Republicans Hate American Workers


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Aug 27, 2010
What is wrong Republicans? People who voted for them will start getting a taste of yesteryear..................:confused:

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad?

A new study by The Center for Responsive Politics finds that over half of Congress is made up of millionaires whose household worth rose 19 percent last year - to $908,255 - as the national median fell 15 percent, to $84,000. This, as House Republicans refused to extend benefits to up to two million long-term unemployed.

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad? |
Da rich gets rich and da po gets po-er.


Yep, that is why socialism is a better system, everybody prospers, not just a few. me a socialist nation where those in charge are not exceedingly wealthier than those they are in charge of.


You should have socialism everybody is poor, not just a few
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What is wrong Republicans? People who voted for them will start getting a taste of yesteryear..................:confused:

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad?

A new study by The Center for Responsive Politics finds that over half of Congress is made up of millionaires whose household worth rose 19 percent last year - to $908,255 - as the national median fell 15 percent, to $84,000. This, as House Republicans refused to extend benefits to up to two million long-term unemployed.

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad? |

This study was done on the current Congress. That means most of Congress in the study is Democrat. Looks like "Democrats Hate American Workers."
What is wrong Republicans? People who voted for them will start getting a taste of yesteryear..................:confused:

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad?

A new study by The Center for Responsive Politics finds that over half of Congress is made up of millionaires whose household worth rose 19 percent last year - to $908,255 - as the national median fell 15 percent, to $84,000. This, as House Republicans refused to extend benefits to up to two million long-term unemployed.

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad? |

This study was done on the current Congress. That means most of Congress in the study is Democrat. Looks like "Democrats Hate American Workers."



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Da rich gets rich and da po gets po-er.


Yep, that is why socialism is a better system, everybody prospers, not just a few. me a socialist nation where those in charge are not exceedingly wealthier than those they are in charge of.


You should have socialism everybody is poor, not just a few

There is elite wherever you go, but socialism is about the common man, like this thread about republicans hating American workers. I got it right, you are just to ignorant to comprehend the significance of socialism.
Da rich gets rich and da po gets po-er.


Yep, that is why socialism is a better system, everybody prospers, not just a few.
You're a fool.

The only thing that gets spread around equally is the mediocrity and misery....Well, that is unless you're a member of the ruling class.

You are an imbecile.

You just can't explain away the Socialist German people, or the European Union of which they are a member.

You can't explain to me why a fool like you bust your ass the same as a socialist worker, pay just about the same amount in taxes, and yet work 40 hours a week when they work 36, you fool only get half the vacations they do, and yours probably are not paid like theirs are, they have full wage retirements & you are stuck feeding 401ks, etc to survive in retirement, they get a mandetory 45 day annual paid vacation and you get shit on, fool. They get free medical, you die on the street or pay through the nose for coverage. Add up the monetary differences fool!They have free cable tv, you pay for yours. They can go 200+ down autobons to work, you are stuck in traffic breathing exhaust fumes. I mean tell me fool, just how much better you have it than the socialist German, for close to the same taxes.:lol: Factor in those property taxes that you pay annually, and the German pays once!!
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Da rich gets rich and da po gets po-er.


Yep, that is why socialism is a better system, everybody prospers, not just a few.

no. socialism is not a better system. to my mind, the perfect system has elements of BOTH capitalism and socialism.

fantasyland. How about a real example. IMGHI the US in the 1950s was close. The 1960s, excluding the VN war was okay. The Reagan years were good. Then the system went haywire because they moved too many jobs overseas. No jobs = no tax revenue then the rich put their money off-shore...the Debt explodes....
Da rich gets rich and da po gets po-er.


Yep, that is why socialism is a better system, everybody prospers, not just a few.

no. socialism is not a better system. to my mind, the perfect system has elements of BOTH capitalism and socialism.

And what part would you want capitalism? Think about that and let me know, so I can enlighten you without the rightwinged propaganda.
What is wrong Republicans? People who voted for them will start getting a taste of yesteryear..................:confused:

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad?

A new study by The Center for Responsive Politics finds that over half of Congress is made up of millionaires whose household worth rose 19 percent last year - to $908,255 - as the national median fell 15 percent, to $84,000. This, as House Republicans refused to extend benefits to up to two million long-term unemployed.They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad? |

This study was done on the current Congress. That means most of Congress in the study is Democrat. Looks like "Democrats Hate American Workers."

Illogical response.
Yep, that is why socialism is a better system, everybody prospers, not just a few.

no. socialism is not a better system. to my mind, the perfect system has elements of BOTH capitalism and socialism.

And what part would you want capitalism? Think about that and let me know, so I can enlighten you without the rightwinged propaganda.

I don't do rightwing propaganda... or any other propaganda.

what do i like about capitalism? the fact that i could operate a business successfully for a lot of years.... and then move into the next part of my professional life when that was no longer what i wanted to do.

the fact that my family's business operates successfully and has done so for the past 25 years....

the fact that anyone can start a business and do as well as they are able.

but i also like knowing there are safety nets for people who need them and things that provide assistance to the neediest,

i also think there should be controls on how much advantage business can take of workers and laws establishing minimum standards for the workforce.

as for "enlightenment", while I appreciate your offer, I think I'm fairly well informed on the costs and benefits of each system.
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What is wrong Republicans? People who voted for them will start getting a taste of yesteryear..................:confused:

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad?

A new study by The Center for Responsive Politics finds that over half of Congress is made up of millionaires whose household worth rose 19 percent last year - to $908,255 - as the national median fell 15 percent, to $84,000. This, as House Republicans refused to extend benefits to up to two million long-term unemployed.

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad? |

Are you bipolar or something? You were arguing for ending unemployment benefits less than a year ago, now your complaining that 2 years of unemployment benefits isnt enough and Republicans are somehow bad for not extending them past 2 years.
What is wrong Republicans? People who voted for them will start getting a taste of yesteryear..................:confused:

They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad?

A new study by The Center for Responsive Politics finds that over half of Congress is made up of millionaires whose household worth rose 19 percent last year - to $908,255 - as the national median fell 15 percent, to $84,000. This, as House Republicans refused to extend benefits to up to two million long-term unemployed.They Got (Way) Richer, And You Didn't. Tell Us Again Why Socialism Is Bad? |

This study was done on the current Congress. That means most of Congress in the study is Democrat. Looks like "Democrats Hate American Workers."

Illogical response.

Faulty premise.

You referenced a study and cited figures of that study which was done on mostly Democrats. If you want to make your point, do the work and break it down so that you have figures on those who voted against your preferences. It's not hard, it just takes effort. Your point failed because your premise was faulty. And if you don't think your point is worth the effort, it's just really not that relevant is it?

I gave you your path, let's see how much you care about actually getting people to consider your perspective?

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