Republicans Dump McCarthy For Speaker!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
People that follow national politics know in the back of their mind that this process playing out where Representative Kevin McCarthy seems to be a shoe-in to become the next Speaker of the House is like watching a train wreck occur in slow motion. A Speaker McCarthy is going to be pressured and manipulated by the far right of the Republican Party producing disastrous results. Anyone that has followed Kevin McCarthy's career knows he has at minimum deep sympathies with the far-right in the Republican caucus; this faction of the Republicans cannot govern their too unrealistic their too tunnel vision about their ideals the Republican Party doesn't have the power to accomplish what this faction wants to accomplish they don't get this!

America needs a Speaker that can be a reliable partner to Mitch McConnell like John Boehner and get things done for the country. Kevin McCarthy is at best an unknown entity Senator McConnell will not know whether he can count on him to get bills through the House so this will obstruct Senator McConnell from getting things done in the Senate. Senator McConnell is a leader that knows how to govern meaning that when your party doesn't hold all the levers of power you have to scale back your ambitions. From all indications Representative McCarthy doesn't seem to fully get this resulting in the big question will the House be able to fulfill its role in governing if Mr. McCarthy is the Speaker.

One example is that it is really hurting the country that the charter of the Export/Import Bank has not been renewed, it needs to be renewed now and there is no legitimate question on whether or not it should be. This failure to renew by Congress is causing real tangible hardship; businesses are moving operations off shore to a country that has such a bank , U.S. businesses are losing contracts because of this. All this harm is not trumped by a representatives ideal or principle that U.S. taxpayer revenue should not be backstopping the credit such a bank provides the amount of taxpayer monies on the line here is peanuts compared to the nation's entire liability this line of argument does not hold water. The Republican right wing opposition to the bank doesn't make sense the Republicans are supposed to be pro-business Republicans have long stood for having credit flow to businesses so they can prosper. These far right Republicans are contradicting themselves here because many of them are in favor of doing away with Fannie and Freddie and replacing it with a system where the private sector absorbs initial credit losses if they occur and then the Federal Government will backstop the creditors, why the double standard guys? Private sector lenders really cannot replace the Export/Import bank because the loans are made to foreign government tough to collect on defaults here plus the Export/Import Bank is profitable and is not in any real danger of catastrophic losses. Kevin McCarthy is against renewing the charter and is a zealot about this, the country needs such a guy as a speaker like they need a hole in the head.

America has a Speaker in waiting in Paul Ryan. Mr. Ryan is cut from the same cloth as Mr. McConnell they both are not extremists one can trust them to govern. The country from all political persuasions likes and greatly respects Mr. Ryan from his run for Vice-President. Mr. Ryan as Speaker would be a good mouthpiece on advocating the House "govern" he would get traction in public support for his leadership so that he would be able to provide cover for non-far right House member to vote for the House to govern. Mr. McCarthy would not provide such cover for his fellow caucus members because he would be too busy trying to cater to the far right part of the Republican Party. It's a long shot because Mr. Ryan wants to stay in his chairmanship but rank and file House Republican members should lobby Mr. Ryan to run for the Speakership. What also is needed here is for Democrat House members to show virtue and due their duty and vote for the best candidate that runs for Speaker not just oppose all Republican candidates because their from the other Party!
"America needs a Speaker that can be a reliable partner to Mitch McConnell like John Boehner and get things done for the country."

Joke, right?

If not, please post link to all that they have done for the country - education, infrastructure, jobs, veterans, children ...

Lyin'Ryan? Another RW joke who does nothing. Well, I take that back. He DID pretend to wash dishes at a homeless shelter.

Remember a few months ago when he said the Rs had a complete plan to replace ObamaCare and said "we'll have the details for you in two weeks"?

Still waiting.

OTOH, he and the other Repub liars have been saying the same thing for the past 7 years.

Still waiting.
People that follow national politics know in the back of their mind that this process playing out where Representative Kevin McCarthy seems to be a shoe-in to become the next Speaker of the House is like watching a train wreck occur in slow motion. A Speaker McCarthy is going to be pressured and manipulated by the far right of the Republican Party producing disastrous results. Anyone that has followed Kevin McCarthy's career knows he has at minimum deep sympathies with the far-right in the Republican caucus; this faction of the Republicans cannot govern their too unrealistic their too tunnel vision about their ideals the Republican Party doesn't have the power to accomplish what this faction wants to accomplish they don't get this!

America needs a Speaker that can be a reliable partner to Mitch McConnell like John Boehner and get things done for the country. Kevin McCarthy is at best an unknown entity Senator McConnell will not know whether he can count on him to get bills through the House so this will obstruct Senator McConnell from getting things done in the Senate. Senator McConnell is a leader that knows how to govern meaning that when your party doesn't hold all the levers of power you have to scale back your ambitions. From all indications Representative McCarthy doesn't seem to fully get this resulting in the big question will the House be able to fulfill its role in governing if Mr. McCarthy is the Speaker.

One example is that it is really hurting the country that the charter of the Export/Import Bank has not been renewed, it needs to be renewed now and there is no legitimate question on whether or not it should be. This failure to renew by Congress is causing real tangible hardship; businesses are moving operations off shore to a country that has such a bank , U.S. businesses are losing contracts because of this. All this harm is not trumped by a representatives ideal or principle that U.S. taxpayer revenue should not be backstopping the credit such a bank provides the amount of taxpayer monies on the line here is peanuts compared to the nation's entire liability this line of argument does not hold water. The Republican right wing opposition to the bank doesn't make sense the Republicans are supposed to be pro-business Republicans have long stood for having credit flow to businesses so they can prosper. These far right Republicans are contradicting themselves here because many of them are in favor of doing away with Fannie and Freddie and replacing it with a system where the private sector absorbs initial credit losses if they occur and then the Federal Government will backstop the creditors, why the double standard guys? Private sector lenders really cannot replace the Export/Import bank because the loans are made to foreign government tough to collect on defaults here plus the Export/Import Bank is profitable and is not in any real danger of catastrophic losses. Kevin McCarthy is against renewing the charter and is a zealot about this, the country needs such a guy as a speaker like they need a hole in the head.

America has a Speaker in waiting in Paul Ryan. Mr. Ryan is cut from the same cloth as Mr. McConnell they both are not extremists one can trust them to govern. The country from all political persuasions likes and greatly respects Mr. Ryan from his run for Vice-President. Mr. Ryan as Speaker would be a good mouthpiece on advocating the House "govern" he would get traction in public support for his leadership so that he would be able to provide cover for non-far right House member to vote for the House to govern. Mr. McCarthy would not provide such cover for his fellow caucus members because he would be too busy trying to cater to the far right part of the Republican Party. It's a long shot because Mr. Ryan wants to stay in his chairmanship but rank and file House Republican members should lobby Mr. Ryan to run for the Speakership. What also is needed here is for Democrat House members to show virtue and due their duty and vote for the best candidate that runs for Speaker not just oppose all Republican candidates because their from the other Party!

hate to break to you, but Paul Ryan does not want to run for Speaker. He is tooooooo much of a coward to actually do anything.
Paul Ryan is just another fucking NaziCon lunatic.
That is so fucking pathetic! It is fucking pathetic how out of touch with reality you are. If all you are going to do is attempt to defame someone who is, quite honestly, a far better person that you will ever be, then why don't you just keep your mindless, derogatory negative bullshit to yourself?

Go get fucked with a totem pole, shit face!!!
So, your whole and entire argument is summed with best with profane language?

Ryan is a half wit.

Ryan is a sad pathetic joke.

Ryan lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.
Paul Ryan is just another fucking NaziCon lunatic.
That is so fucking pathetic! It is fucking pathetic how out of touch with reality you are. If all you are going to do is attempt to defame someone who is, quite honestly, a far better person that you will ever be, then why don't you just keep your mindless, derogatory negative bullshit to yourself?

Go get fucked with a totem pole, shit face!!!
This is a political message board. It' purpose and function is to debate, discuss, argue and sling poop at each other about our broad spectrum of opinions ranging from full blown liberal leftest commie socialist to right wing conservative libertarian traditional God and Constitution holy roller to top shelf retard insane conspiracy theory demonic possession evil idiot.
If it is to hot for you get out of the kitchen. Deal with it or get a bus ticket to tranquil world.
America needs a Speaker that can be a reliable partner to Mitch McConnell like John Boehner and get things done for the country.

Mitch McConnell is worse than Boehner!

One example is that it is really hurting the country that the charter of the Export/Import Bank has not been renewed, it needs to be renewed now and there is no legitimate question on whether or not it should be.

Wait for i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-it...

America has a Speaker in waiting in Paul Ryan.


Paul Ryan on Export-Import Bank:

My friend Congressman Jeb Hensarling has recently launched a great challenge against the crony capitalist economy, and in particular, against one of its manifestations, the Export-Import Bank. But the bank is just one example of how bureaucratic government is corrupting free enterprise through and through. Conservatives must stop defending this.
McCarthy was a wimp for not standing up to the media already.

He actually apologized for saying something he really didn't say.

He never said the point of the hitllary hearings were to bring her down, he said her downfall was a by product. Libtard agitprop "journalists" twisted his words and demanded other republicrats denounce him which of course they shit themselves doing so.

Then he comes out and apologizes for suggesting it was intentional.

We don't need people representing us that play games with democrook apparatchiks. We need people who will take a slap in the face and come back with a kick in the balls then break their knee caps.

Fuck these goddamn liberals, they're sniveling bed wetting pukes!! We should be kicking the shit out of them! Not playing their games by their rules, that's how you fuckin loose!!

Paul Ryan is just another fucking NaziCon lunatic.
That is so fucking pathetic! It is fucking pathetic how out of touch with reality you are. If all you are going to do is attempt to defame someone who is, quite honestly, a far better person that you will ever be, then why don't you just keep your mindless, derogatory negative bullshit to yourself?

Dang, Buzz, You sucked the air out of that room. LOL

Go get fucked with a totem pole, shit face!!!

Dang, Buzz, You sucked the air out of that room. LOL
Yay, we're going to have a national shut down and become a second rate shit hole.

Do you bastards ever think?

Who cares? Just means a bunch of lazy gubmint do-nothings will get a paid vacation.. no worries, your freebies will flow unfettered.

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