Republicans need to understand that the key to economic growth is giving people free shit


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Only to those who need it.

See when the Great Recession was in full swing, Obama was smart enough to understand that if millions of people lost their jobs against their will, they needed a safety net. That meant extending unemployment benefits as a part of his stimulus package. What republicans were too dumb to understand is that those lost jobs were GONE. They didn't go to anyone else. That means those millions of people were hopelessly unemployed.until NEW jobs could be created. Fortunately, the extension of those benefits had another function. It created a stimulus that actually helped to create jobs. People are broke when they lose their jobs. So when they received those benefits, it allowed them to spend money they wouldn't have had otherwise. That means they spent it IMMEDIATELY on essentials like food, clothing and shelter. This prompt boost in consumer spending created economic growth in the market and therefore JOBS.. This, in addition to a big tax cut for the middle class and expansion of food stamps for the very poor created 3 million private jobs. GDP from the stimulus package alone went up 2%.

Why Unemployment Benefits Are the Best Stimulus

CBO: Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure?

Businesses don't do better with ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy corporations as republicans would like you to believe. Why? Because it's just easier for business owner(s) to keep the money they save for themselves rather than invest it for the greater good of the economy. We know this doesn't work because otherwise Bush's huge tax cuts would have been able to prevent the great recession from even happening. Obviously that didn't happen. Republicans are stupid.
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The key to economic growth is education for jobs that pay well, infrastructure, science, and r&d investment allowing for good high paying jobs.

We must also be mindful of ones ability to start up a new business when we issue taxes and regulations.
The key to economic growth is education for jobs that pay well, infrastructure, science, and r&d investment allowing for good high paying jobs.

We must also be mindful of ones ability to start up a new business when we issue taxes and regulations.

No. What kids seemingly forget these days is the fact their parents earned their stuff, they didn't get free stuff. Kids these days are so averse to expending effort to illicit gain, gain without effort in other words.
You know

Low to no interests loans could work as well. yes, the unemployed will go into debt, but they can pay the debt back when they start back working.

Even a loan in which you pay it back plus 10%. Lots of ways to stimulate the economy without "free s##t".
The key to economic growth is education for jobs that pay well, infrastructure, science, and r&d investment allowing for good high paying jobs.

We must also be mindful of ones ability to start up a new business when we issue taxes and regulations.

No. What kids seemingly forget these days is the fact their parents earned their stuff, they didn't get free stuff. Kids these days are so averse to expending effort to illicit gain, gain without effort in other words.
It's interesting how my wording can change the way this thread plays out. Don't you think people with families who lost their jobs against their will should be provided emergency assistance?
Some people are just weak. They can't function without government. Dem's da fax.
Well if you were one of the people who lost their jobs in the great recession, you would be singing a very different tune.
I lost my job in great recession. Laid off in 2009.
So you didn't get unemployment benefits? How long were you unemployed for? Did you have money saved or did you get assistance from anyone?
Some people are just weak. They can't function without government. Dem's da fax.
Well if you were one of the people who lost their jobs in the great recession, you would be singing a very different tune.
I lost my job in great recession. Laid off in 2009.
So you didn't get unemployment benefits? How long were you unemployed for? Did you have money saved or did you get assistance from anyone?
Only losers live in vacuums. Weaklings. Government tit-suckers.
Some people are just weak. They can't function without government. Dem's da fax.
Well if you were one of the people who lost their jobs in the great recession, you would be singing a very different tune.
I lost my job in great recession. Laid off in 2009.
So you didn't get unemployment benefits? How long were you unemployed for? Did you have money saved or did you get assistance from anyone?
Only losers live in vacuums. Weaklings. Government tit-suckers.
Um okay but that doesn't answer my questions. How did you get by? Did you get help from ANYONE at all?
Some people are just weak. They can't function without government. Dem's da fax.
Well if you were one of the people who lost their jobs in the great recession, you would be singing a very different tune.
I lost my job in great recession. Laid off in 2009.
So you didn't get unemployment benefits? How long were you unemployed for? Did you have money saved or did you get assistance from anyone?
Only losers live in vacuums. Weaklings. Government tit-suckers.
Um okay but that doesn't answer my questions. How did you get by? Did you get help from ANYONE at all?
I don't live in a vacuum.

If that doesn't answer your question, your answering me is a waste of keystrokes.
Well if you were one of the people who lost their jobs in the great recession, you would be singing a very different tune.
I lost my job in great recession. Laid off in 2009.
So you didn't get unemployment benefits? How long were you unemployed for? Did you have money saved or did you get assistance from anyone?
Only losers live in vacuums. Weaklings. Government tit-suckers.
Um okay but that doesn't answer my questions. How did you get by? Did you get help from ANYONE at all?
I don't live in a vacuum.

If that doesn't answer your question, your answering me is a waste of keystrokes.
Ok I'm just going to assume you got financial assistance elsewhere then.

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