Republicns Seekin Constitutun ChngeTo Ban Brthrght Citizenshp To Illegls Is Somthin A


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Republicans and Democrats seeking to change the 14th Amendment to deny U.S. citizenship to people born in the United States whose birth mother is illegally in the U.S. and whose father is not a U.S. citizen is an excellent idea that America should pursue with all its fervor! The country has to solve this illegal immigration problem it is so divisive and expensive to America and it is so impairs the sharing of America’s prosperity to ordinary Americans that we can’t as a people can’t let this fester indefinitely. There is no easy solution to solving this problem, there are only partial solutions available that will add up to a good overall solution. It is going to take sealing the border, it is going to take denying work to illegals, it is going to take providing a path to citizenship for the majority of illegals (the American people don’t have the will to deport anywhere near the number of eleven million illegals in the country nor is it morally right to do so and there will never be the needed good workplace enforcement on immigration with anywhere near this number of illegals in the country) and “yes” it will take stopping for illegals birthright citizenship for their children born in the U.S.. The truth of the matter is birthright citizenship is an incentive for women to illegally come into America especially in border states so it has to be removed. Furthermore, if illegals know that their children born in this country will not be U.S. citizens, birthright citizenship is ended, many of these illegals will want their children to grow-up in their home country and thus many women from these families will either not illegally come to the U.S. or will leave and take their children with them because if their children grow-up in the U.S. and are deported they will likely have a tough time living in their parents home country because of unfamiliarity with the language and culture and because they will be viewed as an outsider by the locals. Nevertheless, when the 14th Amendment is changed it should still allow birthright citizenship for the children born in the U.S. from immigrants with permanent residency status, a green card, because to do otherwise would be too burdensome and too inconsiderate to these families because not only would the mother and father have to jump through the hoops necessary to become U.S. citizens but so would their children and that is asking too much!

To be frank if an American claims to support the immigration laws of our country and does not support “stopping” birthright citizenship to children of illegals either they don’t really care enough about the issue as a good citizen should because they haven’t fully considered the effects of this path to citizenship on the whole immigration problem or they lack credibility on the issue because they don’t “really” support America’s immigration laws. This change to the !4th Amendment should just sail through, it should have large scale bipartisan support. You know if the country made this change, it would provide a significant help to rebutting many of the critics of comprehensive immigration reform, Who say America tried comprehensive immigration reform in the Reagan administration where they legalized three million illegal immigrants it didn’t stop the flow of illegal immigration nothing changed in America. Well if America makes this constitutional change this will be big difference compared to the course taken during the Reagan administration. One criticism of this constitutional change deserves to be addressed; the criticism essentially says if this change is done you’ll see adult age people in America born in America that don’t have U.S. citizenship because their parents were illegal and that is unfair to these people because they did nothing wrong. First thing that needs to be mentioned is that if the country passes legislation which provides a path to citizenship for the vast majority of eleven million illegals in America than the country can really do what is needed and really reach its potential (we live in an advanced technological age) in “denying work” to illegals in the U.S. it can mandate the universal use of E-verify, it can stop the unauthorized use of social security numbers and if America stops providing jobs to illegals then illegals won’t come and won’t stay in America and America will see little of the above scenario. Secondly, as emotionally moving as this scenario is it is very close to the same level of emotionally moving a scenario as when children from another country are illegally brought to America as infants and are raised in the U.S. and are adults and have no citizenship, sometimes parents cause harm to their children through their actions which is what is occurring here and this unfortunate situation for these people is not a good reason to continue birthright citizenship.

Proponents behind this change for the fourteenth amendment “need to stop” trying to persuade Americans that they should make this change because the framers of the fourteenth amendment never intended for it to be used the way it is today that is, by women to illegally come to the U.S. and have a baby who is then a naturalizes citizen! Critics of this constitutional change have a field day with this approach where they roll out all the Supreme Court opinions where they say the Supreme Court says the intent of the framers was precisely that simple being born in the U.S. is all that is needed for U.S. citizenship. Proponents with this framers approach make the issue a complex and cloudy issue when it shouldn’t be and a consequence is that many ordinary Americans are not persuaded convincingly that they are right and this really hurts the proponents cause. Proponents should be focusing on the immigration problems of today and emphasizing how this change will provide needed help for the problem. In addition, proponents should be emphasizing that the vast vast majority of countries throughout the world do not have simple birthright citizenship, the American people need to look out for their interests just like other people’s throughout the world look out for theirs. Lastly, proponents have to ignore the mass of political pundits and analyst on TV who have criticized this institutive; it is nearly impossible to stomach these critics who say things like the Republican proponents behind this are so foolish because they are going to lose the Hispanic vote, the constitution defines citizenship why do they want to change the constitution? The public discussion should be all about doing what is right not all these red herring subjects, this immigration problem has gone on for too long good and fair solutions exists like this change to the constitution which American politicians should adopt and enact into law, speedily!
The framers did not write the 14th amendment IDIOTS.

It was added around the time of the CIVIL WAR to make sure Slaves kids were Citizens even if states denied the free slaves citizenship.

Try again IDIOTS
So right.

The 14th was added to guarantee citizenship the the children of slaves and the children of Native American.

It wasn't written to cover the children born of illegals either in the US or US territory. Should be ammended
It applies to all humans born in the US.

It will not be changed.

Take your racism elsewhere
It applies to all humans born in the US.

It will not be changed.

Take your racism elsewhere

How about you take your stupid self somewhere else.

If someones opinion differs from yours they are racist according to you. That just shows what a flamming idiot you really are.

I think it will be ammended. Stuff that up your ass moron.
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You want to limit these births because they are brown births.

This is not any real problem for the US
The framers did not write the 14th amendment IDIOTS.

It was added around the time of the CIVIL WAR to make sure Slaves kids were Citizens even if states denied the free slaves citizenship.

Try again IDIOTS

Did you miss the part where the OP said, "the FRAMERS OF THE 14TH" That would indicate that the author of the OP wasn't trying to imply that Tom Jefferson and his friends wrote it. You might want to wipe down those glass walls before you start throwing "idiots" around.
You want to limit these births because they are brown births.

This is not any real problem for the US

Not a problem??

How about the social services these people suck down. How about the rights they enjoy??

You keep bringing up the color of everyones skin not me there asshole.

I'm talking about anyone who is in this country illegally and drops a kid who is automatically a US citizen and entitled to everything that entails. I don't give a shit what color they are.

You obviously are fixated on color and the word racist comes pretty easily to you. Must be a Dem "Thing."

Perhaps your the one who doesn't like blacks, yellows or browns. Racist. LOL
Those born in the U.S. have to wait until they're 21 to try to get their parents legal citizens.

Please explain again why the hell these people are a problem.
thats one fucking gigantic wall of text.

on topic: if there is a legal repel or alteration to the 14th amendment, then why not? It's legal, and constitutional to repel or add anything to the constitution if it is done in the correct process.
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Those born in the U.S. have to wait until they're 21 to try to get their parents legal citizens.

Please explain again why the hell these people are a problem.

Educate yourself on the issue first. You are asking for a lot of very simple information and I doubt anyone really wants to regurgitate it for you.
It applies to all humans born in the US.

It will not be changed.

Take your racism elsewhere

how the hell is that racism?.....somebody who is 8 months pregnant and comes over here just to have the baby born she can reap the benefits.....someone is against this.....and they are Racist? sounds to me like they are against people exploiting a generous system.....your a piece of work truth.....i knew there was a reason most posters here think your an ass....
So right.

The 14th was added to guarantee citizenship the the children of slaves and the children of Native American.

It wasn't written to cover the children born of illegals either in the US or US territory. Should be ammended

Trying to amend the Constitution in this way is time consuming and has low odds of success. I have an objection to how the courts have handled this issue when it comes to the parents who are here illegally -as if the fact their child has US citizenship suddenly entitles them to remain here. WTF kind of reasoning is that? So the kid has US citizenship -so what? The parents still have legal custody of that child -but still have no right to be here themselves and that is not changed just because they managed to time the birth of their kid hoping to exploit the weaknesses in our system for their own benefit.

A child is a MINOR with NO right to decide for himself where he will live. His parents retain full legal custody of their child and the child doesn't get to decide where his parents will live. If I decide to uproot my kids and pull them out of school and move to another state -they MUST come with me. If I decide to go live in another country for a year, they MUST come with me. If I decide to go live in another country for the rest of my life they must come with me and cannot decide for themselves where they will live until they reach legal age. US children whose parents are American cannot force his parents to remain in the US if they choose to live abroad. THEY are US citizens too -but they still don't get to decide where I get to live. But apparently the children of illegals have greater rights than my child who is also a US citizen - but on what grounds? Even if my kid had French citizenship, it doesn't bestow ANY rights to me as his parent. The fact my child has legal American parents cannot be used to justify giving the child of people who are not Americans greater rights than my kid has. If MY minor child cannot decide where his family will live -neither can another minor American child whose parents are not citizens be allowed to do so. The only exceptions for illegal parents of their child born in this country must be the identical grounds used to give asylum -the risk of political persecution or imprisonment on political grounds. Economic hardship is NEVER considered a valid reason to grant asylum and it shouldn't be when considering what to do with the illegal parents of a child when they sneaked across the border hoping to time the birth of that child so they could exploit the weaknesses of our system for their personal benefit. The parents are still here illegally and must be returned to their own country. And since that has zero relevance on whether they retain full legal custody of their own children -their children must go with them -even if they are US citizens. Their parents have the right to raise their child -they just don't have the right to do it HERE. Once their child is of legal age, he can decided where he wants to live but that still imparts no extra benefits on his parents who still have no right to be here. If the benefit doesn't come until the child is of legal age 18 years later -then the incentive to sneak over in time to give birth here drops off sharply as well. Without having to amend our Constitution.

The courts have screwed up by giving the minor children of illegals greater rights than their parents -and greater rights than my own child. If the parent has no legal right to be in this country, then they should be deported -and since they have legal custody of their own children regardless of their citizenship status, their children must go with them. There is no such thing as a "right" to live here even for an American child if their parents decide to live outside the country and that cannot be changed just because the parents are here illegally and want to stay here. They don't have the right, but they have the right to have their child live with them wherever they go and are allowed to legally live.

ONLY when that child is of age does HE have the right to decide where he will live -and at THAT point, may enter this country legally as a US citizen if he so desires. And since he has dual citizenship, once he reaches legal age he must declare for one country or the other within a few years since no one is allowed to retain dual citizenship for life. His citizenship status does not and cannot be allowed to magically endow his parents with a legal status just because they did a better job of timing when to sneak across the border than the next illegal immigrant did. Whatever government rewards, it insures we will get MORE of it and the courts have rewarded people for committing an illegal act which insures we will get even more of it. If courts actually upheld parents rights AND our immigration law properly and at the same time -which CAN be done - it removes the immediate incentive for illegals to try and time sneaking over the border to deliberately have a child on this side of the border instead of on their own side -because the benefit doesn't occur for 18 years when THAT child becomes an adult and only at that point has the legal right to decide for himself where he will and will not live. Which is STILL separate from that of his parents who still have no legal right to be in this country and receive zero benefit from having violated our immigration law.

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