Republicans want to dump Trump. Will they rally behind a 2024 alternative fast enough?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
There are still plenty of Republicans that still want Trump. Will they be willing to support a different candidate in the primary? We'll see.

WASHINGTON – Republicans working to keep Donald Trump from becoming the GOP’s presidential nominee in 2024 say the more the merrier when it comes to the number of candidates who could be competing against him. While more than a dozen Republicans have tested the presidential waters, GOP operatives, conservative activists and potential candidates expect fewer candidates to attempt to wrestle the nomination from Trump than the first time he was on the ballot.

There are still plenty of Republicans that still want Trump. Will they be willing to support a different candidate in the primary? We'll see.

These people think they're saving America from Satan. Really. So they're all fired up to vote 'n stuff. I suspect turnout won't be a problem.

The question may be whether Trump ends up in legal trouble. If that happens, we'll see people jumping in to the race faster than shit through a goose.
The Dems are winning in 2024. This is how I view the current status of voting methods coupled with erroneous GOP leadership who enjoy conveying a solid message but are deficient in actually fighting for it. Maybe they can find a libertarian to rise above the crowd and draw broader voter base. They haven't fought hard enough for strict voting laws though.
Trump will divide in conquer. So far it appears as if Haley and Desantis are in it. If they split the remaining anti-trump folks evenly, that would leave Trump +1 nationally. More will enter the race. They have to get this to a 3 way race by January 2024 and to a 2 way race before Super Tuesday if they have any chance of stopping Trump (assuming he is seriously running)
Not so fast there partner..... Trump's numbers are rising... every time DeSantis shows support for funding the war in Ukraine his numbers drop a bit..... So both of them Ron and Don should stear clear of the topic on Ukraine and Russia and Trump must stay as far away from Graham as he can.....
Trump is looking stronger every day. Differentiation between his policies and personality is starting to penetrate into more and more brains.
I'm in solid former Trump Country and I don't know of anyone that wants him to run again. Take that for what it's worth.

Everyone likes DeSantis though I'm hearing more talk of Mike Pompeo as he seemed like the adult in the room during his tenure as SoS.
The Dems are winning in 2024. This is how I view the current status of voting methods coupled with erroneous GOP leadership who enjoy conveying a solid message but are deficient in actually fighting for it. Maybe they can find a libertarian to rise above the crowd and draw broader voter base. They haven't fought hard enough for strict voting laws though.
Not gonna happen. Dims are way too corrupt and even some of their brainless minions see it now.
Trump is looking stronger every day. Differentiation between his policies and personality is starting to penetrate into more and more brains.
The Loser's having bloated the national debt, raised unemployment, failed to redress the trade imbalance with China, and his other unkept promises - including rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure, passing "something terrific" healthcare that covers "everybody!" (In fact, millions lost coverage under the Trump Regime.) - leaves him with only his imaginary "big, beautiful wall!" that he made Mexico pay for.

Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 9.20.52 AM.png

"You know, the wall is built. We're doing record numbers at the wall...
We did a great job in the wall. Remember, the wall, they said it could never be done.
One of the largest infrastructure projects we've ever had in this country!"

Koch Network Is Latest High-Profile Conservative Group
To Oppose Trump’s 2024 Campaign

His brooding about the past and continuing impotence in confronting the truth of his 2020 defeat are well beyond their expiration date. That is why conservative fat cat mega-donors and bible-humpers are abandoning the loser in droves.

His elective credentials feature his losing the GOP the House, the Presidency, and the Senate in a single term. His befouling their showing in 2022 continues his being an elective pantload.

His cult could still deliver the nomination to the joy of Democrats
Trump won the nomination in 2016 because he had a strangle hold on about 25% of Republican voters. In a race with 12 others, especially if several of them are arguably excellent, 25% is a figurative gold mine. With every additional Republican who announces for 2024, Trump looks more inevitable.

The fact is that NO REPUBLICAN CAN WIN THE WHITE HOUSE unless it is either Donald Trump, or has the full support of Donald Trump. And Trump will not step down voluntarily.

Maybe the Justice Department will cook something up that will eliminate him, or one of those despicable prosecutors in New York, or maybe he will have a medical episode, but the way things are going, it will be Trump vs. Biden.
The Dems are winning in 2024. This is how I view the current status of voting methods coupled with erroneous GOP leadership who enjoy conveying a solid message but are deficient in actually fighting for it. Maybe they can find a libertarian to rise above the crowd and draw broader voter base. They haven't fought hard enough for strict voting laws though.
No one trusts libertarians. They're kooks who have no idea how to govern.
No one trusts libertarians. They're kooks who have no idea how to govern.

They coming around. Since the Mises Caucus took over the party's leadership, they getting back to take up for the American working class again, and ditching most of that support for trannies, druggies and death row people.

This is why I left the LP. It got to where they cared more about those people than they did decent working folks. But it's turning around. And it's going to take some time.
The leftist that invaded and tried to destroy the LP did some long lasting damage. Couple those people with Bill Weld, and I'd say it took the LP back 30 years.

None the less, we know this two party system isn't any good. I'm not ready to jump back on the LP's train just yet. But I am keeping my eye on them and hoping for better in 2024.
There are still plenty of Republicans that still want Trump. Will they be willing to support a different candidate in the primary? We'll see.

I'm not dumping Trump.

If he is not the R nominee, I will vote for whomever that is.. But so far, Trump is the only declared and I am as enthused about him as I was in past elections. He isn't a saint, but...

who is?
Trump won the nomination in 2016 because he had a strangle hold on about 25% of Republican voters. In a race with 12 others, especially if several of them are arguably excellent, 25% is a figurative gold mine. With every additional Republican who announces for 2024, Trump looks more inevitable.

The fact is that NO REPUBLICAN CAN WIN THE WHITE HOUSE unless it is either Donald Trump, or has the full support of Donald Trump. And Trump will not step down voluntarily.

Maybe the Justice Department will cook something up that will eliminate him, or one of those despicable prosecutors in New York, or maybe he will have a medical episode, but the way things are going, it will be Trump vs. Biden.
I don't get it why the dementia ridden Potato would even run. I'm saying the Dims find some way of getting another person nominated. Even CNN doesn't say positive things about bidum all the time like they once did to D people running.

They know a loser when they see one. but then again... maybe they (Dims) don't.. he did get installed once, albeit illegally

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