Responding to Posts in Threads


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
I cannot find this in the rules, so maybe someone can help me out:
Is there a rule that says you cannot respond to posts in threads that have moved off ofpage 1 and onto page 2 or 3 or 4? What page number exactly is the border line for threads to be considered to be "dead"?

I guess a thread on page 100 or 200 could be considered dead? But what about page 3, or 4?

Just curious.
You can respond to any posts, any page. The only rules in place are those for that particular zone. Oh also, after 4 pages in any OP I start, you have to refer to me as Lord Mike.
I cannot find this in the rules, so maybe someone can help me out:
Is there a rule that says you cannot respond to posts in threads that have moved off ofpage 1 and onto page 2 or 3 or 4? What page number exactly is the border line for threads to be considered to be "dead"?

I guess a thread on page 100 or 200 could be considered dead? But what about page 3, or 4?

Just curious.

I don't think there's any such rule. I cannot think of any way for such a rule to make any sense.

I wonder if you understand that the division of a thread into “pages” is not consistent from one user to another. Somewhere in your account settings, there's a parameter to set how many posts are displayed per page. I have mine set to display a hundred posts per page, which is the maximum. Looks like the minimum is twenty posts per page. What appears on the fourth page for someone set to twenty posts per page would still be on the first page for me.
I delete everything in a particular reply but the original person I'm responding to and that message. It makes it much more clear who and what I'm talking to/about.
You can respond to any posts, any page. The only rules in place are those for that particular zone. Oh also, after 4 pages in any OP I start, you have to refer to me as Lord Mike.

Agreed....I don't know why anybody has the audacity to call me simply "Will" like they know me....Lord Will is preferable.
Sometimes a mod will decide to lock a thread. Often the mod will post the reason why at the end of the thread. Sometimes a mod will lock a thread for a sort time to clean the thread up.
You can respond to any posts, any page. The only rules in place are those for that particular zone. Oh also, after 4 pages in any OP I start, you have to refer to me as Lord Mike.

Agreed....I don't know why anybody has the audacity to call me simply "Will" like they know me....Lord Will is preferable.
Lord, Will, give us a break! ;)
You can respond to any posts, any page. The only rules in place are those for that particular zone. Oh also, after 4 pages in any OP I start, you have to refer to me as Lord Mike.

Usually, it's 'good lord, mike', in utter amazement at your _______ (fill in the blank)
Sometimes a mod will decide to lock a thread. Often the mod will post the reason why at the end of the thread. Sometimes a mod will lock a thread for a sort time to clean the thread up.
There is no page limit for a thread as far as I know.
I cannot find this in the rules, so maybe someone can help me out:
Is there a rule that says you cannot respond to posts in threads that have moved off ofpage 1 and onto page 2 or 3 or 4? What page number exactly is the border line for threads to be considered to be "dead"?

I guess a thread on page 100 or 200 could be considered dead? But what about page 3, or 4?

Just curious.


Rules are for sissies
Sometimes a mod will decide to lock a thread. Often the mod will post the reason why at the end of the thread. Sometimes a mod will lock a thread for a sort time to clean the thread up.
There is no page limit for a thread as far as I know.
Think the Sewer Rats who never venture out of that page are up to page 14,000 or something. I think they had one long one before.

Its weird in there, like a private little click.
I cannot find this in the rules, so maybe someone can help me out:
Is there a rule that says you cannot respond to posts in threads that have moved off ofpage 1 and onto page 2 or 3 or 4? What page number exactly is the border line for threads to be considered to be "dead"?

I guess a thread on page 100 or 200 could be considered dead? But what about page 3, or 4?

Just curious.
That depends on whether you by the next round.
There is a strict rule in this forum that everyone must be thoughtful, and sensitive to others feelings, and that posts must have propper spellign, and be factual, and always reread your message for any typographical any any typographical errors with no unnecessary verbiage nor existing run on sentences that exist having been determined to exhibit a sense of awkwardness .

You can respond to any posts, any page. The only rules in place are those for that particular zone. Oh also, after 4 pages in any OP I start, you have to refer to me as Lord Mike.

Usually, it's 'good lord, mike', in utter amazement at your _______ (fill in the blank)
Please sir, just don't start calling me "Lard Mike", at least not in public!
There is a strict rule in this forum that everyone must be thoughtful, and sensitive to others feelings, and that posts must have propper spellign, and be factual, and always reread your message for any typographical any any typographical errors with no unnecessary verbiage nor existing run on sentences that exist having been determined to exhibit a sense of awkwardness .

Will, please ban this guy! ;)
I cannot find this in the rules, so maybe someone can help me out:
Is there a rule that says you cannot respond to posts in threads that have moved off ofpage 1 and onto page 2 or 3 or 4? What page number exactly is the border line for threads to be considered to be "dead"?

I guess a thread on page 100 or 200 could be considered dead? But what about page 3, or 4?

Just curious.


Rules are for sissies
As the head sissy, they are all aimed at you, girl.
I delete everything in a particular reply but the original person I'm responding to and that message. It makes it much more clear who and what I'm talking to/about.
On my phone, I just highlight the text I'm responding to just like I did here.
I cannot find this in the rules, so maybe someone can help me out:
Is there a rule that says you cannot respond to posts in threads that have moved off ofpage 1 and onto page 2 or 3 or 4? What page number exactly is the border line for threads to be considered to be "dead"?

I guess a thread on page 100 or 200 could be considered dead? But what about page 3, or 4?

Just curious.


Rules are for sissies
I agree, but the mods seem to have other ideas
There is a strict rule in this forum that everyone must be thoughtful, and sensitive to others feelings, and that posts must have propper spellign, and be factual, and always reread your message for any typographical any any typographical errors with no unnecessary verbiage nor existing run on sentences that exist having been determined to exhibit a sense of awkwardness .



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