“Restore Science to its Rightful Place.”


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Obama: “Restore Science to its Rightful Place.”

1. Gee….if only the Right controlled the media…or at least got an even shot from same. Maybe there wouldn’t be as many smears of Republicans, such as “Bush Misuses Science Data, Report Says”…

a. ‘WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 — The Bush administration persistently manipulates scientific data to serve its ideology and protect the interests of its political supporters, a report by the minority staff of the House Committee on Government Reform says.” Bush Misuses Science Data, Report Says - NYTimes.com

b. The Times made it appear earth-shattering….unless one noted that it was ‘charges’ by Democrats. “The 40-page report, which was prepared for Representative Henry A. Waxman, the committee's ranking Democrat, accused the administration of compromising the scientific integrity of federal institutions that monitor food and medicine, conduct health research, control disease and protect the environment.” Ibid.

2. Then, Obama even addressed the importance of not using science for political purposes: “But let’s be clear: promoting science isn’t just about providing resources – it is also about protecting free and open inquiry. It is about letting scientists like those here today do their jobs, free from manipulation or coercion, and listening to what they tell us, even when it’s inconvenient – especially when it’s inconvenient. It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda – and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.” Remarks of the President-As Prepared for Delivery-Signing of Stem Cell Executive Order and Scientific Integrity Presidential Memorandum | The White House

3. Wadda guy! That must be why they voted for him!
And he did just that! Didn’t he…? No?
“No. In fact, the Obama administration did exactly what they accused the Bush administration of doing: they manipulated data and withheld information from scientists during the BP oil spill.

a. “Reporting from Washington — The Obama administration consistently low-balled its estimates of how much oil was pouring into the Gulf of Mexico from BP's runaway well and offered rosy assessments of the spill's impact after the well was capped, independent government investigators said in a bluntly critical report Wednesday. The repeated underestimation of what became the biggest offshore oil spill in U.S. history contributed to public skepticism about the efficacy of the administration's response, they said.” Report critical of government response to gulf oil spill - Los Angeles Times

b. “Taken together, two of the reports paint a picture of a government that was as unprepared to deal with a catastrophic spill as BP. And the portrait of an administration that withheld information from the public and, more specifically, scientists, …” Ibid.

4. It gets worse. A panel of outside experts reviewed drilling safety recommendations put together by the Department of the Interior. After the scientists approved the draft, the White House altered the contents of the document…”
Berezow and Campbell, “Science Left Behind,” p. 29.

So, Obama did everything except “restore science to its rightful place.”

So....what was the reason dim-wits voted for him.....??
If science was restored to its rightful place, it would be the place of endless and eternal questioning. The left wouldn't stand for that.
The left hates real science, because it can't be twisted for political ends.

That's why they prefer "science".

The majority of scienctists believe agw is real, so what real science are you talking about? The one you discuss amongst your conservo-fascist friends?

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