Repubs trying to overtly (this time) distance themselves from teaparty fringe

how funny the left never wails over the ows and call them "the FRINGE" and call for them to DISTANCE themselves from them?

I guess that means all the voter base of the Democrat are "the FRINGE"

Ows has zero power....there is no reason to do what you suggest.
These topics are beyond you, I suggest a forum abour circles and squares and other fun shapes.

seriously Stephie. :eusa_eh: I don't dislike you but your child-like rw responses make me face palm too often :eusa_hand:
Let the RINOS separate out. Let them become moving targets in primaries.

It would be better to lose to a true Democrat rather than sending one more inside the beltway professional Democrat light politician aka RINO.

Game on.
I love this republican goal: Let's get rid of the RINO's and purify the party. Keep the ball rolling and eventually you will be down to a republican party of 20 or 30 people. However, those 20 or 30 will be pure.

Oh the moderates are just such winners. Like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bob Dole.


What you fail to understand is that they could get votes that your extremists can't. The votes that win elections- Indies & Undecideds. Get it now? :eusa_eh: Go ahead, kick all the rest of the handful of moderates out of your party & become a permanent minority.
Getting rid of the Tea Party that won a stunning victory and took over the House has always been a dream of the loonie left except there ain't no political party called the Tea Party. The Tea party is merely a pressure group that tries to make the republican party better. The Tea Party would consider working within the democrat party but it's easy to see that democrats are a lost cause. Why does the radical left hate and fear a bunch of bald headed Veterans and grey haired ladies who carry around a copy of the Constitution while they support the dope shooting rapist OWS rabble? Democrats have been infiltrated by the old Bill Ayers radical revolutionaries who hate America and everything it stands for.
I love this republican goal: Let's get rid of the RINO's and purify the party. Keep the ball rolling and eventually you will be down to a republican party of 20 or 30 people. However, those 20 or 30 will be pure.

Oh the moderates are just such winners. Like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bob Dole.


What you fail to understand is that they could get votes that your extremists can't. The votes that win elections- Indies & Undecideds. Get it now? :eusa_eh: Go ahead, kick all the rest of the handful of moderates out of your party & become a permanent minority.

Had mccain and Romney not played to the tea party so much they could have won...well maybe not mccain.thst was an uphill battle.
Romney yes. He should have toned it down and been not so flipfloppy
The real mainstream of the GOP, Stephanie, does not want your TPM looniness.

Real deal, little squeal.

No money for the RNC. New movement.

If the R party wants no part of conservatives, well hell's bells they don't need any donations from conservatives either do they now?


But what's odd Jake is that the RNC just sent out a fundraising letter with *gasp* Ted's name in bright lights.

What is it? You want conservatives money but you want conservatives just to donate and shut the fuck up?

Ready to fund raise with "I stand with Ted" but shut the fuck up you conservatives?

Talk about freaking hypocritical sons of bitches. :lol:

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is an advocate of the big-tent approach to grow the GOP, but apparently he isn’t above grabbing onto Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s coattails if it can help fundraising.

An RNC fundraising email dated today at 4:06 p.m., titled “I Stand with Ted” and coming from Priebus, invokes Cruz’s name and his “fight to defund ObamaCare.” Cruz was on the floor at the time advocating the repeal of the president’s key legislative accomplishment.

“Join me and stand with Ted today,” says the email, which asks recipients to sign up and “tell Harry Reid to defund ObamaCare immediately.” And of course, at the end of the email is a “Contribute Now” button.

RNC Fundraises Off Ted Cruz | Rothenblog
Hmmm..... wonder why that is? . The fact that they (Cruz, Lee, & the House teapartiers) instigated the gov't shutdown perhaps? :eusa_think: In the past they would NEVER publicly chastise their fringe minority. They must be scared :eusa_shifty: of being tied to them come '14 ;)

Under the bus they go :) :eusa_drool:

Establishment GOPers assail tea party on shutdown

It won’t happen, of course, because the republican Old Guard are partisan cowards, but it would be the best thing for America if the Old Guard could manage the courage to indeed relegate the TPM to the backseat and keep them there, just as democrats did successfully with liberals some 20 years ago.

they did?....what the fuck planet do you live on?....

Yes. He just made me haz a sad. :(
Hmmm..... wonder why that is? . The fact that they (Cruz, Lee, & the House teapartiers) instigated the gov't shutdown perhaps? :eusa_think: In the past they would NEVER publicly chastise their fringe minority. They must be scared :eusa_shifty: of being tied to them come '14 ;)

Under the bus they go :) :eusa_drool:

Establishment GOPers assail tea party on shutdown

It won’t happen, of course, because the republican Old Guard are partisan cowards, but it would be the best thing for America if the Old Guard could manage the courage to indeed relegate the TPM to the backseat and keep them there, just as democrats did successfully with liberals some 20 years ago.

they did?....what the fuck planet do you live on?....

[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION] - Oy!!


  • $dresdenmug.jpg
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how funny the left never wails over the ows and call them "the FRINGE" and call for them to DISTANCE themselves from them?

I guess that means all the voter base of the Democrat are "the FRINGE"


No one associates OWS with democrats or ‘the left,’

No one even cares about or remembers OWS, except for a handful of rightwing hacks.

Jones calling someone a "Hack".....geezus....
Let the RINOS separate out. Let them become moving targets in primaries.

It would be better to lose to a true Democrat rather than sending one more inside the beltway professional Democrat light politician aka RINO.

Game on.
I love this republican goal: Let's get rid of the RINO's and purify the party. Keep the ball rolling and eventually you will be down to a republican party of 20 or 30 people. However, those 20 or 30 will be pure.

Thats the thing, they have a lock on their Base of 25-30% of voters but thats it. You can't win elections w/ that.

I should be charging them as a consultant for this info ;)
Let the RINOS separate out. Let them become moving targets in primaries.

It would be better to lose to a true Democrat rather than sending one more inside the beltway professional Democrat light politician aka RINO.

Game on.

LOL. As a Democrat, let me cheer you on. Yessiree, throw everyone of the GOP out that has a trace of brains. Run people like Bachmann and Cruz. Gonna really show the electorate.:lol:
throw everyone of the GOP out that has a trace of brains.
i agree with you Rocks on this....but as a Democrat you just cant see the morons your side throws out there....the State to the south of Oregon has plenty of of them used to be the speaker.....
It won’t happen, of course, because the republican Old Guard are partisan cowards, but it would be the best thing for America if the Old Guard could manage the courage to indeed relegate the TPM to the backseat and keep them there, just as democrats did successfully with liberals some 20 years ago.

they did?....what the fuck planet do you live on?....

Yes. He just made me haz a sad. :(

in 1993 i was still a Democrat....a Blue Dog to be sure....if what No_Reply said was true i would have never left.....i left because Far Lefties like him and Dean were taking over the Party.....i still voted for Clinton twice though.....he was the last "party" guy that got my vote....

This message is hidden because Harry Dresden is on your ignore list.

Go sell crazy someplace else :thup:

As to the OP, Repubs are wise to throw the hostage-takers under the bus. That, or their party is finished :(
It won’t happen, of course, because the republican Old Guard are partisan cowards, but it would be the best thing for America if the Old Guard could manage the courage to indeed relegate the TPM to the backseat and keep them there, just as democrats did successfully with liberals some 20 years ago.

they did?....what the fuck planet do you live on?....

[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION] - Oy!!

and its Pink....that was my Breast Cancer Mug....:eusa_angel:

This message is hidden because Harry Dresden is on your ignore list.

Go sell crazy someplace else :thup:

As to the OP, Repubs are wise to throw the hostage-takers under the bus. That, or their party is finished :(

are you another Poet?.....says he has you on ignore....but just seems to reply since you are NOT ignoring me,im curious....what did i say that your Far Left mind found "crazy"....
how sad is it when these people cheer for a party STEPPING on the very people they are suppose to represent? all they have to do is label you fringe and you are NOT WORTHY to anyone I guess

so much for that TOLERANCE for others eh?

and they hate you and call you names because you don't march lockstep to a party like they do the Democrat party

feel the love?
The real mainstream of the GOP, Stephanie, does not want your TPM looniness.

Real deal, little squeal.

No money for the RNC. New movement.

If the R party wants no part of conservatives, well hell's bells they don't need any donations from conservatives either do they now?


But what's odd Jake is that the RNC just sent out a fundraising letter with *gasp* Ted's name in bright lights.

What is it? You want conservatives money but you want conservatives just to donate and shut the fuck up?

Ready to fund raise with "I stand with Ted" but shut the fuck up you conservatives?

Talk about freaking hypocritical sons of bitches. :lol:

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is an advocate of the big-tent approach to grow the GOP, but apparently he isn’t above grabbing onto Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s coattails if it can help fundraising.

An RNC fundraising email dated today at 4:06 p.m., titled “I Stand with Ted” and coming from Priebus, invokes Cruz’s name and his “fight to defund ObamaCare.” Cruz was on the floor at the time advocating the repeal of the president’s key legislative accomplishment.

“Join me and stand with Ted today,” says the email, which asks recipients to sign up and “tell Harry Reid to defund ObamaCare immediately.” And of course, at the end of the email is a “Contribute Now” button.

RNC Fundraises Off Ted Cruz | Rothenblog

Mainstream Republicans can be as confused and hypocritical as the TeaPs, yes.

The confusion comes in thinking all conservatives are TeaPs; they are not. But all TeaPs are conservative reactionaries.
The real mainstream of the GOP, Stephanie, does not want your TPM looniness.

Real deal, little squeal.

No money for the RNC. New movement.

If the R party wants no part of conservatives, well hell's bells they don't need any donations from conservatives either do they now?


But what's odd Jake is that the RNC just sent out a fundraising letter with *gasp* Ted's name in bright lights.

What is it? You want conservatives money but you want conservatives just to donate and shut the fuck up?

Ready to fund raise with "I stand with Ted" but shut the fuck up you conservatives?

Talk about freaking hypocritical sons of bitches. :lol:

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is an advocate of the big-tent approach to grow the GOP, but apparently he isn’t above grabbing onto Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s coattails if it can help fundraising.

An RNC fundraising email dated today at 4:06 p.m., titled “I Stand with Ted” and coming from Priebus, invokes Cruz’s name and his “fight to defund ObamaCare.” Cruz was on the floor at the time advocating the repeal of the president’s key legislative accomplishment.

“Join me and stand with Ted today,” says the email, which asks recipients to sign up and “tell Harry Reid to defund ObamaCare immediately.” And of course, at the end of the email is a “Contribute Now” button.

RNC Fundraises Off Ted Cruz | Rothenblog

Mainstream Republicans can be as confused and hypocritical as the TeaPs, yes.

The confusion comes in thinking all conservatives are TeaPs; they are not. But all TeaPs are conservative reactionaries.

oh brother
you know all jakie:eusa_whistle:

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