Rescuers are 2 days away from teen sailor: At What Cost?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Al Seib / Los Angeles Times
Rescuers are 2 days away from teen sailor
Boats won't reach Abby Sunderland for almost two days, but brother is optimistic

So the parents of a young man who did this before allow their 16 year old daughter to do it. Why? Is it for USA pride? Who will it benefit? It is extremely dangerous as a solo trip.

Who do the parents from Thousand Oaks, CA. expect to pay for all the resources in tight times? Its sad. I hope the child, yes child, is okay, but her parents should be held accountable for some things.

Or do you disagree?

At first light, the Australian Coast Guard also intends to fly over the area, he said.

The family was huddled inside the house in a room equipped with a navigation station and computers. His parents were on the phone with the Coast Guard. Zac Sunderland was making calls to Mauritius, an island off the coast of Africa, to start an emergency rescue effort from there. Zac Sunderland said he has a personal relationship with people there because he stopped there during his solo sail around the world when he was 17.

Two ships are about 400 miles – and two days – away from her location.

Los Angeles sector Coast Guard Lt. Ana Thorsson said Sunderland's emergency beacon signal was picked up by her agency in Northern California. Sunderland was about 2,000 miles southwest of Australia.

A voluntary international merchant ship rescue network, known as AMVER, is expected to join the search effort, Thorsson said.
I can see you point, but if we bill them for rescue, then we should bill every person ever rescued from any situation.

Personally, I think any person who undertakes such a journey should be REQUIRED to sign a waiver saying they are aware of the potential for being charged for a rescue.

Its really a hard call though.

I have gone mountain climbing in Colorado and not really thought that I could get in over my head. Would I want to be rescued? Yes, but should you all pick up the tab for my rescue?
The other side of that is... why do we pay taxes?
Should you be billed for your city municipality putting out your house fire, or the police coming to your rescue when you call 911?

Its a hard call... where do you draw the line?

Great question Dante?

I will be sending Addy my prayers tonite.... Godspeed young lady.

Good story:
The child should be rescued , then the parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.
Should we bill the family? No. Are the parents responsible for allowing their 16 yo daughter to sail solo around the world? Yes.
The child should be rescued , then the parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.

No way man.... Get the nanny state out of our life.

Ther is no way I would let my babygirl go on such a journey, but then again, I dont know that young lady. Im sure her parents are second guessing their decision, but that is between them and their God now.
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I can see you point, but if we bill them for rescue, then we should bill every person ever rescued from any situation.

Personally, I think any person who undertakes such a journey should be REQUIRED to sign a waiver saying they are aware of the potential for being charged for a rescue.

Its really a hard call though.

I have gone mountain climbing in Colorado and not really thought that I could get in over my head. Would I want to be rescued? Yes, but should you all pick up the tab for my rescue?
The other side of that is... why do we pay taxes?
Should you be billed for your city municipality putting out your house fire, or the police coming to your rescue when you call 911?

Its a hard call... where do you draw the line?

Great question Dante?

I will be sending Addy my prayers tonite.... Godspeed young lady.

Good story:
Abby Sunderland, Teen Sailor Possibly Lost at Sea - ABC News

Why bill everyone? All risks are not the same. The brother already did this run. It is not an everyday activity even for accomplished sailors.

Drawing the line is easy. Some places have started to send bills to people who climb/hike areas of wilderness with nothing but GPS, and a cell phone, without a clue.

Sailing like this assumes the Coast Guards and Navies and Merchant Ships are there for people who take extraordinary risks to set silly records like first teenage girl related to first teenage boy who risked life with okay from parents.

We are all irresponsible to some extent, but there is a cutoff point for everything in life.
The child should be rescued , then the parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.

that also disturbed me. We are held to be responsible as a society to rescue their children yet we have no say in how they risk their lives for record setting stunts?

They could wait til the child was of age to do things without parental consent.
Why bill everyone? All risks are not the same. The brother already did this run. It is not an everyday activity even for accomplished sailors.

We are all irresponsible to some extent, but there is a cutoff point for everything in life.

Thats why I kind of like the idea of a waiver system for such undertakings.
The child should be rescued , then the parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.

No way man.... Get the nanny state out of our life.

Ther is no way I would let my babygirl go on such a journey, but then again, I dont know that young lady. Im sure her parents are second guessing their decision, but that is between them and their God now.

But parents demand the nanny state help them with their children. Others demand we rescue children from abusive parents. One way streets?

This family (if you payed attention before you posted) has a son who did the same stunt a few years ago.

hello? balloon family ring a bell?
Why bill everyone? All risks are not the same. The brother already did this run. It is not an everyday activity even for accomplished sailors.

We are all irresponsible to some extent, but there is a cutoff point for everything in life.

Thats why I kind of like the idea of a waiver system for such undertakings.

A waiver? Who would the waiver be for? The international community? :lol:
They could wait til the child was of age to do things without parental consent.

Thats why I say no charging them with anything.
They knew their daughter enough to say OK.

Its a tough situation, I hope it ends well.

So society should have to pay for actions that are beyond the pale without any say?

Follow this logic. then get back to yourself and reality
The child should be rescued , then the parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.

Are parents supposed to stifle their children? Do we charge parents when their children are injured or killed playing sports? Driving a car? Why make a distinction just because the daughter was doing something you consider dangerous? We need less state control and oversight of personal decisions, not more.
The child should be rescued , then the parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.

that also disturbed me. We are held to be responsible as a society to rescue their children yet we have no say in how they risk their lives for record setting stunts?

They could wait til the child was of age to do things without parental consent.

Funny, I thought we did it because it was the right thing to do, and we choose to do it. Did you read the part about the all volunteer group that is going to assist?
Why not bill the parents or hold them accountable in some way for contributing to this stunt? The child is a 16 year old -- a minor.

And they were instilling independence and self respect in their child. Are we now going to punish parents for instilling qualities that benefit society as a whole?
The child should be rescued , then the parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.

Are parents supposed to stifle their children? Do we charge parents when their children are injured or killed playing sports? Driving a car? Why make a distinction just because the daughter was doing something you consider dangerous? We need less state control and oversight of personal decisions, not more.

It is an extraordinary dangerous stunt. This is not like having a child drive a car. Professional sailors do not attempt this solo journey and those who do do not do so lightly.
Those professionals are adults.

This is like having a child test a new plane back in the old days when testing a plane was a very dangerous profession done by very few individuals -- all adults.
The child should be rescued , then the parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.

that also disturbed me. We are held to be responsible as a society to rescue their children yet we have no say in how they risk their lives for record setting stunts?

They could wait til the child was of age to do things without parental consent.

Funny, I thought we did it because it was the right thing to do, and we choose to do it. Did you read the part about the all volunteer group that is going to assist?

the volunteer groups exist because of a network. that is good. but the irresponsibility of allowing a child to do this is glaring, and the volunteer groups will mitigate the costs to society -- the hard costs. What happens if another emergency arises in the same area?

Extreme sports and activities by adults cost us. But when people allow their children to inflict this on society they should be held accountable. A minor needs permission to do this kind of stunt

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