Retarded attacks on Obama.

Ok fellows, stop the idiotic attacks on Obama about where he was born. Until and unless a Court agrees to hear it and then rules on it, it is beyond stupid. It also assumes the Republicans in Hawaii that run the Government all agreed to lie about his being born there.

Also stop the idiotic attacks on him claiming to be black on the Census. Guess what dumb asses? He is black.

We have more then enough REAL issues to derail him with, without the stupidity of these threads.

Michelle Obama admitted that Barak Hussein's home country is Kenya.

[ame=]YouTube - Michelle Obama speaking at the LGBT Delegate (The World as it Should Be)[/ame]
Liberals just can't take their god not being worshipped by everybody.

Any dissenters are heretics that need to be destroyed according to them.
Ok fellows, stop the idiotic attacks on Obama about where he was born. Until and unless a Court agrees to hear it and then rules on it, it is beyond stupid. It also assumes the Republicans in Hawaii that run the Government all agreed to lie about his being born there.

Also stop the idiotic attacks on him claiming to be black on the Census. Guess what dumb asses? He is black.

We have more then enough REAL issues to derail him with, without the stupidity of these threads.

Hear hear!

I've always felt that attacking a guy because he couldn't produce an actual birth certificate was ABSURD! But that it was just as absurd for a guy with an actual Birth Certificate to refuse to produce it; and then cry that he was being attacked by people who questioned why he refused to do what any reasonable person would have done; let alone the President of the United States. It's twisted beyond belief...

Even more absurd is the idea that the Bush administration never checked his birth location or knew he didn't qualify and let him go to the office. It's beyond retarded.

And why should he have to release it to the public, the birthers would just claim it was faked, just like the moon landing hoax crackpots and the 9/11 truthers they'd never accept any evidence against them.
Liberals just can't take their god not being worshipped by everybody.

Any dissenters are heretics that need to be destroyed according to them.

If you think the OP is a liberal you must not be paying too much attention around here.
Ok fellows, stop the idiotic attacks on Obama about where he was born. Until and unless a Court agrees to hear it and then rules on it, it is beyond stupid. It also assumes the Republicans in Hawaii that run the Government all agreed to lie about his being born there.

Also stop the idiotic attacks on him claiming to be black on the Census. Guess what dumb asses? He is black.

We have more then enough REAL issues to derail him with, without the stupidity of these threads.

Hear hear!

I've always felt that attacking a guy because he couldn't produce an actual birth certificate was ABSURD! But that it was just as absurd for a guy with an actual Birth Certificate to refuse to produce it; and then cry that he was being attacked by people who questioned why he refused to do what any reasonable person would have done; let alone the President of the United States. It's twisted beyond belief...

Even more absurd is the idea that the Bush administration never checked his birth location or knew he didn't qualify and let him go to the office. It's beyond retarded.

And why should he have to release it to the public, the birthers would just claim it was faked, just like the moon landing hoax crackpots and the 9/11 truthers they'd never accept any evidence against them.

Yes, there would still be some who would call it fake. But there would be a whole lot fewer. As i have said before i believe he was born in Hawaii; but also that he is hiding some stupid little thing that probably doesn't make any difference. Most of us have figured out that his parents were not legally married already.
Ok fellows, stop the idiotic attacks on Obama about where he was born. Until and unless a Court agrees to hear it and then rules on it, it is beyond stupid. It also assumes the Republicans in Hawaii that run the Government all agreed to lie about his being born there.

Also stop the idiotic attacks on him claiming to be black on the Census. Guess what dumb asses? He is black.

We have more then enough REAL issues to derail him with, without the stupidity of these threads.

Michelle Obama admitted that Barak Hussein's home country is Kenya.
Liberals just can't take their god not being worshipped by everybody.

Any dissenters are heretics that need to be destroyed according to them.
I'd love for one of the birthers to explain to me how they managed to get birth notices published in Honolulu newspapers, as if they knew in advance when exactly he was going to be born, and where, and that US birthplace would be needed for the 40-something years in the future run for POTUS.

Would have been MUCH easier simply to GO to Hawaii and give birth there, rather than concoct this massive conspiracy.

Occam's razor.
Ok fellows, stop the idiotic attacks on Obama about where he was born. Until and unless a Court agrees to hear it and then rules on it, it is beyond stupid. It also assumes the Republicans in Hawaii that run the Government all agreed to lie about his being born there.

Also stop the idiotic attacks on him claiming to be black on the Census. Guess what dumb asses? He is black.

We have more then enough REAL issues to derail him with, without the stupidity of these threads.

Michelle Obama admitted that Barak Hussein's home country is Kenya.
Liberals just can't take their god not being worshipped by everybody.

Any dissenters are heretics that need to be destroyed according to them.
I'd love for one of the birthers to explain to me how they managed to get birth notices published in Honolulu newspapers, as if they knew in advance when exactly he was going to be born, and where, and that US birthplace would be needed for the 40-something years in the future run for POTUS.

Would have been MUCH easier simply to GO to Hawaii and give birth there, rather than concoct this massive conspiracy.

Occam's razor.

Let's see the newspaper birth notices?
No, don't stop. I keep getting all the good names from Patriotic Republicans who refer to the duly elected president of the United States, elected by the people, as: A “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ"?

What does it say about Republicans? (You know that someone is going to write, "That we're patriotic"?- completely missing the point - as usual.)

Chances are he is about 5 of those things, you can guess which ones.

The 5 are highlighted. And by his own admission/actions.

My choices are:


Chicago goon

Pro terrorist

Anti American




Michelle Obama admitted that Barak Hussein's home country is Kenya.
Liberals just can't take their god not being worshipped by everybody.

Any dissenters are heretics that need to be destroyed according to them.
I'd love for one of the birthers to explain to me how they managed to get birth notices published in Honolulu newspapers, as if they knew in advance when exactly he was going to be born, and where, and that US birthplace would be needed for the 40-something years in the future run for POTUS.

Would have been MUCH easier simply to GO to Hawaii and give birth there, rather than concoct this massive conspiracy.

Occam's razor.

Let's see the newspaper birth notices?
I keep asking you what you think all the death threats and name calling of Bush made Democrats? He was called Hitler and Mussolini, He was likened to a Despot. The Democrats and the left claimed he was in bed with Osama Bin Laden. They claimed he was a loony tunes that listened to God for his marching orders. They called him a liar and a thief and a coward. And a whole hell of a lot more.

And I've answered that many times. Bush had the highest rating of any president ever. It was Bush who squandered that. Bush and the Republicans.

Slam dunk
Yellow Cake
Iraqi oil will pay for the war

Ending the hunt for Bin Laden
Refusing to interview the Bin Laden family after 9/11 and helping them get out of the country

Then there are the no bid contracts for cronies and pals.
The wasted money
The patriot act
Iraq becoming an Islamic Theocracy by Constitution.
They fact they hate our guts.
The Christian genocide in Iraq

What Bush did is Bush's fault. The lies, the deceit. He was backed by America, He did it to himself.

Democrats NEVER said they want him to FAIL the way Republicans have said about Obama. Republicans have lied about the debt, about the economy, about everything. They just lie.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ninety percent of Americans approve of the way President Bush is handling his job after the Sept. 11 attacks, the highest rating for a U.S. president ever recorded by the Gallup polling group, USA Today and CNN reported on Sunday.

Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent - CBS News

(CBS) President Bush will leave office as one of the most unpopular departing presidents in history, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll showing Mr. Bush's final approval rating at 22 percent.

Mr. Bush's final approval rating is the lowest final rating for an outgoing president since Gallup began asking about presidential approval more than 70 years ago.

You are either mentally Insane STUPID beyond belief or more likely an out right LIAR.

Democrats claimed that Bush stole both elections. And for the last 9 years have called him far worse then anything Obama has been called.

LIAR? About what? I even added links. I stand by my post. There are no lies here.
The 5 are highlighted. And by his own admission/actions.

Pro terrorist

Anti American

Ok I'll bite what exactly has he done that's pro terrorist and please be specific.

Other than one of his first actions as president being the announcement of closing down Gitmo, giving Al Qaida terrorists Miranda rights?

GOP winning war over Miranda rights for terrorists | Washington Examiner

Obama is also being an advocate for the palestinian authority, whose government kidnapped and threatened journalists to intimidate them from releasing videos of the thousands of the palestinians who celebrated the 911 attack on America.

Obama is siding with these vermin and attacking the only democracy in the middle east, Israel.

I think it all comes down to whom his mentor and closest advisor was for 20 years. And that person is

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama Pastor Jeremiah Wright NEW TAPES!!!![/ame]

Wright is who Obama really is. Obama is just too polished and smart to admit his true agenda publically.
Chances are he is about 5 of those things, you can guess which ones.

The 5 are highlighted. And by his own admission/actions.

My choices are:


Chicago goon

Pro terrorist

Anti American





To Confederate Republicans, smart black men ALWAYS seem "arrogant, narcissistic and pompous". As opposed to Bush, who was just "arrogant".

[ame=]YouTube - "Watch this drive"[/ame]
You left out Chicago goon, communist, and anti-american.
Pro terrorist

Anti American

Ok I'll bite what exactly has he done that's pro terrorist and please be specific.

He went to Wright's church.

He met William Ayers.

Isn't that enough?

Of course, Palin is married to a secessionist. But, then again, she's white.

Met William Ayers? Are fucking kidding me? Obama got his start in politics in Ayers living room. Damn you are fucking stupid.
Just thought this would be worth mentioning...

I'm sure there's nothing to it; probably taken out of context; as we were told was the case when Mr. Obama's GrandMother gave much the same testimony.

But it should be noted, nonetheless...

[ame=]YouTube - Obama home country is Kenya[/ame]

YouTube- Short-version: Mrs. Obama testifying that to the best of her knowledge, Mr. Obama's home country is Kenya[/url]

Some have suggested that the edit on the above strips her testimony of context; so towards shutting that bilge down; the DENIERS! can wade through the entire drivelous pap...

Pro terrorist

Anti American

Ok I'll bite what exactly has he done that's pro terrorist and please be specific.

Other than one of his first actions as president being the announcement of closing down Gitmo, giving Al Qaida terrorists Miranda rights?

GOP winning war over Miranda rights for terrorists | Washington Examiner

Obama is also being an advocate for the palestinian authority, whose government kidnapped and threatened journalists to intimidate them from releasing videos of the thousands of the palestinians who celebrated the 911 attack on America.

Obama is siding with these vermin and attacking the only democracy in the middle east, Israel.

I think it all comes down to whom his mentor and closest advisor was for 20 years. And that person is

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama Pastor Jeremiah Wright NEW TAPES!!!![/ame]

Wright is who Obama really is. Obama is just too polished and smart to admit his true agenda publically.

You know that's all bullshit.

And what the fuck was the Republican agenda during the Bush years?

2 wars - 3 trillion dollars

Letting Bin Laden go (I don't think about him)

Drug bill Republicans passed through reconciliation (1.2 trillion to 15 trillion)

Deregulation of Wall Street leading to a ruined economy

2.5 trillion dollar tax cut for the rich

8 years of no-bid cronyism

I hope he (Obama) fails


What the fuck do Republicans stand for? Seriously. You guys are MASSIVE failures. What right do you guys have to accuse Obama of any of the nonsense you accuse him of? You failed. You even worked to help companies send American jobs overseas.

Republicans have done NOTHING except FAIL. What is WRONG with you people?
Pro terrorist

Anti American

Ok I'll bite what exactly has he done that's pro terrorist and please be specific.

Other than one of his first actions as president being the announcement of closing down Gitmo, giving Al Qaida terrorists Miranda rights?

GOP winning war over Miranda rights for terrorists | Washington Examiner

So standing up for the rights of the accused means you're in favor of the crimes they are accused of? You can't make this bullshit up.

I think it all comes down to whom his mentor and closest advisor was for 20 years. And that person is

YouTube - Barack Obama Pastor Jeremiah Wright NEW TAPES!!!!

Wright is who Obama really is. Obama is just too polished and smart to admit his true agenda publically.

Obama is not Wright, this is simple.
Ok I'll bite what exactly has he done that's pro terrorist and please be specific.

He went to Wright's church.

He met William Ayers.

Isn't that enough?

Of course, Palin is married to a secessionist. But, then again, she's white.

Met William Ayers? Are fucking kidding me? Obama got his start in politics in Ayers living room. Damn you are fucking stupid.

That is such a lie. Morons such as yourself repeat that so many times, you believe it as truth. You are pathetic. You stupid fuck.

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