hires private armies and then orders them to commit human right abuses.

This corporation is responsible for the destruction of entire ecosystems. This corporation is responsible for financing genocide in third world countries like Nigeria. Let's just consider the obvious danger of putting the worlds second largest oil company into the US governments most powerful department (par with the DOD).

I realize that he is just a candidate, but how could you ever reconcile with an administration that puts Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State? The state department would just use public funds to finance their overseas interests, by arming/bribing their allies and extorting their enemies.

Prove your shit or you are just another liar on this board.
I haven't read up on Rex, I only know the highlights of Exxons reputation. What are your specific points of concern? Has he broken laws or been directly responsible for moral atrocities?

Rex Tillerson is morally accountable for the atrocities committed by ExxonMobil. He is the CEO of the company.
Back up what you are saying. I've researched the man and as CEO of Exxon he has gone out of his way to make certain that Exxon is a good corporate citizen with every country they do business with.

Been reading corporate propaganda, have you? Everything you have said is just PR. Too bad those killed by Exxon "security" are not alive to tell their side of the story.
Prove your shit or you are just another liar on this board.

I don't have to prove jackshit to tools like you. I am here to discuss; Not act as your wikipedia. Research yourself or fuck off.

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