Republicans have no health care plan

Why does anyone have to put up a plan to compete with total shit?

Going back to the way it was in '09 is a better situation than what exists now.
You have to be an incredibly willfully dumb fuck to believe this horseshit.

No wonder they Republicans and Trump have been able to hoax you tards so easily.


I agree with the sentiment that "replacing" ACA is dumb. There's no need to offer an alternative to something that is a net negative.

But that's not the same thing as saying there is no problem. The debate is, as it has always been, over what the problem is. I see the problem as one of skewed markets - health care prices are inflated beyond all reason. And that's what I'd like to see the Republicans address. But others don't think that's a plan at all. To them, the problem is the fact that people have to pay for health care at all. They think everyone should be guaranteed basic (by someone's definition of 'basic') health by the government. This implies an entirely different solution than address market imbalances.
Wow...An actual cogent thought instead of "TRUMPTARDS DUUUUMMMB!" (never mind the fact that I've not voted since 2000 and criticized the Cheeto on a number of issues)....But then again, look at who you're dealing with.

Fact is that medical care is expensive because of gubmint intervention and meddling, not despite it....But the only response you get out of the worshipers of The State is to do even more of what has totally screwed everything up in the first place.
The VA is in fact socialized care. It's terrible. Everyone knows this. Or should....

Yea...except every Vet I ever talked to that used the VA

No, I have no health insurance, because in 2006, before Obama screwed it up, I could get a $67/month health insurance policy, that covered doctors visits, and prescriptions, and had a $2,000 deductible, with a million dollar cap.

Sure ya could. And you had unicorns living in your attic too

Except every Vet I've talked to, that has used the VA.

Everything I said is the absolute truth. You can mock it, but you can't contradict it.


So you post this shit without a link to the full story.


That is the full story. That is a spreadsheet of premiums and deductibles over 10 years from 2008 to 1017.
Why not just go back to pre ACA and allow the states to do as they wish rather than making it a national issue?
Why not just go back to pre ACA and allow the states to do as they wish rather than making it a national issue?

Left-wingers can't allow people to have a different plan, than their plan, because then people will see socialism sucks.

This is why in the 1980s, they allowed people to put their Social Security into private accounts, and they ended that program. The problem was, everyone got tons more money from their private accounts, than Social Security.

It was showing everyone that SS sucks. So they banned that program.

The Dems already came up with and enacted healthcare. The Repubs, if they were smart, would build on what is already existing rather than trying to destroy it. Like it or not, a lot of people use it, like it, depend on it.

Yeah, we know they did. That's why everyone is worse off today. I have no health insurance right now, specifically because of the Democrats.

If they were smart, they wouldn't have harmed everyone to begin with.


You have no health insurance because of you.

No, I have no health insurance, because in 2006, before Obama screwed it up, I could get a $67/month health insurance policy, that covered doctors visits, and prescriptions, and had a $2,000 deductible, with a million dollar cap.

By 2014, the cheapest policy was $300/month, with a $7,000 deductible, and today the policies are worse.

It is now better for me to not have insurance, and then just get insurance when I get sick, since the insurance companies can't deny me for pre-existing conditions.

Granted, this is why premiums have more than doubled, and deductibles have quadrupled, but that's the system the idiotic democraps setup.


This post is a lie the max deductible in 2014 was 6350 and you cannot buy insurance when you get sick unless it's during open enrollment.

Yes, I'm aware of this. And that is what I plan to do.

Remember the hospital cannot deny me care by law. So all I have to do, is get whatever care I can from the hospital, until open enrollment, and then I'll enroll. Simple as that.

The Darwin principle in action. The hospital is required to stabilize you, no cure you. Good luck with your cancer or heart disease.
Why not just go back to pre ACA and allow the states to do as they wish rather than making it a national issue?

Left-wingers can't allow people to have a different plan, than their plan, because then people will see socialism sucks.

This is why in the 1980s, they allowed people to put their Social Security into private accounts, and they ended that program. The problem was, everyone got tons more money from their private accounts, than Social Security.

It was showing everyone that SS sucks. So they banned that program.

I'm very depressed to hear that. I have been living very well on Social Security for almost 10 years. Hell, I thought I was happy....
The Washington Post reports that the Republican Party has no health care plan.

Better to have no plan to fix a mess or no plan to make a bad mess worse (and Trump has already helped it a little) than to have created the mess in the first place and plan on leaving the mess as it is or make it even worse!
Why not just go back to pre ACA and allow the states to do as they wish rather than making it a national issue?

Left-wingers can't allow people to have a different plan, than their plan, because then people will see socialism sucks.

This is why in the 1980s, they allowed people to put their Social Security into private accounts, and they ended that program. The problem was, everyone got tons more money from their private accounts, than Social Security.

It was showing everyone that SS sucks. So they banned that program.

I'm very depressed to hear that. I have been living very well on Social Security for almost 10 years. Hell, I thought I was happy....

I think It’s fine but as is it is due to run out of money in 2031.
Why not just go back to pre ACA and allow the states to do as they wish rather than making it a national issue?

Left-wingers can't allow people to have a different plan, than their plan, because then people will see socialism sucks.

This is why in the 1980s, they allowed people to put their Social Security into private accounts, and they ended that program. The problem was, everyone got tons more money from their private accounts, than Social Security.

It was showing everyone that SS sucks. So they banned that program.

I'm very depressed to hear that. I have been living very well on Social Security for almost 10 years. Hell, I thought I was happy....

I think It’s fine but as is it is due to run out of money in 2031.

Actually, they were saying in 1986 that it would run out of money in 2002. I hope the treasury doesn't find out. They might stop sending me checks.
Agreed. Taxation shouldn't be used as a tool to manipulate society.

The problem with a charitable deductions is you get to give to who you want, and that is not fair.

Well, we can't have that!

Yes taxes are a tool.

Taxation is a tool to collect revenue for the government's operating expenses. Using to as carrot/stick to push people around is an abuse of the taxation power.
No thanks. I'll stick with the CBO not some prediction with no facts.

That is not to say Trump has cut some of the funding Obamacare used to generate & he has made premiums go up when he cut funding to insurers provided in the ACA.

Proof that the Republicans will fuck up everything they touch & blame someone else..
Why does anyone have to put up a plan to compete with total shit?

Going back to the way it was in '09 is a better situation than what exists now.
You have to be an incredibly willfully dumb fuck to believe this horseshit.

No wonder they Republicans and Trump have been able to hoax you tards so easily.


I agree with the sentiment that "replacing" ACA is dumb. There's no need to offer an alternative to something that is a net negative.

But that's not the same thing as saying there is no problem. The debate is, as it has always been, over what the problem is. I see the problem as one of skewed markets - health care prices are inflated beyond all reason. And that's what I'd like to see the Republicans address. But others don't think that's a plan at all. To them, the problem is the fact that people have to pay for health care at all. They think everyone should be guaranteed basic (by someone's definition of 'basic') health by the government. This implies an entirely different solution than address market imbalances.
Wow...An actual cogent thought instead of "TRUMPTARDS DUUUUMMMB!" (never mind the fact that I've not voted since 2000 and criticized the Cheeto on a number of issues)....But then again, look at who you're dealing with.

Fact is that medical care is expensive because of gubmint intervention and meddling, not despite it....But the only response you get out of the worshipers of The State is to do even more of what has totally screwed everything up in the first place.
Let me use small words for you tards.

To get gubmint out of health care, you have to write laws that do that.

Not only do you have to repeal Obamacare with a law, you have to undo the gubmint intervention which caused prices to skyrocket for six decades with MOAR laws.

Your party has no such plan.

And you idiots have STILL not caught on you are being hoaxed. This is fucking amazing!
These poor dumb rubes will never get it. They are willfully stupid. They DESERVE to be lied to.

The Republican party has no plan. Nada. NOTHING.

Just as they always have.

One day we will have single payer health care, and these credulous tards will have no clue it is their own fault. :lol:
Why not just go back to pre ACA and allow the states to do as they wish rather than making it a national issue?

Left-wingers can't allow people to have a different plan, than their plan, because then people will see socialism sucks.

This is why in the 1980s, they allowed people to put their Social Security into private accounts, and they ended that program. The problem was, everyone got tons more money from their private accounts, than Social Security.

It was showing everyone that SS sucks. So they banned that program.

I'm very depressed to hear that. I have been living very well on Social Security for almost 10 years. Hell, I thought I was happy....

I think It’s fine but as is it is due to run out of money in 2031.

Actually, they were saying in 1986 that it would run out of money in 2002. I hope the treasury doesn't find out. They might stop sending me checks.

Well at this pace. I am sure we ll just print more money.
You really have to wonder about the IQ of the left. They worry that ACA, which is nothing but poorly implemented Rommney care, will be taken away. But cry that the Republicans have no and do not want healthcare. To date they have been the only ones to put forward any healthcare plans that do not include trillions in added debt every year.
The ACA as written adds nothing to the debt. Trump is trying to make it run up the debt.

When will you quit lying?
As soon as you realize that it costs the federal government billions of dollars each year. When you realize that it is badly implemented Romneycare which is named after Mit Romney which was the Republican that first proposed it. Once you realize that it took the democrats to screw up Romneycare so badly.

Read this if you really don't think that it costs. Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016. Of course only someone badly educated would think that you can subsidize insurance from an insurance company would not want money for that subsidy.
These poor dumb rubes will never get it. They are willfully stupid. They DESERVE to be lied to.

The Republican party has no plan. Nada. NOTHING.

Just as they always have.

One day we will have single payer health care, and these credulous tards will have no clue it is their own fault. :lol:

I predict that Trump will sign single payer into law in his second term.
Why not just go back to pre ACA and allow the states to do as they wish rather than making it a national issue?

Left-wingers can't allow people to have a different plan, than their plan, because then people will see socialism sucks.

This is why in the 1980s, they allowed people to put their Social Security into private accounts, and they ended that program. The problem was, everyone got tons more money from their private accounts, than Social Security.

It was showing everyone that SS sucks. So they banned that program.

I'm very depressed to hear that. I have been living very well on Social Security for almost 10 years. Hell, I thought I was happy....

Happy is more a result of your internal character. I've met people who lived on $10,000 a year, who were happy.

Equally I've met people who earn double what I do, and they are absolutely miserable.

The idea that money and free stuff makes you happy, is ridiculous

As for your retirement... Again, your retirement might be garbage, and still be very happy with how crappy a retirement you have. I know people who live on Social Security, like they are impoverished Haitians, and seem relatively happy.

But being happy with what you have, doesn't mean what you have is super amazing. I have an 03 Grand Marquis. I love it. But I'm not under the illusion that my Grand Marquis is the best thing on the road.

No matter how you look at Social Security, it sucks. You can be very happy living on Social Security (until we run out of money like Greece), but that still doesn't mean Social Security is a great retirement. It isn't. By every possible measure, every other retirement system is better than social security.

In fact.... If you invest the same amount of money into a Mutual fund of US bonds... which ironically the US would use to pay Social Security.... you end up with a better retirement than Social Security.

That's just a fact. Doesn't mean you can't be happy living on less. Tons of people live on less than I do, and are happy. But that doesn't change the facts. Social Security is a terrible retirement. It'll be even worse when we run out of money and we will, at some point.
Why not just go back to pre ACA and allow the states to do as they wish rather than making it a national issue?

Left-wingers can't allow people to have a different plan, than their plan, because then people will see socialism sucks.

This is why in the 1980s, they allowed people to put their Social Security into private accounts, and they ended that program. The problem was, everyone got tons more money from their private accounts, than Social Security.

It was showing everyone that SS sucks. So they banned that program.

I'm very depressed to hear that. I have been living very well on Social Security for almost 10 years. Hell, I thought I was happy....

Happy is more a result of your internal character. I've met people who lived on $10,000 a year, who were happy.

Equally I've met people who earn double what I do, and they are absolutely miserable.

The idea that money and free stuff makes you happy, is ridiculous

As for your retirement... Again, your retirement might be garbage, and still be very happy with how crappy a retirement you have. I know people who live on Social Security, like they are impoverished Haitians, and seem relatively happy.

But being happy with what you have, doesn't mean what you have is super amazing. I have an 03 Grand Marquis. I love it. But I'm not under the illusion that my Grand Marquis is the best thing on the road.

No matter how you look at Social Security, it sucks. You can be very happy living on Social Security (until we run out of money like Greece), but that still doesn't mean Social Security is a great retirement. It isn't. By every possible measure, every other retirement system is better than social security.

In fact.... If you invest the same amount of money into a Mutual fund of US bonds... which ironically the US would use to pay Social Security.... you end up with a better retirement than Social Security.

That's just a fact. Doesn't mean you can't be happy living on less. Tons of people live on less than I do, and are happy. But that doesn't change the facts. Social Security is a terrible retirement. It'll be even worse when we run out of money and we will, at some point.

Thank you for the guidance, Oprah! Now that I know that my social security retirement here in paradise in my resort retirement community in Southern AZ, I will endeavor to spend less time drinking margaritas while watching the sunset against the mountains, and more time complaining about the government that made that possible!
These poor dumb rubes will never get it. They are willfully stupid. They DESERVE to be lied to.

The Republican party has no plan. Nada. NOTHING.

Just as they always have.

One day we will have single payer health care, and these credulous tards will have no clue it is their own fault. :lol:
That may come a lot sooner now if the Courts kill the ACA
No matter how you look at Social Security, it sucks. You can be very happy living on Social Security (until we run out of money like Greece), but that still doesn't mean Social Security is a great retirement. It isn't. By every possible measure, every other retirement system is better than social security.

What retirement system would that be?
It's a hell of a lot better than nothing. And without Social Security...most folks would HAVE nothing

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