Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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Trump didn't have Delta, which was 9 times more contagious....which spread to many more people at a faster rate, killing mostly those that were unvaccinated.
And yet cheap drugs stop the cytokine Storm........Not allowed by the FDA..........why not use a medical treatment like if you get it just put a gun to their head and pull the trigger.....

Not allowing proven drugs to save lives off label is MURDER.

They ONLY CARE ABOUT MONEY.........treatments would have prevented the EUA for these BS vaccines.........hundreds of thousands have died as a result.

Why are you Murdering Americans?
How does a govt issued photo ID card prevent any registered voter from committing fraud?

You're being played.

The States, when vetting people registering to vote in their state, should be checking that the person applying is 18 and older, not a felon still on parole etc IF applicable,, and a citizen of the USA. The States can use E-verify, the system set up for employers to check that their new hires are citizens, to check for citizenship on all new registrants and existing registered voters.

Requiring citizens who have lived their whole lives without a govt issued photo id, should not be required to get one, just to vote, when the States can verify this, without one.

We as citizens have voted for two hundred and twenty five plus years without these govt issued photo ids, were all those elections fraudulent and should not have counted?

If the voter is registered to vote then they should be allowed to vote, without hurdles put in the way which is similar to a poll tax.

If an I'd is required at the polling place, to prove they are the person registered, then the registered voter should be allowed to use various ids, like their electric bill, or work id, or SSAN card.

I have voted for the past 30 years, and have never been required to show an ID in the various states I lived and voted in.

I vote absentee ballot in Maine and have never been required to show a govt issued photo or non photo ID to vote that way....and I'll be damned if they ever try to make me!

Illegals, and those who do not qualify to be a registered voter, should NOT be on the voter rolls, in the first place. States should be vetting, and doing their jobs, to keep voter rolls clean as a whistle.....that should NOT be put on us citizens. The non citizens, can get a fake id.... The poor and disabled that do not drive or own a car, is who you are burdening.

What republicans have done since they started their quest to disenfranchise citizens of their constitutional right to vote, is close DMVs in black neighborhoods, right after their voter id requirements have passed. Making getting a govt id much harder for people who do not drive in the first place, to get to a place to get one.

This was a strategic, republican plan, to disenfranchise citizens of color, who repubs believe will vote democratic....cheating.

Just like their gerrymandering.

Just like republicans removing voting places in neighborhoods of color....all to disenfranchise CITIZENS that generally vote for the Republican s opposition.

You people on the left cannot stop lying. It's almost inherent to be a leftist.

The only people that can close polls is the local election board. If it's in a Democrat area, it's the Democrats that closed them. In those areas where polls were closed was due to inactivity. These machines are expensive and they have to pay people to work these polls. If there is not a lot of activity at these places, they move it to another inactive location and save money by combining those inactive places.

It's impossible for one rule that applies to all be discriminatory. I'm a white guy and if I have to get an ID, then so do the black voters, Asian voters, Hispanic voters. It's just that the Communists are so used to using the race card every time they want their way that you puppets don't even question them. Another lie is that asking for an ID is somehow disenfranchising voters. How? Nobody is turned away that has proper identification and requiring such identification is not disenfranchising anybody, no more than when you are ID'd for buying a 12 pack of beer, a pack of cigarettes, or boarding an airplane.

Republicans have never been against mail in voting for people that cannot vote in person such as the elderly, disabled, and our military out of town. We are against able bodied people from using mail in because they are on welfare and too lazy to even go to the bathroom. This is what the Communist party is worried about because their lazy constituents will vote only if it's convenient enough. If they have to put any effort into voting, they'd sooner stay home which would greatly benefit the country since they have no idea WTF they're even voting for.
No. The election was stolen. Who the fuck in their right mind would vote for Creepy Joe? 80 million people? No fucking
So, you don't care the votes show Biden winning or that none of the cases brought against it have been held up in court. But, since you feel no one would have voted for Biden and so damn the facts!

And, there you have it. Exhibit A for why you trumptards are the real enemies of our Constitution. Thanks for playing. :itsok:
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.
“We need to get back to 1958-style voting,” John Fillmore, another Republican state representative who introduced the bill said on Wednesday, according to the Arizona Republic. Arizona had a racist literacy test in place in 1958, the Republic noted. The Voting Rights Act, which wiped out many blatant efforts to keep Black people from the polls, passed in 1965.
/-----/ " Arizona had a racist literacy test in place in 1958,"
Of course, in 1956, Arizona was run by democRATs. Ain't ya proud?
Arizona Gov. Ernest William McFarland. Terms January 3, 1955 - January 5, 1959. Party Democrat.
Yes really.

. . . . listing of facts and information.

One year old and they are still there

Oh what horror! They are being treated just like other prisoners!
So, you don't care the votes show Biden winning or that none of the cases brought against it have been held up in court. But, since you feel no one would have voted for Biden and so damn the facts!

And, there you have it. Exhibit A for why you trumptards are the real enemies of our Constitution. Thanks for playing. :itsok:
A lot of those votes were bogus. The bogus ones were either unsigned, or the signature didn't match the voter rolls. You are exhibit A of how stupid Libtards really are.
A lot of those votes were bogus. The bogus ones were either unsigned, or the signature didn't match the voter rolls. You are exhibit A of how stupid Libtards really are.
LOL. Yeah, sure it was! Didn't you retards try to sue? How did that go down? :auiqs.jpg:
Then just say you were wrong is all. Your claim was that NO states mailed out ballots to everybody.
I have no problem saying I was wrong, when I'm wrong. I responded to a post that indicated the swing states in contention mailed ballots to voters that did not request ballots. Then it appeared to me that you were making the same accusation, so then I answered again in a short version
5 states have used absentee voti g as their means to vote, some for decades...4 new state legislatures added their states to those original 5....NONE OF WHICH have had their election votes contested by trumpers. There were no accusations of these states cheating due to mailing out ballots unsolicited.

It's a fake accusation to say Trump lost because of mailing out unsolicited ballots.

THAT was my point then, and still is My point now.

Do you have a problem with the 9 states that legislated the mailing of ballots to all of their REGISTERED voters?
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You people on the left cannot stop lying. It's almost inherent to be a leftist.

The only people that can close polls is the local election board. If it's in a Democrat area, it's the Democrats that closed them. In those areas where polls were closed was due to inactivity. These machines are expensive and they have to pay people to work these polls. If there is not a lot of activity at these places, they move it to another inactive location and save money by combining those inactive places.

It's impossible for one rule that applies to all be discriminatory. I'm a white guy and if I have to get an ID, then so do the black voters, Asian voters, Hispanic voters. It's just that the Communists are so used to using the race card every time they want their way that you puppets don't even question them. Another lie is that asking for an ID is somehow disenfranchising voters. How? Nobody is turned away that has proper identification and requiring such identification is not disenfranchising anybody, no more than when you are ID'd for buying a 12 pack of beer, a pack of cigarettes, or boarding an airplane.

Republicans have never been against mail in voting for people that cannot vote in person such as the elderly, disabled, and our military out of town. We are against able bodied people from using mail in because they are on welfare and too lazy to even go to the bathroom. This is what the Communist party is worried about because their lazy constituents will vote only if it's convenient enough. If they have to put any effort into voting, they'd sooner stay home which would greatly benefit the country since they have no idea WTF they're even voting for.
Who the fuck are you to dictate who gets to vote by mail and who doesn't?

You know, for a group that screams that they don't want any mandates.... you retards sure are ok with imposing laws on everyone else.
Who the fuck are you to dictate who gets to vote by mail and who doesn't?

You know, for a group that screams that they don't want any mandates.... you retards sure are ok with imposing laws on everyone else.

I'm an American citizen, that's who I am. And I'll support any candidate that tries to do away with mail-in voting with the exceptions of those who can't vote in person. I know the left wants retards to ultimately pick our leader because all retards vote Democrat, but I'd rather see people who actually care about this country and know enough about what's going on cast a vote.
Assault on DementiacRats........yes.

Assault on
Disagree. It isn't an assault on simply democrats.

It is an assault on the rule of law, an assault on our democratic institutions, on the States, on our elections....our democratic elections and those who are elected or volunteer to run them, on the Courts as well as all the citizens in the United States and their constitutional right to pick who represents them via their vote....and much more!

This isn't funny or some partisan fight between two parties that always happens

This is a fight for our very nation and its Democratic, constitutional, republic and our democracy. You are playing with destruction, all based on manufactured, endless lies.

You all have been deluded...imo.
Question for USMB Republicans

If Voting by mail favors Democrats, why did Republicans pick up seats in the House and in local elections??
Wasn't there something about a lot of ballots for Biden only had presidential votes, but no votes for senate or house. Thought I read something about that. It would explain why the repubs performed so well in those races.
Disagree. It isn't an assault on simply democrats.

It is an assault on the rule of law, an assault on our democratic institutions, on the States, on our elections....our democratic elections and those who are elected or volunteer to run them, on the Courts as well as all the citizens in the United States and their constitutional right to pick who represents them via their vote....and much more!

This isn't funny or some partisan fight between two parties that always happens

This is a fight for our very nation and its Democratic, constitutional, republic and our democracy. You are playing with destruction, all based on manufactured, endless lies.

You all have been deluded...imo.
Whst do you care about laws when you picik and choose the ones you obey? Allow 2 million illegals in violating our laws while putting businesses under for refusing to obey mandates whuch are not even laws.
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