Republicans in disarray?


Jun 27, 2009
Well, it looks like it, anyway...

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) are being prodded by their House GOP colleagues to work through their battle-scarred relationship.
Republican lawmakers said they are frustrated with the perceived tension between the Speaker and his top lieutenant, especially heading into an election year that will bring a fierce battle with the Democrats for control of the House.

The stinging payroll-tax defeat has left many in the House GOP exasperated, with some publicly and privately questioning their leaders. A GOP insider said the tensions between Boehner and Cantor loyalists will reverberate into next year, and that the House Republican Conference could be in utter disarray in January and February.

According to various media reports based on a readout from a “source on the call,” Boehner, Cole and Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) praised the two-month deal Saturday, while Cantor, House GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) and House GOP conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas) sided with the freshmen in ardent opposition.

Even though lawmakers loyal to Boehner and Cantor who participated in the call disputed that characterization, the reports caused a rift among lawmakers who questioned the motivations behind the leak.

Republican lawmakers frustrated with Boehner-Cantor soap opera -
As long as the Tea Baggers are calling the shots, they will be in "disarray." Between the Baggers and the population demographics, the GOP is going to have to redefine themselves in order to survive.
good grief, just because the Republicans aren't all marching in lockstep like the Democrat party does, with bribes, threats of their jobs, etc etc.

And another article that looks like it could of been released from the DNC

surprise surprise.
The GOP had better get their act together if they want to save themselves an ass kicking in 2012. They already have a minimal chance at unseating Obama but if they keep up the infighting they will turn back the House.
The GOP had better get their act together if they want to save themselves an ass kicking in 2012. They already have a minimal chance at unseating Obama but if they keep up the infighting they will turn back the House.

I'd think you all should be MORE WORRIED about the Obama's high disapprovals .
but your all's concern for Republicans is touching
The GOP had better get their act together if they want to save themselves an ass kicking in 2012. They already have a minimal chance at unseating Obama but if they keep up the infighting they will turn back the House.

I'd think you all should be MORE WORRIED about the Obama's high disapprovals .
but your all's concern for Republicans is touching

The disapproval of the Republican party is much worse than that of Obama

On top of that, people personally like Obama.......they hold their noses at the Republicans
Rapprochement between Boehner, representing the GOP Old Guard, and the radicals in the TPM is unlikely, as the latter are not interested in sound governance. The problem for Boehner, of course, is the TPM is reckless and irresponsible, they demonstrated that in the Debt Ceiling debacle. And again with the botched middle class tax cut stand-off.
Rapprochement between Boehner, representing the GOP Old Guard, and the radicals in the TPM is unlikely, as the latter are not interested in sound governance. The problem for Boehner, of course, is the TPM is reckless and irresponsible, they demonstrated that in the Debt Ceiling debacle. And again with the botched middle class tax cut stand-off.

you must be talking about these RADICALS and how they were giving us SOUND GOVERNANCE..

Who plays Politics with the debt Ceiling? All Democrats voted Against Raising the Debt Ceiling under Bush –

or this RADICAL..
[ame=]"O" the Debt Ceiling - YouTube[/ame]

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You can call it "disarray" if it makes you feel better. The dirty little secret is that there is always conflict within the republican party. That's how politics works. If republicans stayed stagnated following fools like Barry and Harry they would look like zombie democrats. Ever see Harry Reid speak? The man has no soul.

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