Republicans ending cooperate welfare... at least till September.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
About time they shut it down and piss off GE......

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - General Electric is taking steps to shift some U.S. manufacturing work overseas now that the U.S. Export-Import Bank will be shuttered at least until September, the industrial giant's global operations boss told Reuters on Thursday.

GE Vice Chairman John Rice said the conglomerate is bidding on over $10 billion worth of projects that require support from an export credit agency (ECA) like Ex-Im.

With Ex-Im unable to extend new loans or guarantees thanks to an effort by congressional Republicans to shut it down, GE is arranging with ECAs in other countries to finance the deals involved, with much of the production going to GE plants in those foreign locations. The prospective government partners include Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Hungary, he said.


Ex-Im has been unable to consider any new financing requests since Congress allowed the bank's charter to expire on June 30.

Rice's comments come as the U.S. Congress starts a five-week summer recess with no clear path to revive Ex-Im in the months ahead. A group of conservative Republicans, who say the 81-year-old trade bank is a nest of "crony capitalism" that doles out government welfare to GE, Boeing Co and other wealthy corporations, want to keep it closed for good
GE may be shipping 10 billion worth of work overseas - Business Insider
So our elected government can't use the private sector to make us the best and maintain our society. You people are traitors. fact.

There really isn't a single democratic government that doesn't. The partnership makes most of our hardware to fight wars possible.
So our elected government can't use the private sector to make us the best and maintain our society. You people are traitors. fact.

There really isn't a single democratic government that doesn't. The partnership makes most of our hardware to fight wars possible.
What are you talking about? In this thread you were making a false clame and said "Republicans want to give all to rich coporations" which is clearly not the case, they want to shut it down

The dentist exposed a real terminal illness Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You are talking out both sides of your mouth.
Oops just paid attention to the thread title yea I know " Corporate "
I always thought most Republicans were not for the huge coporations, the Democrats were.

Repeublicans were for small business that under 20 employees make up over 80% of the bussiness we have in the USA.
What part of 'shipping jobs over seas' did some of you miss?

Please tell me--what is wrong with the government loaning money and making a profit from the interest? I miss that.

Oh, some of these American corporations make contributions to candidates? Maybe you guys forgot the whole point behind Citizen United. They are not donating because they share the same ideology with the politician. Corporations donate to gain influence. If the politician does not help me(corp) I will not help the politician!

You let that fool Ted Cruz lead us into a ditch. Before I just thought of him as an idiot goof ball. Now I hate him!!
What part of 'shipping jobs over seas' did some of you miss?

Please tell me--what is wrong with the government loaning money and making a profit from the interest? I miss that.

Oh, some of these American corporations make contributions to candidates? Maybe you guys forgot the whole point behind Citizen United. They are not donating because they share the same ideology with the politician. Corporations donate to gain influence. If the politician does not help me(corp) I will not help the politician!

You let that fool Ted Cruz lead us into a ditch. Before I just thought of him as an idiot goof ball. Now I hate him!!
Yea I totally get it now, Democrats love corporate welfare, they love crony capitilism....

Democrats are for huge giant coporations and I admit you guys are good to spin it and say it is the Republicans are the ones for corporate welfare.

Good job at spreading lies. I never put two and two together till now.

Democrats love welfare for the poor and huge coporations...

Republicans are for small business and the middle class.
Interesting facts......

Small Business in the United States

Small Business Facts. In 2011, according to U.S. Census Bureau data, there were 5.68 million employer firms in the United States. Firms with fewer than 500 workers accounted for 99.7 percent of those businesses, and businesses with less than 20 workers made up 89.8 percent.
What part of 'shipping jobs over seas' did some of you miss?

Please tell me--what is wrong with the government loaning money and making a profit from the interest? I miss that.

Oh, some of these American corporations make contributions to candidates? Maybe you guys forgot the whole point behind Citizen United. They are not donating because they share the same ideology with the politician. Corporations donate to gain influence. If the politician does not help me(corp) I will not help the politician!

You let that fool Ted Cruz lead us into a ditch. Before I just thought of him as an idiot goof ball. Now I hate him!!
Yea I totally get it now, Democrats love corporate welfare, they love crony capitilism....

Democrats are for huge giant coporations and I admit you guys are good to spin it and say it is the Republicans are the ones for corporate welfare.

Good job at spreading lies. I never put two and two together till now.

Democrats love welfare for the poor and huge coporations...

Republicans are for small business and the middle class.

Leftist are jealous of corporations and rich people. I am wary of them. However, I am not against people or corporations making a profit.

Also, I don't see how you can confuse LOANS with GRANTS. You pay back the loans, you keep the grants. Welfare deals in grants--of money, food, other benefits. Giving a corporation a LOAN is not welfare, it is a business venture. Do you think your credit cards are part of some banks welfare system? Not if you pay interest!!

Small businesses and start ups can get grants from the government--are you going to shut those programs down? Why? Those small grants are usually paid back in taxes i.e. it is another type of business venture that help grows the economy!!

Think about these things a little more. Stop letting the first wild eye political hack mislead you.
What part of 'shipping jobs over seas' did some of you miss?

Please tell me--what is wrong with the government loaning money and making a profit from the interest? I miss that.

Oh, some of these American corporations make contributions to candidates? Maybe you guys forgot the whole point behind Citizen United. They are not donating because they share the same ideology with the politician. Corporations donate to gain influence. If the politician does not help me(corp) I will not help the politician!

You let that fool Ted Cruz lead us into a ditch. Before I just thought of him as an idiot goof ball. Now I hate him!!
Yea I totally get it now, Democrats love corporate welfare, they love crony capitilism....

Democrats are for huge giant coporations and I admit you guys are good to spin it and say it is the Republicans are the ones for corporate welfare.

Good job at spreading lies. I never put two and two together till now.

Democrats love welfare for the poor and huge coporations...

Republicans are for small business and the middle class.

Leftist are jealous of corporations and rich people. I am wary of them. However, I am not against people or corporations making a profit.

Also, I don't see how you can confuse LOANS with GRANTS. You pay back the loans, you keep the grants. Welfare deals in grants--of money, food, other benefits. Giving a corporation a LOAN is not welfare, it is a business venture. Do you think your credit cards are part of some banks welfare system? Not if you pay interest!!

Small businesses and start ups can get grants from the government--are you going to shut those programs down? Why? Those small grants are usually paid back in taxes i.e. it is another type of business venture that help grows the economy!!

Think about these things a little more. Stop letting the first wild eye political hack mislead you.
Just trying to figure it out know because I have known for years with a passing interest how GE has been in bed with the democrats.
Well it's not just Republicans some democrats as well....

Export-Import Bank of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

While the Ex-Im Bank projects to save the US government $14 billion over 10 years, an alternative analysis from the Congressional Budget Office found that the program would actually lose about $2 billion over the same period, due in part to discrepancies in how credit risk is accounted for. Many conservative groups as well as liberals have been highly critical of the bank, and called for its continued closure.
I want to know why giants like GE and Boeing need it for?

You have to ask them. My only concern is if they pay back the loans. As long as they do, they could throw parties for their CEOs for all I care.
Maybe you are making some sense. But my point of this thread was, I am sick and tired of liberals spouting over and over again Republicans are the party of mega coporations and corporate welfare because they are so wrong.
What part of 'shipping jobs over seas' did some of you miss?

Please tell me--what is wrong with the government loaning money and making a profit from the interest? I miss that.

Oh, some of these American corporations make contributions to candidates? Maybe you guys forgot the whole point behind Citizen United. They are not donating because they share the same ideology with the politician. Corporations donate to gain influence. If the politician does not help me(corp) I will not help the politician!

You let that fool Ted Cruz lead us into a ditch. Before I just thought of him as an idiot goof ball. Now I hate him!!

Government loaning money is exactly what caused the subprime crash.

My problem is that we're treating the symptoms, instead of the cause.

We push a bunch of policies that jack up costs on business, which drives business out of the US.....

Then we offer government funded loans and subsidies to keep them here.

This is like injecting a healthy patient with Arsenic, and then giving them oxycodone for the pain.

Here's a thought.... let's stop poisoning the economy to begin with, and then we don't need all these subsidies to remedy the symptoms.
What part of 'shipping jobs over seas' did some of you miss?

Please tell me--what is wrong with the government loaning money and making a profit from the interest? I miss that.

Oh, some of these American corporations make contributions to candidates? Maybe you guys forgot the whole point behind Citizen United. They are not donating because they share the same ideology with the politician. Corporations donate to gain influence. If the politician does not help me(corp) I will not help the politician!

You let that fool Ted Cruz lead us into a ditch. Before I just thought of him as an idiot goof ball. Now I hate him!!

Government loaning money is exactly what caused the subprime crash.

My problem is that we're treating the symptoms, instead of the cause.

We push a bunch of policies that jack up costs on business, which drives business out of the US.....

Then we offer government funded loans and subsidies to keep them here.

This is like injecting a healthy patient with Arsenic, and then giving them oxycodone for the pain.

Here's a thought.... let's stop poisoning the economy to begin with, and then we don't need all these subsidies to remedy the symptoms.
Thanks great analogy , never thought of it like that.
What part of 'shipping jobs over seas' did some of you miss?

Please tell me--what is wrong with the government loaning money and making a profit from the interest? I miss that.

Oh, some of these American corporations make contributions to candidates? Maybe you guys forgot the whole point behind Citizen United. They are not donating because they share the same ideology with the politician. Corporations donate to gain influence. If the politician does not help me(corp) I will not help the politician!

You let that fool Ted Cruz lead us into a ditch. Before I just thought of him as an idiot goof ball. Now I hate him!!

Government loaning money is exactly what caused the subprime crash.

My problem is that we're treating the symptoms, instead of the cause.

We push a bunch of policies that jack up costs on business, which drives business out of the US.....

Then we offer government funded loans and subsidies to keep them here.

This is like injecting a healthy patient with Arsenic, and then giving them oxycodone for the pain.

Here's a thought.... let's stop poisoning the economy to begin with, and then we don't need all these subsidies to remedy the symptoms.

"Government loaning money is exactly what caused the subprime crash."

I thought it was the Banks making loans to people that could not pay it back was the cause of the subprime crisis!!

You are mixing apples and oranges and changing out assets and credit scores!!
About time they shut it down and piss off GE......

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - General Electric is taking steps to shift some U.S. manufacturing work overseas now that the U.S. Export-Import Bank will be shuttered at least until September, the industrial giant's global operations boss told Reuters on Thursday.

GE Vice Chairman John Rice said the conglomerate is bidding on over $10 billion worth of projects that require support from an export credit agency (ECA) like Ex-Im.

With Ex-Im unable to extend new loans or guarantees thanks to an effort by congressional Republicans to shut it down, GE is arranging with ECAs in other countries to finance the deals involved, with much of the production going to GE plants in those foreign locations. The prospective government partners include Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Hungary, he said.


Ex-Im has been unable to consider any new financing requests since Congress allowed the bank's charter to expire on June 30.

Rice's comments come as the U.S. Congress starts a five-week summer recess with no clear path to revive Ex-Im in the months ahead. A group of conservative Republicans, who say the 81-year-old trade bank is a nest of "crony capitalism" that doles out government welfare to GE, Boeing Co and other wealthy corporations, want to keep it closed for good
GE may be shipping 10 billion worth of work overseas - Business Insider

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

The far right Republicans are such clowns.

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