Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

Times have change. Ever hear of the Southern Stretegy? Civil rights cost the Democrats the south to this day.

And the GOP lost blacks first during the Great Mississippi flood of 1929. I have history and facts too. Look at what the GOP did to them. Similar to how they treated blacks during Katrina, only worse.

:cuckoo:impressive Read through the thread you might learn something clone "Katrina":lol:and democrats contolled the south in 1929

Learn what? Your made up "history". White conservatives have been the true enemies of black Americans since Jamestown.

The racist chime in, Get some help man you've got problems :cuckoo:
Empty... You got nothing thanks for your contribution:doubt:

Strom Thurmond, for one.

I deal with this in our central committees here and elsewhere in the Deep South. I keep reminding those good old boys that the black individual who cleans their office buildings is the equal before God and in the ballot box. They hate that. But we deal with it, and we are getting better as those old turds die out.

thats one and thats it:clap2:

Strom is the most notable one at the national level. Jroc, our high schools and colleges clearly instruct the students that your defense is nonsense. Argue all you want here, it means nothing out there.
Strom Thurmond, for one.

I deal with this in our central committees here and elsewhere in the Deep South. I keep reminding those good old boys that the black individual who cleans their office buildings is the equal before God and in the ballot box. They hate that. But we deal with it, and we are getting better as those old turds die out.

thats one and thats it:clap2:

Strom is the most notable one at the national level. Jroc, our high schools and colleges clearly instruct the students that your defense is nonsense. Argue all you want here, it means nothing out there.

This is an informational thread, to help counter the lack of info provided by our public schools :D
Wanting a Romney victory is anything but. The more you fight against the mainstream GOP the more you look like a disillusioned lemon-sucking far wack righty, daveman. Tis what tis. Come on. Get on board with Romney. :lol:
If he's the nominee, I'll vote for him simply because he's not Obama.

But you look like an idiot cheerleading for Obama and then saying you want him to lose.
Actually, I have everything, and you are simply in denial. The white people in the South who used to vote Democratic with great loyalty now vote Republican only a little less reliably.

You know that. You know what it means. You know it means I'm right. But because few Democratic POLITICIANS actually switched parties (they lost elections instead), you can PRETEND that you don't know these things.

What you can't do is have your pretense be believed.
When you say you have everything, you mean mindless leftist talking points.

My in-laws are Democrats. They're also racists.
Strom Thurmond, for one.

I deal with this in our central committees here and elsewhere in the Deep South. I keep reminding those good old boys that the black individual who cleans their office buildings is the equal before God and in the ballot box. They hate that. But we deal with it, and we are getting better as those old turds die out.

thats one and thats it:clap2:

Strom is the most notable one at the national level. Jroc, our high schools and colleges clearly instruct the students that your defense is nonsense. Argue all you want here, it means nothing out there.
Unsurprisingly, you blindly accept leftist indoctrination and historical revision.
The revisiion is attempted by you and has been thrown out the window.

Your nonsense is not what is being taught in the high schools and colleges, and never will be.
Why don't you give up pretending you have the slightest idea of being American and conservative, Daveman? Nope, the responsible left, center, and right control education, the feebly mental dweebs like you are easily shown up for what they are, a danger to the country.
Lets try to stay on topic. :eusa_eh:

[ame=]History of the Republican Party Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
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Why don't you give up pretending you have the slightest idea of being American and conservative, Daveman? Nope, the responsible left, center, and right control education, the feebly mental dweebs like you are easily shown up for what they are, a danger to the country.
Typical leftist: Declares someone he disagrees with to be dangerous.

Pretty soon you'll be advocating conservatives be rounded up and put in re-education camps.
You are neither conservative nor pro-American. You root for America's collapse, daveman.

Interesting you are talking about re-education camps. That is what you and PC and others try to enforce on this board, then cry when you are shown as the fools you are.
Written by Allen West

The revelation of Senator Harry Reid's comments referencing "negro talk" is just indicative of the true sentiment elitist liberals, and indeed the Democrat party, have toward black Americans.

The history of the Democrat party is one of slavery, secession, segregation, and now socialism.

It is this new-aged socialism born from the Johnson Great Society programs that have castigated blacks as victims needing government dependency. One need only to look upon the city of Detroit to ascertain what liberal social welfare policies have produced for the inner city... the new plantation for black Americans.

The Ku Klux Klan was birthed by the Democrats as a terrorist wing to intimidate blacks, and whites, who sought to promote economic and education independence and social justice for blacks. What was once overt has just morphed and become covert, yet still exists.

One can only imagine the insanity and media outrage if Reid's quote had come from a member of the Republican party. I look forward to hearing from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on Reid's comments... or has liberal hush money paid for the silence of these proprietors of poverty and victimization theory?

Actually, if President Obama had any courage he would demand Reid step down as Senate Majority Leader, and discontinue any support for his Senate reelection... notice I said "if". I am quite sure the Soros money which elevated Obama to the position of President has bought his servitude.

I am running to represent Florida's 22nd Congressional District. Why am I running for US Congress as a Republican? Simple.

I would rather stand proudly and be called "an Uncle Tom and a sellout" than lose my self-esteem and be considered an inferior by liberals.

I understand the legacy of the GOP and the black community... not the revisionist history espoused by liberal educators. I am not, shall never be, and will not raise my daughters to be a part of the liberal 21st century plantation.

I am not just some articulate, clean, well spoken negro. I am an American warrior, Congressional candidate, and shall never submit to the collective progressive ideal of inferiority.

Senator Harry Reid's comments are disgusting, despicable, and unacceptable. They are representative of how intellectual elite liberals do indeed speak of black Americans in their closed private spaces.

Jroc, the truth -- and we all know it -- is that back when the Republican Party actually lived and expressed that glorious history, you would not have been a Republican, and I would have been one.
Historically Significant Black Experiences

A former head of the GOP acknowledged and apologized for the racism of the GOP.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean spoke to the NAACP yesterday and said through an aide: "It's no coincidence that 43 out of 43 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are Democrats. The Democratic Party is the real party of opportunity for African Americans."

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes


By Mike Allen
Thursday, July 14, 2005; A04

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes
Jroc, the truth -- and we all know it -- is that back when the Republican Party actually lived and expressed that glorious history, you would not have been a Republican, and I would have been one.

:doubt: The truth is the democrat party is and continues to be the party of racism and bigotry and you have no Idea who I am idiot.
Jroc, the truth -- and we all know it -- is that back when the Republican Party actually lived and expressed that glorious history, you would not have been a Republican, and I would have been one.

:doubt: The truth is the democrat party

does not exist. There is no such party in the U.S., or anywhere in the world AFAIK, as the Democrat Party.

is and continues to be the party of racism and bigotry and you have no Idea who I am idiot.

LOL touched a nerve there, didn't I? But if you think that's true, given that black people vote Democratic in overwhelming margins, you must also think black people are imbeciles, which means you are a racist, which means I stand by what I said.

I'd have voted for Abraham Lincoln. You would not.

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