Republicans Slam ATF For Attempting To Alter Legal Definition Of ‘Firearm’

we have more than Hanity and it doesn't matter what matters which is more truthful and sonny there is nothing truthful coming from any leftists run media source.

No leftist are in favor of gun control.
The democratic party is for some reason, but they are not leftist any more.
The Clintons are backed by bankers, the right wing, wealthy elite.
No leftist are in favor of gun control.
The democratic party is for some reason, but they are not leftist any more.
The Clintons are backed by bankers, the right wing, wealthy elite.
nope clinton may have been backed by bankers doesn't change the fact they are leftists
nope clinton may have been backed by bankers doesn't change the fact they are leftists

In what way?
Leftists support unions, increased bank regulations, decreased drug regulations, etc.
The Clintons were the opposite of left, on all significant areas I am aware of.
Absolutely convicted felons who have served their sentence should have identical rights to anyone else.
If not, then there is no democratic republic anymore.
Then it is just like Russia, where dissidents are all just declared mentally unstable and locked up.
Either you have equality or you have a dictatorship.
There is nothing in between.

If a person is a danger, then it accomplishes nothing to put their name on a list that prevents them legally buying firearms.
They can still legally buy even more dangerous stuff like flammables, toxins, explosives, etc.
And anyone intent on murder, will not be deterred by the more minor gun sentence.
So gun laws are totally irrational unless their real purpose is to make whole populations easier to intimidate?
"Absolutely convicted felons who have served their sentence should have identical rights to anyone else.
If not, then there is no democratic republic anymore".

So, republicans are in favor of convicted felons, owning weapons but put every roadblock up to prevent the same people from voting.
Florida’s longstanding policy of preventing anyone with a felony conviction from voting. First implemented in the 19th century, the policy was used as a cudgel of white supremacy during the Jim Crow era to disenfranchise African Americans after they formally gained the right to vote. By 2016, it had become one of the most potent forms of voter suppression in the United States, blocking up to 1.4 million people in Florida – including more than 21% of eligible Black voters – from being able to vote.

On election night in 2018, Meade and Wright would find out that 64.5% of Floridians had voted in favor of a constitutional amendment to end the policy. More than 5.1 million people – more than voted for Ron DeSantis, the Republican elected governor that evening – were in favor of the measure. The referendum – often referred to as amendment 4 – was one of the most dramatic expansions of the right to vote in US history since the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act.

When lawmakers returned to Tallahassee in the spring of 2019, however, it quickly became clear they were uninterested in simply clarifying the ambiguities. They wanted to render it toothless.

In the Florida house of representatives, Jamie Grant, a Republican, pushed through a bill that required anyone with a felony conviction to repay all fines, fees, court costs and restitution before someone could vote again.

'Either you have equality or you have a dictatorship'.
"There is nothing in between".

Move to Dem paradise Chicago then you coward.
Move your illiterate "paradise" to Texas you moron, then secede.
When the going get tough, vacation in Cancun.

February 24 2021
As Texans were enduring unendurable pain during one of the worst disasters in state history, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took the opportunity to journey to the sun of Cancun.

Ten years ago Texans were clearly warned of the need to weatherize their systems, but Republican governors failed for a decade to take the statewide actions that would have prevented the pain, misery, hunger and death that followed.

And now there are persistent reports of Texans being price gouged by utilities on their electric bills and ripped off by thousands of dollars for a few days of desperately needed electricity at a life endangering moment.
"Absolutely convicted felons who have served their sentence should have identical rights to anyone else.
If not, then there is no democratic republic anymore".

So, republicans are in favor of convicted felons, owning weapons but put every roadblock up to prevent the same people from voting.
Florida’s longstanding policy of preventing anyone with a felony conviction from voting. First implemented in the 19th century, the policy was used as a cudgel of white supremacy during the Jim Crow era to disenfranchise African Americans after they formally gained the right to vote. By 2016, it had become one of the most potent forms of voter suppression in the United States, blocking up to 1.4 million people in Florida – including more than 21% of eligible Black voters – from being able to vote.

On election night in 2018, Meade and Wright would find out that 64.5% of Floridians had voted in favor of a constitutional amendment to end the policy. More than 5.1 million people – more than voted for Ron DeSantis, the Republican elected governor that evening – were in favor of the measure. The referendum – often referred to as amendment 4 – was one of the most dramatic expansions of the right to vote in US history since the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act.

When lawmakers returned to Tallahassee in the spring of 2019, however, it quickly became clear they were uninterested in simply clarifying the ambiguities. They wanted to render it toothless.

In the Florida house of representatives, Jamie Grant, a Republican, pushed through a bill that required anyone with a felony conviction to repay all fines, fees, court costs and restitution before someone could vote again.

'Either you have equality or you have a dictatorship'.
"There is nothing in between".


It is totally illegal to not let felons vote.
As long as they are paying taxes, that is illegal taxation without representation, if nothing else.
Move your illiterate "paradise" to Texas you moron, then secede.
When the going get tough, vacation in Cancun.

February 24 2021
As Texans were enduring unendurable pain during one of the worst disasters in state history, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took the opportunity to journey to the sun of Cancun.

Ten years ago Texans were clearly warned of the need to weatherize their systems, but Republican governors failed for a decade to take the statewide actions that would have prevented the pain, misery, hunger and death that followed.

And now there are persistent reports of Texans being price gouged by utilities on their electric bills and ripped off by thousands of dollars for a few days of desperately needed electricity at a life endangering moment.

What the fuck are babbling about you loon.
Negotiate a wage or obtain a management position with any sort of mental health background on your record, dumbass. It goes on your permanent record as a felony sex offense or a dishonorable discharge from the military when you're looking for work. You don't earn enough in eight hours for a place to sleep that night, let alone transportation to and from work.

Once again, when you call people mentally ill, you are going to pay for that claim with your soul, life, and fortune, to compensate for what you have taken away.
You're an idiot.
These people are collecting SSI, they don't work, that's why they were collecting $$$ from SS.
I'm not the one calling them mentally ill, THEY ARE, and their lawyers.
nope clinton may have been backed by bankers doesn't change the fact they are leftists

What leftist policies did the Clinton's back?
They were the ones who wanted to mandate private health insurance, which is incredibly right wing.
They wanted banks deregulated.
They supported the military and foreign interventions.
They supported federalizing the War on Drugs.

Everything they did was very right wing.
In what way?
Leftists support unions, increased bank regulations, decreased drug regulations, etc.
The Clintons were the opposite of left, on all significant areas I am aware of.
you don't get it politicians especially leftwingers play their followers as fools
They are useful idiots.
Riight, just like the Iraq invasion.
Republicans tried to blame democrats, when it started going south.

Obama could have ended both wars, but instead he screwed them both up.
I voted for Obama, but he screwed up.

In March, Obama approved 21,000 extra troops into Afghanistan, fulfilling a longstanding request to increase the number of U.S. troops to 68,000. But that’s not enough, according to Afghanistan’s top commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal.

McChrystal reportedly is asking for between 40,000 and 60,000 more troops, writing in an assessment that, without troops and a dedicated counterinsurgency effort, the war “will likely result in failure.”

Experts said they could move those troops from Iraq, given time and available aircraft. But those same experts said that simply pulling troops out of Baghdad and putting them in Kabul isn’t all that simple.
A left winger can't support gun control.
The whole point of being left wing is the protection of individual liberties against powerful corporation, banks, wealthy employers, corrupt governments, gangsters, etc.
That means left wing has to be against government gun control.
From a leftist perspective, government employees should not have superior arms to ordinary people.
A left winger can't support gun control.
The whole point of being left wing is the protection of individual liberties against powerful corporation, banks, wealthy employers, corrupt governments, gangsters, etc.
That means left wing has to be against government gun control.
From a leftist perspective, government employees should not have superior arms to ordinary people.
From my understanding it is that the left believes that the people as a whole generate the economy with needs which is then exploited by a few.
The Right wing believes that a few people with ingenuity create products and jobs that people want to buy.

To me...they are both right and wrong all at the same time.

Left stresses community responsibility and the right stresses individual responsibility.

Again both right and both wrong at the same time.

So there's no way I can pick one side or the other without being wrong. But I do think that together, the left and right make an unstoppable team.

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