Republicans know we are a Democracy. They just admitted it.

I'm a Constitutional Conservative not a Republican and the Founders were very clear that the US is a Constitutional Republic. You would know this if you didn't let the elite on the left think for you. They use your ignorance making you believe that if you don't vote or act a certain way you are going to lose Democracy.

Nowhere in the Constitution is the word Democracy mentioned, but the Republic is.
Democrats shit on democracy: These shit stain Democrats are all over the Fake News bloviating about 'democracy' as self appointed champions. Yet when the PEOPLE of California voted overwhelmingly to ban gay marriage did Democrats defend democracy and the will of the people? NOPE! Democrats ran to the courts to overturn the measure. So much for democracy and the will of the people.

I'm happy to rub their snotty noses in the rotted festering stench of hypocrisy.
Straight from the document that you obviously didn't bother to read.

2024 WSRP Resolutions Page 2 of 15 Resolution
1 – DO PASS – Resolution Supporting our Republic vs. Democracy
2 WHEREAS a republic and a democracy are two distinct forms of government; and
4 WHEREAS the United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 guarantees to every 5 state "a republican form of government" and we pledge allegiance to our country's flag 6 “and to the Republic for which it stands;” and
8 WHEREAS John Adams stated "Democracy...while it lasts is more bloody than either
9 aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes,
10 exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide;”
11 and
13 WHEREAS the Republican Party is the party of limited, Constitutional government, and
14 the Democratic Party promotes progressivism and socialism; and

16 WHEREAS every time the word "democracy" is used favorably it serves to promote the
17 principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose;
19 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Republican Party, in
20 convention assembled, acknowledges that our nation is intended to be a republic, not a
21 democracy; and
23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we encourage Republicans to substitute the words
24 "republic" and "republicanism" where previously they have used the word "democracy;"
25 and
27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we support legislation that preserves the republican
28 nature of our government institutions and oppose legislation which makes our nation
29 more "democratic" in nature, and that, while we favor and encourage liberty in all
30 nations, we oppose all efforts to use American military might to spread "democracy"
31 around the world.

34 Resolution 2 – DO PASS – Resolution Specifying Constitutional Authority for Laws
36 WHEREAS the United States of America was founded on the precepts adopted in the
37 Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights;
39 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we call on the House of Representatives of the
40 United States of America to pass an Enumerated Powers Act stating that: “Each Act of
41 Congress, bill, and resolution, or conference report thereon or amendment thereto, shall
42 contain a concise explanation of the specific authority in the Constitution of the United
43 States relied upon as the basis for enacting each portion of the measure.”


Right outta 1984
When a group of citizens approached Benjamin Franklin after the constitutional convention and asked him what kind of government the convention had established, he replied, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Your post is a product of the substandard education that our public schools are providing. America was founded as a republic, and the founding fathers often referred to our founding principles as "republican principles" and "republicanism," with a small "r" to refer to concepts instead of party.

"Democratic principals"??? You should have said "democratic principles," with a small "d" for "democratic." And the word is "principles," not "principals." Check a dictionary.

This is sad and embarrassing. Go read the Pledge of Allegiance: "We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. . . ."

If you spent one hour in the writings of the founding fathers, you would discover that they founded a republic, not a purely majority-rule democracy. In a generic sense, we have democratic government--small "d"--because we have elections--but we are not a "democracy" in the technical definition of the term because we do not have absolute or pure majority rule.

Luckily, we still have some checks and balances against what the framers sometimes called the "tyranny of the majority."

Read and educate yourself on your own country's founding:

Good job making my point!

Thanks for the assist!
80% of Americans live in cities and they ARE deciding elections, whether morons such as you, like it or not. They are the VAST majority of Americans. The cities are the drivers of the US economy, and as such, their needs are paramount to the success or failure of your nation's economy.

You're saying that the wants and needs of 80% of Americans should be ignored, because people like you have been brainwashed into believing cities are "shitholes".

Republicans have become so radicalized and idealogically driven, that they have lost all common sense or the ability to RUN anything. Municipal politics are all about managing garbage pickup, fixing potholes, issuing building permits and doing building and health department inspections, making sure your community has enough schools, libraries, police services, fire houses, etc., to function efficiently.

When your nation was founded, it was based on an agrarian economy. The needs of farmers and land owners was paramount to the success of the nation. That ceased to be true in the Industrial Revolution, and continuing to base your governement on an Electoral College system designed to protect large land owners over those of city dwellers who are now driving your manufacturing and service based economy, is destroying that economy.

4 economic crashes in the last 100 years - all at the hands of the Republican Party, and two of them at the hands of Presidents that the American people refused to support. The EC has inflicted rejected the people's choices, and inflicted three of the worst presidents in American history, on the nation - all to disastrous consequences.

W and Trump, in particular, both crashed the economy. Both had insane foreign policy which costs the nation dearly, in both blood and treasure. Both did nothing to stop off-shoring. W with his War on Terrorism, and Trump with his failed covid response.

The EC NEEDS to go.
You need to MYOB fu ki g Canuck C*nt
Thank you showing your bigotry and ignorance.
First and foremost the richest people in America are Democrats. The people who control the most money are democrats.

Larry Fink we can start with. Together, Blackrock and Vanguard control $20 trillion.

We are a Republic, we are Republic because a Democracy does not protect the rights of minorities

We saw Democrats fight for a democracy, it was called the Civil War, when Democrats owned slaves and wanted to keep it that way. Even now, we see that Democrats want to replace the slaves of the past with illegal immigrants, hispanics.

Yes, they are and all agree that they NEED to pay more taxes.

You are a Republic because you democratically elect representatives to pass laws on your behalf, instead of having a "direct democracy" where everyone votes on every issue.

You're still clinging the what happened nearly 200 years ago as a reason to hate on Democrats???? Why aren't you living in the present electra??? The Democrats ceased to be the party of slavery or racism under Kennedy and Johnson, and the Republicans became the party of the KKK, racism and slavery in 1980 when Ronald Reagan promised to end Affirmative Action, Roe v Wade, women's lib, unions, and the War on Poverty in 1980.

When Republicans were elected in 1980, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Under Republican tax and labour laws, and successive economic crashes under Republican Presidents, today working Americans own 0% of the wealth of the nation, and now need to work more than one job and/or depend on government assistance, to provide their families with basic necessities.

Republicans have raised the minimum wage once in the last 40 years, while executive pay has increased by over 1000% since that time. Working American have been completely impoverished by Republican tax and labour codes, and your middle class is now declining. When Reagan was elected, you had a 20% of working your way out of poverty if you are born poor. Today, it's 2%. And if you do manage to get a good education and a degree, you'll spend the rest of your life paying off the student debt to achieve. so you're still poor.

Donald Trump is simply fulfilling Reagan's promise of a white Christian nationalist country, where the rich get richer, and the poor are kept in poverty.
“We encourage Republicans to substitute the words ‘republic’ and ‘republicanism’ where previously they have used the word ‘democracy,’ ” the resolution says. “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”
When they first started playing this weird game -- obviously the word "democracy" is simply a short catch-all for a country whose leadership is determined by the vote of the people -- I thought they were just trying to sound intelligent, demonstrating that we're not technically a democracy. Great, big deal.

But they're made themselves much more clear now. This is about something quite different. I didn't see it, but now I do. It's hard to miss.
Democrats are violently INTOLERANT of opposing views. Democrats want to cram their world view down everyone's throats. Already they force compliance via punishment taxes, fees, and other means of coercion. They can't convince people so they force them to OBEY. 200 years ago a people like Democrats would be wiped out in a war.
so are many republicans.....intolerant of opposing views....want to cram their world view down everyones throats...
When they first started playing this weird game -- obviously the word "democracy" is simply a short catch-all for a country whose leadership is determined by the vote of the people -- I thought they were just trying to sound intelligent, demonstrating that we're not technically a democracy. Great, big deal.

But they're made themselves much more clear now. This is about something quite different. I didn't see it, but now I do. It's hard to miss.
And it becomes clearer with every attempted justification in the thread.
I give zero fucks about the uneducated opinions of others. Read the Constitution moron and you should also do a little research on what the Founding Fathers thought about Democracies they aren't very flattering on the subject.

No I nailed it. You lunatics are constantly screaming if we lose and the other guy wins we are going to lose Democracy. I will point out that there are a few dumbass Republicans who say the same shit.

YOU should do the research, asshole. There WERE no democracies when the Founders wrote the Constitution. There hadn't BEEN a democracy ANYWHERE in the entire world, since the fall of the Roman Republic in the 6th Century. The French Revolution hadn't even happened when your Founders wrote your Constitution.

They literally had no way of knowing whether their liberal ideas of personal rights and freedoms would even work, since there was nothing to compare them to.
There wasn't a single "feeling" expressed in that post. He simply laid out the facts. You're the one who is projecting "feelings" and operates entire on a "fact free" basis.
So says the racist blackface supporter.
Democrats are violently INTOLERANT of opposing views. Democrats want to cram their world view down everyone's throats. Already they force compliance via punishment taxes, fees, and other means of coercion. They can't convince people so they force them to OBEY. 200 years ago a people like Democrats would be wiped out in a war.
Democrats will stop at NOTHING to ensure a permanent far Left one party dictatorship.
Democrats are violently INTOLERANT of opposing views. Democrats want to cram their world view down everyone's throats. Already they force compliance via punishment taxes, fees, and other means of coercion. They can't convince people so they force them to OBEY. 200 years ago a people like Democrats would be wiped out in a war.

There isn't a single thing that is true or valid in your post. Democrats are demanding that you STOP forcing people to live the way YOU want them to live, and respect their rights too, and YOU can't stand that.

Trump says that the states can "do what they want to women". Put them in jail. Track their menstral cycles. Let them die. It's up to the states. Despite elections that show that 70% of Americans want American women to have proper prenatal and pregnancy health care, including abortions, where and when needed, Trump wants to ban the distribution of birth control and abortion pills by mail and says he'll sign a nationwide ban on abortion.

I guess enough women aren't dying to suit him. So don't try to tell the women of America that wrong headed and delusional notions are being forced down YOUR throat, because YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT.
So says the racist blackface supporter.

How old are you? 12???? You have nothing so you fling your monkey shit at the passing humans????

Given that my other choice is endorsed by Alex Jones, and the KKK, I'll stick with what we've got. The guy that got US through covid with 1/3 of the disease and death you people had, and no crashed economy.

And who routinely handed Donald Trump has ass on a plate, throughout his presidency. I would be happy to let Trump renegotiate NAFTA again, though. Our exports surplusses are back up to 2006 levels - $60 billion, and more, after Trump declared that our $11 billion surplus under Obama was "screwing Americans over". The "Great Negotiator" strikes again.

What a putz!

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