Requesting rules clarification re: sock accusations


Feb 14, 2011
I thought it was understood that we weren't supposed to accuse others of being socks on the open board. Did I misunderstand?

The stickied rules aren't direct about it. They could be taken as the moderators not wanting to hear a lot of complaints - that we shouldn't harangue the mods - not that we can't harangue the members.

Socks. If you think someone is a sock by all means report it, we will investigate using the tools at our disposal. If that poster is still around after that then we were unable to determine that poster was a sock and there is no need to continually harangue us over it, I don't care what you believe. Proof, not suspicion is the key.

I thought that some recent postings and/or actions by mods had backed up the idea that members in good standing were not supposed to be called socks. At the moment all I see is this old post by EZ asking people to cut new posters some slack in that area:

So ... is that still in effect?

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Got something to hide, Amelia?

Meh, I'm over being accused of being a sock. Every now and then it still bothers me to see others getting hassled about it though. I thought it was settled that this wasn't an okay thing to do.

I've been told I'm mistaken.

Ergo this thread.

Thanks for asking.
That was directed specifically at a couple of people who were taking it way too far and running off potential new members and disrupting the board in general, not to mention one member in particular who was being accused of being a sock and literally flooding us with complaints on a daily basis.
Unless Meister, c_K or Dank says differently, the occasional sock accusation is not against the rules, it's when it gets out of hand and disrupts the board in any way that we step in and but a stop to that incident or that poster.
That was directed specifically at a couple of people who were taking it way too far and running off potential new members and disrupting the board in general, not to mention one member in particular who was being accused of being a sock and literally flooding us with complaints on a daily basis.
Unless Meister, c_K or Dank says differently, the occasional sock accusation is not against the rules, it's when it gets out of hand and disrupts the board in any way that we step in and but a stop to that incident or that poster.

Yep. Starting Threads on them, invading Welcome Threads. Littering the Threads with Sock Allegations.
That was directed specifically at a couple of people who were taking it way too far and running off potential new members and disrupting the board in general, not to mention one member in particular who was being accused of being a sock and literally flooding us with complaints on a daily basis.
Unless Meister, c_K or Dank says differently, the occasional sock accusation is not against the rules, it's when it gets out of hand and disrupts the board in any way that we step in and but a stop to that incident or that poster.

Just curious..... and what if we are right about said sock being a sock? You know... the unknown very well know sock who must not be named....for example.

It was him.... lied his ass off about not being a sock... but WAS a sock...after all. :eusa_whistle:
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What I find weird is why somebody would even bother.

Sure if you got banned, and were trying to find a back way in. I get that. But doing it for shits and giggles. Surely, there is more to life than that?
That was directed specifically at a couple of people who were taking it way too far and running off potential new members and disrupting the board in general, not to mention one member in particular who was being accused of being a sock and literally flooding us with complaints on a daily basis.
Unless Meister, c_K or Dank says differently, the occasional sock accusation is not against the rules, it's when it gets out of hand and disrupts the board in any way that we step in and but a stop to that incident or that poster.
Or uncle Luca will just outfit ya for a pair of cement sneakers. ;)
That was directed specifically at a couple of people who were taking it way too far and running off potential new members and disrupting the board in general, not to mention one member in particular who was being accused of being a sock and literally flooding us with complaints on a daily basis.
Unless Meister, c_K or Dank says differently, the occasional sock accusation is not against the rules, it's when it gets out of hand and disrupts the board in any way that we step in and but a stop to that incident or that poster.

Just curious..... and what if we are right about said sock being a sock? You know... the unknown very well know sock who must not be named....for example.

It was him.... lied his ass off about not being a sock... but WAS a sock...after all. :eusa_whistle:
I'm your sock when I'm not CG's sock; and CG's sock when I'm not yours.

Just so you know. ;)
Would it be considered an accusation if one were to merely use the word "sock" in a sentence?

Something like, "Hmm, I smell a dirty sock..."

I might be talking about laundry for all you know...

If I understand correctly now, it doesn't matter if it's an accusation or your chore list. Accusations are allowed. Can be true or false. Either way, it's okay. Unless you bring up the name of a banned person allegedly controlling the sock. That would technically be unkosher ... technically ... iiuc.
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That was directed specifically at a couple of people who were taking it way too far and running off potential new members and disrupting the board in general, not to mention one member in particular who was being accused of being a sock and literally flooding us with complaints on a daily basis.
Unless Meister, c_K or Dank says differently, the occasional sock accusation is not against the rules, it's when it gets out of hand and disrupts the board in any way that we step in and but a stop to that incident or that poster.
Or uncle Luca will just outfit ya for a pair of cement sneakers. ;)

Got something to hide, Amelia?

Meh, I'm over being accused of being a sock. Every now and then it still bothers me to see others getting hassled about it though. I thought it was settled that this wasn't an okay thing to do.

I've been told I'm mistaken.

Ergo this thread.

Thanks for asking.

How many times have you accused Val of being my sock? :lmao:
That was directed specifically at a couple of people who were taking it way too far and running off potential new members and disrupting the board in general, not to mention one member in particular who was being accused of being a sock and literally flooding us with complaints on a daily basis.
Unless Meister, c_K or Dank says differently, the occasional sock accusation is not against the rules, it's when it gets out of hand and disrupts the board in any way that we step in and but a stop to that incident or that poster.

So says Meisters sock.

Got something to hide, Amelia?

Meh, I'm over being accused of being a sock. Every now and then it still bothers me to see others getting hassled about it though. I thought it was settled that this wasn't an okay thing to do.

I've been told I'm mistaken.

Ergo this thread.

Thanks for asking.

How many times have you accused Val of being my sock? :lmao:

I haven't in many months. Had a chat with Val and stopped the sock thing. That was before the ruling where I thought Pixie banned it.

I almost took it up again around a month ago when Val sounded like she was back to calling me a sock -- but either she wasn't really or she let it drop, so that passed.

I was kinda sad about that. Saw fun possibilities if that truce ended. I missed heckling you about how you rely on friends to take the heat when the tables get turned on you. And of course saying 'Valeravi' was the most succinct way to describe that phenomenon.

Luckily Mal and others had no such compunction, and now of course Del has come out of the closet and stopped denying how he relishes the role, so there are many ways to make the point. Damn Del -- he could make it cool to be a Ravisock. :mad:
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And he did it with all the style and grace we've grown accustomed to from Del.

It was beautiful. *wipes tear from eye*
Meh, I'm over being accused of being a sock. Every now and then it still bothers me to see others getting hassled about it though. I thought it was settled that this wasn't an okay thing to do.

I've been told I'm mistaken.

Ergo this thread.

Thanks for asking.

How many times have you accused Val of being my sock? :lmao:

I haven't in a many months. Had a chat with Val and stopped the sock thing. That was before the ruling where I thought Pixie banned it.

I almost took it up again around a month ago when Val sounded like she was back to calling me a sock -- but either she wasn't really or she let it drop, so that passed.

I was kinda sad about that. Saw fun possibilities if that truce ended. I missed heckling you about how you rely on friends to take the heat when the tables get turned on you. And of course saying 'Valeravi' was the most succinct way to describe that phenomenon.

Luckily Mal and others had no such compunction, and now of course Del has come out of the closet and stopped denying how he relishes the role, so there are many ways to make the point. Damn Del -- he could make it cool to be a Ravisock. :mad:
News to me. You really do take this place seriously.

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