Republicans Get Ready for A Potential Massive Fallout On You!

Torch you really are a hack aren't you?

The Law is hugely unpopular despite what your "peeps" is telling you.
Believe what you may but if this portion of Obamacare should be struck down by SCOTUS, you all better start praying as that would greatly change the political climate in red states. I'll let you figure it out what Devastating Consequences there would be. Hint: Many people who were previously covered but no more would very likely start voting Democratic in red states. But continue to laugh all you want.

I have to laugh at you Lefty's you tell us EVERY issue is going to "sink" us.
You won't be laughing so much when it does. Wait for the fallout.
CaféAuLait;9491801 said:
Like I was saying earlier on another thread, without having seen this story first, that if the recent ruling against a portion of Obamacare is upheld by a higher court, it has the great potential to backfire on Republicans and will send them into a tailspin they may never recover from!

Halbig v. Burwell Ruling: Anti-Obamacare Lawsuit Could Backfire on GOP | New Republic

Seriously, you are cross posting your own threads with the same subject matter? :lmao:

Lol. He tries to up the outrage everyday. I guess he's the only one that believes it.
Like I was saying earlier on another thread, without having seen this story first, that if the recent ruling against a portion of Obamacare is upheld by a higher court, it has the great potential to backfire on Republicans and will send them into a tailspin they may never recover from!

Halbig v. Burwell Ruling: Anti-Obamacare Lawsuit Could Backfire on GOP | New Republic

The author is stating exactly what I have been saying for some time. Anyone with eyes can see how the GOP is making giant strategic and tactical errors.

Now think about what would happen if it is ultimately decided by the US Supreme Court that people who get their insurance through the federal exchange are not entitled to the subsidies.

This would mean insurance will be much higher for people who primarily live in red states.

The whole GOP meme that ObamaCare drives up the cost of insurance is going to be destroyed. People aren't going to blame ObamaCare for their higher insurance costs. They are going to blame their Republican politicians who stopped them from getting subsidies.

Of course, this subsidy problem is very easily fixed. All Congress has to do is amend the ACA to allow subsidies through the federal exchange.

The ball is now in the Republican House's court.

Hmmmm...what will they do? What will they do...

This is going to blow up in the GOP's face, big time.

They are working so hard to make ObamaCare fail they can't see the forest for the trees.

When ObamaCare fails catastrophically, the people are going to cry out for Universal Health Care. They are NOT going to say, "Hey, let's go with the GOP plan!" And you know why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOP PLAN.


Single payer, here we come!
Torch you really are a hack aren't you?

The Law is hugely unpopular despite what your "peeps" is telling you.
Believe what you may but if this portion of Obamacare should be struck down by SCOTUS, you all better start praying as that would greatly change the political climate in red states. I'll let you figure it out what Devastating Consequences there would be. Hint: Many people who were previously covered but no more would very likely start voting Democratic in red states. But continue to laugh all you want.
Well, those millions of Democrats who lost their health coverage after obamacare kicked in or who's premiums skyrocketed will very likely start voting Republican.
Quite the opposite, knowing it is Republicans that hate Obamacare and they now find that their subsidies have been taken away. They would most likely continue to vote Democrat and in greater numbers. But guess who else may very well end up voting Democrat? The Republicans! That's because in the red states where people received their subsidies and were now using them to help their financial situation they now find that Republicans have won a court case to have the subsidies *removed* and they are certainly not going to be any too happy or pleased with Republicans that's for sure. So, having a hardship once again befall them by having to pay for premiums out of their own pocket, do you think they would honor your party and continue voting for them despite what has happened? Think Again! :D
Like I was saying earlier on another thread, without having seen this story first, that if the recent ruling against a portion of Obamacare is upheld by a higher court, it has the great potential to backfire on Republicans and will send them into a tailspin they may never recover from!

Halbig v. Burwell Ruling: Anti-Obamacare Lawsuit Could Backfire on GOP | New Republic

If this ruling is upheld, it may or may not backfire on Republicans. The fact of the matter is that Democratic lawmakers have no one to blame but themselves for not making sure the language was correct. If they are going to pass extremely complicated legislation, they should pay attention to all the details.
Believe what you may but if this portion of Obamacare should be struck down by SCOTUS, you all better start praying as that would greatly change the political climate in red states. I'll let you figure it out what Devastating Consequences there would be. Hint: Many people who were previously covered but no more would very likely start voting Democratic in red states. But continue to laugh all you want.
Well, those millions of Democrats who lost their health coverage after obamacare kicked in or who's premiums skyrocketed will very likely start voting Republican.
Quite the opposite, knowing it is Republicans that hate Obamacare and they now find that their subsidies have been taken away. They would most likely continue to vote Democrat and in greater numbers. But guess who else may very well end up voting Democrat? The Republicans! That's because in the red states where people received their subsidies and were now using them to help their financial situation they now find that Republicans have won a court case to have the subsidies *removed* and they are certainly not going to be any too happy or pleased with Republicans that's for sure. So, having a hardship once again befall them by having to pay for premiums out of their own pocket, do you think they would honor your party and continue voting for them despite what has happened? Think Again! :D
The Obama administration is responsible for obamacare and the subsequent issues it has created. Voters who had their premiums raised drastically in order to cover the uninsured will either vote GOP or not vote at all. The majority of Americans don't support obamacare.
Why? Obamacare is not a popular program.
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports?
You don't understand things do you? Popularity has nothing to do with what is the current law. And if the portion that was knocked off by the court remains that way, you'd better pray for all Republicans! No brag. Just Fact.

Elections are popularity contest. I just pissed on your political torch.
Sorry to inform you but your aim is so bad it just went into your mouth. :lol::D
Like I was saying earlier on another thread, without having seen this story first, that if the recent ruling against a portion of Obamacare is upheld by a higher court, it has the great potential to backfire on Republicans and will send them into a tailspin they may never recover from!

Halbig v. Burwell Ruling: Anti-Obamacare Lawsuit Could Backfire on GOP | New Republic know that democrats wrote the faulty language in the bill, right? Are you honest enough to admit that?
Like I was saying earlier on another thread, without having seen this story first, that if the recent ruling against a portion of Obamacare is upheld by a higher court, it has the great potential to backfire on Republicans and will send them into a tailspin they may never recover from!

Halbig v. Burwell Ruling: Anti-Obamacare Lawsuit Could Backfire on GOP | New Republic

If this ruling is upheld, it may or may not backfire on Republicans. The fact of the matter is that Democratic lawmakers have no one to blame but themselves for not making sure the language was correct. If they are going to pass extremely complicated legislation, they should pay attention to all the details.
The burden is not on them. It is on the courts and how they rule from now on. And Yes, if they rule to remove that part of Obamacare all Republicans WILL catch Hell for it no doubt about that as who would it be that took away their subsidies people who had them will ask. Then they will raise an eyebrow and then frown deeply and say The Republicans! And our next move to get even: The ballot box. Let's sweep them all OUT!
Believe what you may but if this portion of Obamacare should be struck down by SCOTUS, you all better start praying as that would greatly change the political climate in red states. I'll let you figure it out what Devastating Consequences there would be. Hint: Many people who were previously covered but no more would very likely start voting Democratic in red states. But continue to laugh all you want.
Well, those millions of Democrats who lost their health coverage after obamacare kicked in or who's premiums skyrocketed will very likely start voting Republican.

Really? More wet dreams from the GOP. What is more likely to happen is that after two years with a GOP majority in the House and Senate, there will be a massive backlash against the neanderthals and you will see a very strong Dem Majority in both Houses and a Dem executive in 2016, and a full single payer universal health care system by 2020.

And Democrat politicians nailed to crosses from Philadelphia to Washington DC.
All those words from the leftwing blog and they still ignore the FACT that 55% of Americans are opposed to the ACA. Maybe a reality check would be in order.
At this point popularity with Obamacare is no longer the issue. What matters is that something serious has occurred with the court ruling against a portion of Obamacare that gave a tremendous amount of people subsidies. If a higher court comes in and removes those subsidies altogether, thus, permanently....uh, what was the title of that very popular Ray Charles song again that Republicans will be singing? Oh yeah, I just remembered. It will be "Crying Time."

Dream on hack boy, people will jump with joy when maobamacare bites the dust, it's not worth the cost.
Wrong. But if there's any jumping to be done it will be all over Republicans for having removed their subsidies and now they will have to pay more out of their pockets which they can't afford to do. You just have to know they will be most displeased and will point the finger your way and use that same finger to Vote Against Republicans during elections. They Will Not Forget.
At this point popularity with Obamacare is no longer the issue. What matters is that something serious has occurred with the court ruling against a portion of Obamacare that gave a tremendous amount of people subsidies. If a higher court comes in and removes those subsidies altogether, thus, permanently....uh, what was the title of that very popular Ray Charles song again that Republicans will be singing? Oh yeah, I just remembered. It will be "Crying Time."

Dream on hack boy, people will jump with joy when maobamacare bites the dust, it's not worth the cost.
Wrong. But if there's any jumping to be done it will be all over Republicans for having removed their subsidies and now they will have to pay more out of their pockets which they can't afford to do. You just have to know they will be most displeased and will point the finger your way and use that same finger to Vote Against Republicans during elections. They Will Not Forget.
How are republicans to blame? Democrats wanted subsidies only on Federal insurance programs, not the States.
Like I was saying earlier on another thread, without having seen this story first, that if the recent ruling against a portion of Obamacare is upheld by a higher court, it has the great potential to backfire on Republicans and will send them into a tailspin they may never recover from!

Halbig v. Burwell Ruling: Anti-Obamacare Lawsuit Could Backfire on GOP | New Republic know that democrats wrote the faulty language in the bill, right? Are you honest enough to admit that?
There was no "faulty language", more like a typo. And a higher appeals court has just ruled, in essence, that the original plan is alright. So, if things are to proceed any further it will ultimately be the SCOTUS that will hear further arguments and rule on this. But one has to of course remember that it was Judge Roberts who gave the final O.K. for Obamacare to prevail and it is very doubtful he would rule otherwise this time should it reach that same court.

Two Hours After A Court Strikes Down Obamacare Subsidies, Another Appeals Court Upholds Them | ThinkProgress
Torch you really are a hack aren't you?

The Law is hugely unpopular despite what your "peeps" is telling you.

Yes it is but Politicaltouchhole just can't see it.

Of course she is probably one of those we taxpayers will be subsidizing so she can get her "free" HC.

The ACA is the worst POS bill ever passed by the Dems.

What does the Republicans version look like?
Well, those millions of Democrats who lost their health coverage after obamacare kicked in or who's premiums skyrocketed will very likely start voting Republican.

Really? More wet dreams from the GOP. What is more likely to happen is that after two years with a GOP majority in the House and Senate, there will be a massive backlash against the neanderthals and you will see a very strong Dem Majority in both Houses and a Dem executive in 2016, and a full single payer universal health care system by 2020.

And Democrat politicians nailed to crosses from Philadelphia to Washington DC.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Such an obvious hyper partisan DNC operative/propagandist pushing the party platform.... :eusa_clap: :doubt:

EDIT for clarity:
My comment was referring to "politicaltorch".
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