Revealed: Intelligence Community Collected And Shared Information About Trump Transition People...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Man, it does look like the Democrats did surveill the opposition's Candidate for President. Very disturbing. It's something you wouldn't think could happen here.

Early information arising from a US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee investigation into possible United States government spying on Donald Trump and people associated with him appears to show that information about individuals associated with Trump and his presidential transition was collected through surveillance by, and was widely distributed in, the US intelligence community.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told reporters Wednesday that “on numerous occasions the intelligence community incidentally collected information about US citizens involved in the Trump transition” and that “details about US persons associated with the incoming administration — details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value — were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting.”...

Revealed: Intelligence Community Collected and Shared Information about Trump Transition People
Yeah that's it....The leaks of the crimes are the real crime here!

Yes, the actual crime is the surveilling and leaking of info gathered. The surveillance didn't uncover any illegal activities on Trump's part. The surveillance itself could be criminal. Surveilling the opposition's Candidate for President amounts to Watergate ten-fold. It's a heinous Un-American act.
Yup, the info on criminals was shared with LEO and intel.

Of course.
Yup, the info on criminals was shared with LEO and intel.

Of course.

Y'all shouldn't be cheering this. Surveilling the opposition's Candidate for President is incredibly disturbing. It's something you wouldn't think happens here. It's Watergate ten-fold. All Americans should be very concerned.
The campaign was surveiled for opposition connections.

HRC was surveiled for possible compromised emails.

Both absolutely the right decisions.

Comey broke Clinton, and he has decided, obviously, that trump will be broken.
The campaign was surveiled for opposition connections.

HRC was surveiled for possible compromised emails.

Both absolutely the right decisions.

Comey broke Clinton, and he has decided, obviously, that trump will be broken.

They didn't just surveill Trump. They surveilled his entire Campaign. It's incredibly disturbing. It's imperative we find out who ordered it.
If the OP offered any additional facts or details to back up any of these accusations, I missed it.
It's all conjecture at this point, no matter how many fancy words you want to wrap it in. Nunes needs to provide the information he saw or heard about to the committee and then it needs to be shared with the people. He made it a public deal, now he needs to deliver.
dschrute is crapping in the corner cause his team got caught out.

go Comey!

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