Republicans can’t have it both ways


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
I support birth control pills sent with welfare checks with some high tech chip such that the welfare checks cannot be deposited unless the birth control pills are consumed daily by the low IQ savages. Secondarily no creature in section 8 housing should be having unprotected sex. I mean like why the fuck can a dude get a boner looking at the female beasts they fuck. It is just so incomprehensively grotesque. And the taxpayer has to pay all the costs for birthing the offspring, the attempts at education, the cost of law enforcement, the bullet wounds they recieve from "their community," etc. Very troubling! Very sad! Millions of dollars is often the cost for each savage. To top it off when a cop stops one from terrorizing society, the city gets sued for millions and the liberal, qu33r judge gives the savage's relatives millions. This would not be happening back when America was great.
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Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.

that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud

So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal? The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix. Don't push it off on liberals to make sense out of your lack of planning for the obvious.
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud

So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal? The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix. Don't push it off on liberals to make sense out of your lack of planning for the obvious.

NO one making abortion illegal you fucking morons

thier was an abortion activist who was arrested the other day and she was crying how people could not get abortions in north carolina

a quick google search plenty of places where morons like you can murder your babys ...whats youre problem ya fucking ****** rat

ALABAMA passing a heartbeat laws ?

go to NY where you can murder a 9 month old fresh out of the womb

YOURE SO progressive

youre dumbed down childish hysterical morons
SIT down and shut up the country is sick of you ****** rat mother fuckers
youre laughing stocks
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud

So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal? The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix. Don't push it off on liberals to make sense out of your lack of planning for the obvious.

NO one making abortion illegal you fucking morons

thier was an abortion activist who was arrested the other day and she was crying how people could not get abortions in north carolina

a quick google search plenty of places where morons like you can murder your babys ...whats youre problem ya fucking ****** rat

ALABAMA passing a heartbeat laws ?

go to NY where you can murder a 9 month old fresh out of the womb

YOURE SO progressive

youre dumbed down childish hysterical morons
SIT down and shut up the country is sick of you ****** rat mother fuckers
youre laughing stocks

Many poor people cannot afford to travel and miss work for an abortion. So, who is going to take care of all these new kids? When I mean 'take care; I don't mean trash our welfare program after you forced them to give birth either.
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
Lol I love how you complain about this “talking point” without actually having a solution to it.
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
Lol I love how you complain about this “talking point” without actually having a solution to it.

I need to come up with a solution for the irresponsible ?
we all know the lefts moronic answers and solutions to everything
youre nothing but a fucking ****** rat serf spoon feed brainless parrot
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
Lol I love how you complain about this “talking point” without actually having a solution to it.

I need to come up with a solution for the irresponsible ?
we all know the lefts moronic answers and solutions to everything
youre nothing but a fucking ****** rat serf spoon feed brainless parrot
No you fucking idiot. You have to come up with a solution for the kid. My god you’re dumb.
yoiu can still get an abortion but my rihts are restricted because i cant murder a 9 month old child WAHHH

youre all so full of shit

look in the mirror thiers a moron staring back at you stamp
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
Lol I love how you complain about this “talking point” without actually having a solution to it.

I need to come up with a solution for the irresponsible ?
we all know the lefts moronic answers and solutions to everything
youre nothing but a fucking ****** rat serf spoon feed brainless parrot
No you fucking idiot. You have to come up with a solution for the kid. My god you’re dumb.

the irresponsible parents YOU dont get that ?fucking ****** moron

AND YOURE NOW SAYING children are individuals ?and not just blobs or parasites like they are in the the womb ?
how does a blob or a parasite turn into an individual human being all of a sudden ?>

on what day does that leftatrded magic happen ?
the left YOURE laughing stocks and national embarrassments
kill yourselves
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
Strawman argument.

Your complete lack of critical thinking skills is astounding.
so much birth control out there
abortions will still be legal in all 50 states

but the ass wipe republicans are taking away womens rightS?


youre a played for useful idiot

go to world socialist and tell em i sent ya there for another talking point cause yours is OLD played stupid and boring

go stand in traffic with a protest sign
do it down south where we can run you over and not be held liable anymore
yoiu can still get an abortion but my rihts are restricted because i cant murder a 9 month old child WAHHH

youre all so full of shit

look in the mirror thiers a moron staring back at you stamp
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
Lol I love how you complain about this “talking point” without actually having a solution to it.

I need to come up with a solution for the irresponsible ?
we all know the lefts moronic answers and solutions to everything
youre nothing but a fucking ****** rat serf spoon feed brainless parrot
No you fucking idiot. You have to come up with a solution for the kid. My god you’re dumb.

the irresponsible parents YOU dont get that ?fucking ****** moron

AND YOURE NOW SAYING children are individuals ?and not just blobs or parasites like they are in the the womb ?
how does a blob or a parasite turn into an individual human being all of a sudden ?>

on what day does that leftatrded magic happen ?
the left YOURE laughing stocks and national embarrassments
kill yourselves
Lol you’re just pitiful. Again you pretend like a pussy that the issue of how the kid should be taken care of isn’t a thing. Yeah dude the woman shouldn’t of had the kid. That doesn’t erase the issue of the kid. Trust me, it’s you that is more concerned with a blob than an actual kid. Now you idiots expect the woman to not have an abortion and still selfishly whine about your tax dollars.

It’s always hysterical when republicans delude themselves into thinking they are part of the party of family and Christian values.
yoiu can still get an abortion but my rihts are restricted because i cant murder a 9 month old child WAHHH

youre all so full of shit

look in the mirror thiers a moron staring back at you stamp
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
Lol I love how you complain about this “talking point” without actually having a solution to it.

I need to come up with a solution for the irresponsible ?
we all know the lefts moronic answers and solutions to everything
youre nothing but a fucking ****** rat serf spoon feed brainless parrot
No you fucking idiot. You have to come up with a solution for the kid. My god you’re dumb.

the irresponsible parents YOU dont get that ?fucking ****** moron

AND YOURE NOW SAYING children are individuals ?and not just blobs or parasites like they are in the the womb ?
how does a blob or a parasite turn into an individual human being all of a sudden ?>

on what day does that leftatrded magic happen ?
the left YOURE laughing stocks and national embarrassments
kill yourselves
Lol you’re just pitiful. Again you pretend like a pussy that the issue of how the kid should be taken care of isn’t a thing. Yeah dude the woman shouldn’t of had the kid. That doesn’t erase the issue of the kid. Trust me, it’s you that is more concerned with a blob than an actual kid. Now you idiots expect the woman to not have an abortion and still selfishly whine about your tax dollars.

It’s always hysterical when republicans delude themselves into thinking they are part of the party of family and Christian values.

a skipping broken record youre a brainwashed moron
who is a republican ?
OK here

1 List the rights women are losing

show us how smart you are
2 in what state will a women lose her right to kill and murder her child?
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud

So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal? The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix. Don't push it off on liberals to make sense out of your lack of planning for the obvious.

NO one making abortion illegal you fucking morons

thier was an abortion activist who was arrested the other day and she was crying how people could not get abortions in north carolina

a quick google search plenty of places where morons like you can murder your babys ...whats youre problem ya fucking ****** rat

ALABAMA passing a heartbeat laws ?

go to NY where you can murder a 9 month old fresh out of the womb

YOURE SO progressive

youre dumbed down childish hysterical morons
SIT down and shut up the country is sick of you ****** rat mother fuckers
youre laughing stocks

Many poor people cannot afford to travel and miss work for an abortion. So, who is going to take care of all these new kids? When I mean 'take care; I don't mean trash our welfare program after you forced them to give birth either.
They have no problem paying thousands for an abortion over free birth control.

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