Requirements for Immigrants at Ellis Island


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Requirements for Immigrants at Ellis Island
By Lesley Barker

Ellis Island is in New York Harbor. It's where, between 1892 and 1954, about 12 million immigrants entered the United States. While originally only 3.3 acres in size, it was increased to an area of 27.5 acres. Some historians think that the land used to extend the island came from a combination of ship ballast and dirt obtained by digging the subway tunnels. As the first federal immigration station, the immigrants who entered the country at Ellis Island had to meet a set of requirements or else they faced deportation.

Requirements for Immigrants at Ellis Island
Illegal aliens that enter the country today are often compared to immigrants that came through Ellis Island but there is no comparison. Those that came through Ellis Island has to show evidence that there were going to make a contribution and not be burden.
24 million immigrants came 1890-1950 but Senate ready to vote on giving 33 million green cards in just the next ten years!
Source; Numbers USA.
It doesn’t matter anymore, kiddo. It should, but it doesn’t. This issue all but lost. That whole milieu of illegal aliens, and their handers define immigration parameters, they are the new “normal”. It’s like the mad hatter defining what sanity is. We know they are wrong, but are ya going to do? There is too many of them and they just don’t ruddy care about the reasons or the results.
People will start caring when they crash our Welfare system hours after they are granted citizenship, but who cares as long as Obama's printing presses keep pumping out new money.
Democrats call the issue immigration reform...
Like we are wrong for considering people who enter this country illegally....Illegals.
As if we are the ones who did something wrong.It's our policies that are at fault.
People will start caring when they crash our Welfare system hours after they are granted citizenship, but who cares as long as Obama's printing presses keep pumping out new money.

People forgot Regan's amnesty for 3 million illegal aliens, that was going to solve everything back in 86'. People cared back then, and here we are now, kiddo. What are ya gonna do now? Vote or something ? Call your congressman? Don’t kid yourself. It doesn’t matter.
Requirements for Immigrants at Ellis Island
By Lesley Barker

Ellis Island is in New York Harbor. It's where, between 1892 and 1954, about 12 million immigrants entered the United States. While originally only 3.3 acres in size, it was increased to an area of 27.5 acres. Some historians think that the land used to extend the island came from a combination of ship ballast and dirt obtained by digging the subway tunnels. As the first federal immigration station, the immigrants who entered the country at Ellis Island had to meet a set of requirements or else they faced deportation.

Requirements for Immigrants at Ellis Island
Illegal aliens that enter the country today are often compared to immigrants that came through Ellis Island but there is no comparison. Those that came through Ellis Island has to show evidence that there were going to make a contribution and not be burden.

And prior to Ellis Island, immigrants came into the Port of New York at Castle Garden, just across the river from Ellis Island. Castle Garden is in the Battery and is a large museum/park now. Those immigrants, too, had requirements to meet. If any of you are into searching your ancestry and cannot find information from files listed for Ellis Island, try looking at the Castle Garden website. They have a list of immigrant names but their system is way antiquated (at least at the last time I looked) and it can get very tedious.

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