Republicans Slam ATF For Attempting To Alter Legal Definition Of ‘Firearm’

45 days isn't due process, it's a time frame. You must be leaking brain cells by the minute, you get stupider by the post.

Care to stay on topic or are you due for another TDS tantrum?
Really, Trumptard?
The mentally ill, like yourself, has between 18 months to two years or more for SS to decide whether they qualify for benefits.
They have plenty of "due process'.

But you defend letting that same crazy person have weapons, with a stroke of a pen.
Then your nut job party wants to allow convicted felons to buy and own weapons.

You have no brain cells to leak.
Really, Trumptard?
The mentally ill, like yourself, has between 18 months to two years or more for SS to decide whether they qualify for benefits.
They have plenty of "due process'.

But you defend letting that same crazy person have weapons, with a stroke of a pen.
Then your nut job party wants to allow convicted felons to buy and own weapons.

You have no brain cells to leak.
Apparently you do not know what due process is. You really are a moron. Good bye.
You're a moron.
Sure, so you want a prison in every county in the nation?
Who's going to pay for that?
A "county" by definition is an administrative law district of the state and a community of law abiding citizens built around a local jail.
The US has the highest amount of prisoners in the world by 500,000.
Most are men, granted, but you are looking at official numbers. They don't tell the truth.
Women and targeted individuals are disappearing unaccounted for in any of various federal and state prisons, penitentiaries, and mental hospitals, as well as numerous county and city jails and psychiatric wards of various administrative law districts where citizens are subject to arbitrary detention, imprisonment, torture and punishment for any reason.
Really, Trumptard?
The mentally ill, like yourself, has between 18 months to two years or more for SS to decide whether they qualify for benefits.
They have plenty of "due process'.
You suggest other human beings are "mentally ill" when they're looking for work or gainful employment or business opportunities, you'd better be prepared to pay with your souls, lives, and fortunes for your libel, slander, and defamation of character, because you owe a house, home, and healthy standard of living to such persons to compensate for what you dumbasses took away in your medieval asshattery and ancient notions of mental illness and demonic possession.
Fuck you, retard.

"Due process"?
It was your scumbag party that created, passed and signed into law, the un"patriot" act, in 45 days.
Allowing the government to spy on it's own citizens, internet searches and library book searches.

Free country?

The only persons advocating that was Trump and his cult.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult cheer for communism.

Then they tried on January 6th.
huffy leftist post retard is that all you have?
You suggest other human beings are "mentally ill" when they're looking for work or gainful employment or business opportunities, you'd better be prepared to pay with your souls, lives, and fortunes for your libel, slander, and defamation of character, because you owe a house, home, and healthy standard of living to such persons to compensate for what you dumbasses took away in your medieval asshattery and ancient notions of mental illness and demonic possession.
Another fucking, retard?

"You suggest other human beings are "mentally ill" when they're looking for work or gainful employment or business opportunities".

That's why they filed for SSI disability?

They are looking for government benefits, moron, they don't work.
If they do work, no benefits.
Good god, how stupid can you people possibly get.
Sure, an unregistered weapon, with no serial numbers, with no one knowing where or how it was made?
Sure.................. I'll be sure not to sell it.
I'll just make another one..................and sell it too.
You're pretty fucking gullible.
Nothing here changes the fact that as long as you do not make it with the intent to sell, it is -absolutely- legal -- and thus, law abiding.
Why do you refuse to accept the truth?
Really, Trumptard?
The mentally ill, like yourself, has between 18 months to two years or more for SS to decide whether they qualify for benefits.
They have plenty of "due process'.

But you defend letting that same crazy person have weapons, with a stroke of a pen.
Then your nut job party wants to allow convicted felons to buy and own weapons.

You have no brain cells to leak.

Absolutely convicted felons who have served their sentence should have identical rights to anyone else.
If not, then there is no democratic republic anymore.
Then it is just like Russia, where dissidents are all just declared mentally unstable and locked up.
Either you have equality or you have a dictatorship.
There is nothing in between.

If a person is a danger, then it accomplishes nothing to put their name on a list that prevents them legally buying firearms.
They can still legally buy even more dangerous stuff like flammables, toxins, explosives, etc.
And anyone intent on murder, will not be deterred by the more minor gun sentence.
So gun laws are totally irrational unless their real purpose is to make whole populations easier to intimidate?
are looking for government benefits, moron, they don't work.
If they do work, no benefits.
Good god, how stupid can you people possibly get.
Negotiate a wage or obtain a management position with any sort of mental health background on your record, dumbass. It goes on your permanent record as a felony sex offense or a dishonorable discharge from the military when you're looking for work. You don't earn enough in eight hours for a place to sleep that night, let alone transportation to and from work.

Once again, when you call people mentally ill, you are going to pay for that claim with your soul, life, and fortune, to compensate for what you have taken away.
Fuck you, retarded Trump humper.

"What I DO want are violent criminals OFF THE DAMNED STREET"!
And they are, for a time, you fucking moron.
You want to give some first time robbery suspect to spend 50 years in prison?
Better start building more prison.

"You people either want them to murder people, in which case you are feckless scum".
They don't let murderers out in 5 years, dumbass.
It's your scumbag party that allows crazy people to roam the streets...................with guns.
It's your scumbag party that wants to allow convicted felons to own weapons.

You're the problem and too stupid to know it.

Move to Dem paradise Chicago then you coward.
Democrats are going to have to understand that the fleas come with the dog.

And that dog is called technology.

Meaning that ghost guns are a freedom that comes with having technology. Just like truck drivers use CB radios to thwart speed traps ghost guns aren't any different.

And arresting people who sell them or buy them is unconstitutional. (Unless they aren't allowed legally to possess a firearm). Because otherwise a lot of innocent people can be arrested and convicted for having a garage machine shop. (Many who have nothing to do with guns)

Custom gun manufacturers are licensed...and they can produce a lot of unique guns...they can build them hidden in anything and everything...from canes to porch bannisters and everything in between.
With unique talents, a drive by shooter needs to be wary of the bullets flying back at them. With today's sensor and computer technology...a LOT more things are possible than ever before.

Get used to it.

And if a person uses compressed air instead of smokeless gunpowder...the whole issue goes away. But muzzle velocity and grain size doesn't change. Just saying...
Guns are very simple devices. Your oldest cell phone has a lot more technology in it than 99% of all guns do.

Next thing you know a parent can be arrested for bioweapons proliferation because he bought a 1,000X wet lense microscope and some slides for his kids to play with.

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