Reuters admits " no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Reuters report detailing how Trump campaign advisers were in contact with Russia during the last 7 months of the campaign admits that there was no evidence of collusion between the two parties to influence the election, dismantling the left’s entire Russian narrative.

Although presented as another major scoop designed to damage Trump, the article, which is based on intelligence sources, completely vindicates him.

Reuters Admits: “No Evidence of Collusion” Between Trump and Russia

As one of Obama' s little bitches said " The noose is getting tighter" lmfao you don't even know what you don't know . The only thing you know is what CNN , MSN, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc told you. You can't even think for yourself you idiot. Not to mention to retarded to research information outside the box.

The only ones who believe this Russia bs are the severely retarded who needs controlled media to think for them. Hell you don't even have to like Trump to realize this one. Wow some ppl can not like Trump but are smart enough to realize this is a lying plot to get him out off office .

It's all just more Leftist Communist bullshit as usual.....Snowflakes in epic meltdown



Have you noticed that even FoxNews has swung to the Communist side?
Their anti-Trump headlines now appear more aligned with Yahoo, CNN and MSLSD
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Why did you link to a conspiracy site instead of the actual article, whose author never once said there is no evidence of collusion?

Valid point....
But answer the question....IS there any verifiable PROOF of collusion at this point? I haven't heard of any. And since there is none (at this point), isn't a bit premature to be screaming for impeachment?
Why did you link to a conspiracy site instead of the actual article, whose author never once said there is no evidence of collusion?

Valid point....
But answer the question....IS there any verifiable PROOF of collusion at this point? I haven't heard of any. And since there is none (at this point), isn't a bit premature to be screaming for impeachment?
There is proof of Trump cohorts being paid by Russia during the campaign and proof that Trump gave free classified info to Russia which..... wasn't that what you were afraid Hillary would do? Oh my.
Breaking Everywhere!

Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”

The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's testimony is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump
Why did you link to a conspiracy site instead of the actual article, whose author never once said there is no evidence of collusion?

Valid point....
But answer the question....IS there any verifiable PROOF of collusion at this point? I haven't heard of any. And since there is none (at this point), isn't a bit premature to be screaming for impeachment?
There is proof of Trump cohorts being paid by Russia during the campaign and proof that Trump gave free classified info to Russia which..... wasn't that what you were afraid Hillary would do? Oh my.

Sorry, but your saying "there's proof" isn't proof.

Valid links...because as I said, I've looked and there are none.
And also list your links to the US code that specifically makes anything you say is proof is illegal.

Otherwise......See Post #2

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