Republicans plan to run on their Tax Cuts. It's going to be a real "winner"!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
GOP tax message hits a snag

A CNBC poll this week stated that just 32 percent of working adults reported having more take-home pay due to the new law, a problem for Republicans hoping to run on the measure and the health of the economy in November.


The GOP has made the tax-cut law the centerpiece of its campaign message, arguing that Republican control of Congress and the White House led to legislation that is putting more money in people’s pockets and stimulating an economy with low unemployment.

Yet the CNBC poll suggested that many people aren’t noticing much of a change from the law, a sentiment that could feed into Democratic arguments that it is helping the rich while doing little for the middle class.

Conservatives say their problem is about messaging (a fancy word or lying). They say they simply have to do more to deliver the news (lie) about the tax bill and its benefits.

Poll: Majority of Americans say they are not seeing change in paychecks due to tax cuts


More trickle down.


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