You don't Kill The Goose That Lay the Golden Eggs i


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The truth is most of you that like Obama bash those "evil wealthy" are pandering to a smaller number of people.. i.e. people that ignore the truth!

And the truth is :
Never in history of mankind have MORE people have the highest standard of living then the people in the USA!

No where on earth are 40+ million people getting free food as in the USA and never in history!

No where on earth are 8 million people GETTING free cell phones/service!

“These free government cell phones may sound too good to be true, but they are the real deal,” an article on the website explained, adding that over 8 million Americans in close to 40 states are enrolled in free government cell phone programs. "
‘Free Government Cell Phones 4 U’ Helps People Get Information on Free Cell Phone Services

No where on earth are 47% of the country's population PAYING NO taxes BUT in addition to NOT paying taxes GET Free money from their government?

Almost 21 million American families received more than $36 billion in refunds through the EITC in 2004.

An estimated 2.4 million California residents claimed $4.95 billion in EITC refunds in 2009. California Association of Food Banks

SO when you add all these FREE benefits, Free Money.. Free food.. who is paying for it ???
Not the 47% of the population or the 21 million families on EITC, or the
8 million getting free cell phones paid by those of us that pay for our service..

So until you idiots get it through your head what the OLD adage...
You don't "Kill The Goose That Lay the Golden Eggs"!
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If what you really want to do is kill the village that depends on the golden eggs, of course you will kill the goose laying them.
You do if you're Democrat. It's not fair that they get to lay golden eggs, so nobody should.
the golden egg people have done great.

its the bees who are suffering in this economy
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Metaphors aside we are the first generation of Americans who are better off then our children will be, to me at least, that is terribly shameful and unacceptable.
Only some are better off and will continue to be better off, the children of the 1%
the golden egg people have done great.

its the bees who are suffering in this economy

I agree. The goose is the gov't., the golden eggs are the entitlements and the worker bees are getting tired and strained.

We have to reduce these entitlements because there is no way we can sustain this. Abke bodied people have to work.
Metaphors aside we are the first generation of Americans who are better off then our children will be, to me at least, that is terribly shameful and unacceptable.

Then why do you support the covetous selfish people who think they can just demand everything they want without working for it who are freaking destroying this nation???
Nope you fool.

The wealthy are the ones who these people claim lay the golden eggs.

They then give that egg to their kids.

The bees are the people who produce everything for this country
the golden egg people have done great.

its the bees who are suffering in this economy

would you please tell me "its the bees who are suffering in this economy"

47% of the "Bees" PAY no taxes!
8 million "bees" get free cell phones!
40 million "bees" get free food!

AND who pays for that ... the golden eggs produced by the goose you want to
"Time to kill the wealthy,' says fan of Occupy Wall Street"

Obama's newly aggressive push to raise taxes on the wealthy is about nothing more than playing to the Dem base, ...
the golden egg people have done great.

its the bees who are suffering in this economy

would you please tell me "its the bees who are suffering in this economy"

47% of the "Bees" PAY no taxes!
8 million "bees" get free cell phones!
40 million "bees" get free food!

AND who pays for that ... the golden eggs produced by the goose you want to
"Time to kill the wealthy,' says fan of Occupy Wall Street"

Obama's newly aggressive push to raise taxes on the wealthy is about nothing more than playing to the Dem base, ...

In any self-respecting hive, those bees would be bee food for the working bees.
The working class and middle class are the ones laying the golden eggs. The rich are just collecting them and hogging far more than their share.

And as usual, the factoids posted by Healthmyths have absolutely NO LOGICAL CONNECTION WHATSOEVER to what he is arguing. Therefore, they require no response -- as usual.
The truth is most of you that like Obama bash those "evil wealthy" are pandering to a smaller number of people.. i.e. people that ignore the truth!

And the truth is :
Never in history of mankind have MORE people have the highest standard of living then the people in the USA!

No where on earth are 40+ million people getting free food as in the USA and never in history!

No where on earth are 8 million people GETTING free cell phones/service!

“These free government cell phones may sound too good to be true, but they are the real deal,” an article on the website explained, adding that over 8 million Americans in close to 40 states are enrolled in free government cell phone programs. "
‘Free Government Cell Phones 4 U’ Helps People Get Information on Free Cell Phone Services

No where on earth are 47% of the country's population PAYING NO taxes BUT in addition to NOT paying taxes GET Free money from their government?

Almost 21 million American families received more than $36 billion in refunds through the EITC in 2004.

An estimated 2.4 million California residents claimed $4.95 billion in EITC refunds in 2009. California Association of Food Banks

SO when you add all these FREE benefits, Free Money.. Free food.. who is paying for it ???
Not the 47% of the population or the 21 million families on EITC, or the
8 million getting free cell phones paid by those of us that pay for our service..

So until you idiots get it through your head what the OLD adage...
You don't "Kill The Goose That Lay the Golden Eggs"!

And nowhere in this country do 47% of the population pay NO TAXES.

Please get it through your thick skull that there are many types of taxes besides federal income tax, and the 47% who don't pay federal income taxes do pay these other taxes. In some cases they actually end up paying more, percentage wise, than the super wealthy, because at the state level, the poorer you are, the more you pay. I find it extremely ironic how the wealthy never cry about paying so little at the state level while the poor and lower middle class pay the most.
You're wasting your time, Auditor. The right-wing talk-radio parrots use that "47% pay no taxes" meme as a bumper-sticker slogan. They don't care whether it's TRUE or not. The point for these guys is not to convey truth, after all.

Ever read The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis? This was a fictional series of letters of advice written by a senior devil to his nephew, a novice tempter. In the first one, Screwtape argued against trying to use logical argument to steer one's "patient" towards evil. "Remember," the old devil said, "that you are there to fuddle him. The way some of you young fiends talk, you'd think it was your job to teach."

Right-wing talk radio hosts and their parrots are like that. They're like diabolical tempters. They're here to fuddle us. It's not their job to teach.

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