Republicans have elected just six blacks to major office in 70 years


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner
Kudos to paperview

In alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll those years since 1929, you'd think pubs could have found a way to overcome that wretched media they blame so much.

Here is a list of African Americans elected to Congress since 1929.
(compiled before the 2010 election, so it does not reflect current count):
Pay special attention to the party affiliation:

Oscar Stanton De Priest Republican Illinois 1929-1935
Arthur W. Mitchell Democrat Illinois 1935-1943
William L. Dawson Democrat Illinois 1943-1970
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Democrat New York 1945-1967, 1967-1971
Charles Diggs Democrat Michigan 1955-1980
Robert N.C. Nix, Sr. Democrat Pennsylvania 1958-1979
John Conyers Democrat 1965-present
Bill Clay Democrat Missouri 1969-2001
Louis Stokes Democrat Ohio 1969-1999
Shirley Chisholm Democrat New York 1969-1983
George W. Collins Democrat Illinois 1970-1972
Ron Dellums Democrat California 1971-1998
Ralph Metcalfe Democrat Illinois 1971-1978
Parren Mitchell Democrat Maryland 1971-1987
Charles B. Rangel Democrat New York 1971-present
Yvonne Brathwaite Burke Democrat California 1973-1979
Cardiss Collins Democrat Illinois 1973-1997
Barbara Jordan Democrat Texas 1973-1979
Andrew Young Democrat Georgia 1973-1977
Harold Ford, Sr. Democrat Tennessee 1975-1997
Julian C. Dixon Democrat California 1979-2000
William H. Gray, III Democrat Pennsylvania 1979-1991
Mickey Leland Democrat Texas 1979-1989
Bennett M. Stewart Democrat Illinois 1979-1981
George W. Crockett, Jr. Democrat Michigan 1980-1991
Mervyn M. Dymally Democrat California 1981-1993
Gus Savage Democrat Illinois 1981-1993
Harold Washington Democrat Illinois 1981-1983
Katie Hall Democrat Indiana 1982-1985
Major Owens Democrat New York 1983-2007
Ed Towns Democrat New York 1983-present
Alan Wheat Democrat Missouri 1983-1995
Charles Hayes Democrat Illinois 1983-1993
Alton R. Waldon, Jr. Democrat New York 1986-1987
Mike Espy Democrat Mississippi 1987-1993
Floyd H. Flake Democrat New York 1987-1998
John Lewis Democrat Georgia 1987-present
Kweisi Mfume Democrat Maryland 1987-1996
Donald M. Payne Democrat New Jersey 1989-present
Craig Anthony Washington Democrat Texas 1989-1995
Barbara-Rose Collins Democrat Michigan 1991-1997
Gary Franks Republican Connecticut 1991-1997
William J. Jefferson Democrat Louisiana 1991-2009
Maxine Waters Democrat California 1991-present
Lucien E. Blackwell Democrat Pennsylvania 1991-1995
Eva M. Clayton Democrat North Carolina 1992-2003
Sanford Bishop Democrat Georgia 1993-present
Corrine Brown Democrat Florida 1993-present
Jim Clyburn Democrat South Carolina 1993-present
Cleo Fields Democrat Louisiana 1993-1997
Alcee Hastings Democrat Florida 1993-present
Earl Hilliard Democrat Alabama 1993-2003
Eddie Bernice Johnson Democrat Texas 1993-present
Cynthia McKinney Democrat Georgia 1993-2003, 2005-2007
Carrie P. Meek Democrat Florida 1993-2003
Mel Reynolds Democrat Illinois 1993-1995
Bobby Rush Democrat Illinois 1993-present
Robert C. Scott Democrat Virginia 1993-present
Walter Tucker Democrat California 1993-1995
Mel Watt Democrat North Carolina 1993-present
Albert Wynn Democrat Maryland 1993-2008
Bennie Thompson Democrat Mississippi 1993-present
Chaka Fattah Democrat Pennsylvania 1995-present
Sheila Jackson-Lee Democrat Texas 1995-present
J. C. Watts Republican Oklahoma 1995-2003
Jesse Jackson, Jr. Democrat Illinois 1995-present
Juanita Millender-McDonald Democrat California 1996-2007
Elijah Cummings Democrat Maryland 1996-present
Julia Carson Democrat Indiana 1997-2007
Danny K. Davis Democrat Illinois 1997-present
Harold Ford, Jr. Democrat Tennessee 1997-2007
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick Democrat Michigan 1997-present
Gregory W. Meeks Democrat New York 1998-present
Barbara Lee Democrat California 1998-present
Stephanie Tubbs Jones Democrat Ohio 1999-2008
William Lacy Clay, Jr. Democrat Missouri 2001-present
Diane Watson Democrat California 2001-present
Frank Ballance Democrat North Carolina 2003-2004
Artur Davis Democrat Alabama 2003-present
Denise Majette Democrat Georgia 2003-2005
Kendrick Meek Democrat Florida 2003-present
David Scott Democrat Georgia 2003-present
G. K. Butterfield Democrat North Carolina 2004-present
Emanuel Cleaver Democrat Missouri 2005-present
Al Green Democrat Texas 2005-present
Gwen Moore Democrat Wisconsin 2005-present
Yvette D. Clarke Democrat New York 2007-present
Keith Ellison Democrat Minnesota 2007-present
Hank Johnson Democrat Georgia 2007-present
Laura Richardson Democrat California 2007-present
André Carson Democrat Indiana 2008-present
Donna Edwards Democrat Maryland 2008-present
Marcia Fudge Democrat Ohio 2008-present allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll those years...THREE republicans.
93 democrats. ---> Since 1929.

Two additional have been selected since 2010
Then maybe Democrats should stop opposing them if they really care about the numbers of minorities Republicans elect.
How can you claim racism when your party can not get but a very few minority votes?
Here's an example of a filthy Republican racist - Richard Nixon -

"The Nixon years witnessed the first large-scale integration of public schools in the South. Nixon sought a middle way between the segregationist Wallace and liberal Democrats, whose support of integration was alienating some Southern whites. Hopeful of doing well in the South in 1972, he sought to dispose of desegregation as a political issue before then. Soon after his inauguration, he appointed Vice President Agnew to lead a task force, which worked with local leaders—both white and black—to determine how to integrate local schools."
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

I guess you are just not into judging people "not by the color of thier skin, but by the content of thier character"
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

I guess you are just not into judging people "not by the color of thier skin, but by the content of thier character"
Skincolor and Gender is all that matters to the Left. Character means nothing.
i don't know who else you missed in your rush to partisan glory, but republicans eected the first black senator in the 20th century.

Edward Brooke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why are democrats racists at this late date?

He is one of the six and that was almost 50 years ago

Can you imagine the party of Lincoln, the party that takes credit for civil rights could only find six black Republicans worthy of election in 70 years?

That is out of thousands of elections for Congressmen, Senators, Governors and President........Only SIX
The racism has been decided by the American people already.

The republicans dont get many minority votes for that reason.
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

I guess you are just not into judging people "not by the color of thier skin, but by the content of thier character"
Skincolor and Gender is all that matters to the Left. Character means nothing.

Quite true......and compared to the thousands of white Republican candidates, they only found SIX blacks that met their requirements for character
How many black voters vote republican?

that is your answer to which is the racist party
I guess you are just not into judging people "not by the color of thier skin, but by the content of thier character"
Skincolor and Gender is all that matters to the Left. Character means nothing.

Quite true......and compared to the thousands of white Republican candidates, they only found SIX blacks that met their requirements for character

You keep ignoring the fact that not everyone who runs Republican gets elected. Why is that?
i don't know who else you missed in your rush to partisan glory, but republicans eected the first black senator in the 20th century.

Edward Brooke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why are democrats racists at this late date?

He is one of the six and that was almost 50 years ago

Can you imagine the party of Lincoln, the party that takes credit for civil rights could only find six black Republicans worthy of election in 70 years?

That is out of thousands of elections for Congressmen, Senators, Governors and President........Only SIX

he's not on the list you posted, racist.
black voters dont seem to like the black candidates the republicans put up for office
Do members of the Black Panthers vote Republican?

Probably not.

Fucking racists..........

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