Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies. They are so easy to disprove.

What it does is make you a hypocrite. It's amazing how turds like you turn a blind eye towards the crimes of your heroes and then attack Republicans

Stupid usual and expected from a nitwit like you...

I and many others on the left are not happy with Clinton's possible coronation and would much rather have another candidate.
Secondly, we feel that way because Clinton has too much baggage on her back and no one is looking forward to more childish and non-productive squabbling between the WH and Congress for 4 years (at least.)

All the above stated, why can't ONE of you morons openly condemn when a Jeb or a Marco may be spewing lies?
Can you quote one of your posts where you attacked Obama for lying? . . . . . . .
I didn't think so.
Of course they do because the media is the radical left.

Thank you for your conclusion that Fox, the WSJ, NY Post, Washington Times, Rush, Breibart et al.....ARE NOT and should never be mistaken as media like the right wing sheep like to think.

I think you listed the entire non-leftwing media. Now list all the leftwing media outlets. I'll give you a week or two to put the list together.
Republicans better be careful with the campaign lies.

Screw that, lie like Obama I say. Lie like Reid and Pelosi and Clinton lay it on heavy lie, tell half truths, and spin. The left dragged politics into the gutter I see no reason why the right should play be a different set of rules. Its about time the left got a dose of their own medicine.
Can you quote one of your posts where you attacked Obama for lying? . . . . . . .
I didn't think so.

Is Obama running for a 3rd term???? Let go of your hatred...its making you even dumber than you already are.

....and yes, I've criticized Hillary Clinton many times, and I'm not here to waste time finding the posts for your moronic satisfaction.
Half-brained, right wingers love to tout "freedoms"....but criticize their OWN party for obvious lies, and they tell you to concentrate on the democrats......As if to stick their collective heads up their arses will make it all go away.

Actually, we're telling YOU to worry about your own party, and with Hillary as your frontrunner, I think that's fair.
It's everyone's business when a candidate from either party is thought to be lying. Republicans accuse Clinton of lying everyday, all day. If Jeb is going to say things he has to be able to back them up.

Really? If it's "everyone's problem when a candidate is thought to be lying", why is it that your reaction to accusations against Hillary is, "Nah. Bullshit. Move along"?
When did that happen? I think maybe you just told a lie. Anyhow, how would that make Jeb's comments any more truthful? If Clinton lied does that make it OK for Jeb to lie? Sounds like that is the defense you are using for Jeb.

What it does is make you a hypocrite. It's amazing how turds like you turn a blind eye towards the crimes of your heroes and then attack Republicans

Who are these heroes you speak of? How would you know such a thing as who my heroes are? Surely you have a post or comment or something to share that would show you to be an honest man and not just a retarded little grotesque boy with no upbringing and a penchant for telling lies.
Screw that, lie like Obama I say. Lie like Reid and Pelosi and Clinton lay it on heavy lie, tell half truths, and spin. The left dragged politics into the gutter I see no reason why the right should play be a different set of rules. Its about time the left got a dose of their own medicine.

What an idiot.....this thread criticizes Jeb's lying.....and what is your "conclusion"?????

"Its about time the left got a dose of their own medicine."

Does that make any sense except to other of your fellow idiots?
Interesting when a DemocRAT agrees with The Donald... must be the LIES he tells!

Democrat lauds Trump for slamming China!!!!!

The Hill ^ | 08/12/15 10:13 AM EDT | Vicki Needham
A Michigan Democrat is agreeing with Donald Trump’s take on China and the U.S. economy. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) says the GOP presidential front-runner is “spot on” in slamming China’s devaluation of its currency. “Countries like China that cheat and don't play by the rules hurt good paying American jobs — like the ones we have right here in Michigan in the auto industry, and it needs to stop,” Dingell said in a statement.
If you like your insurance you can keep it.
Healthcare premiums will drop by thousands.
You have to read the bill to find out what's in it.
Guam might tip over.
I voted for the bill before I voted against it.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
That was not my penis posted online to that woman.
Freddie & Fannie are perfectly stable.
Romney never paid his taxes.
Romney killed my spouse.
GOP wants you to eat dog food.
Depends on what the meaning of is, is.

I like rderps game. It's easy to win.
Screw that, lie like Obama I say. Lie like Reid and Pelosi and Clinton lay it on heavy lie, tell half truths, and spin. The left dragged politics into the gutter I see no reason why the right should play be a different set of rules. Its about time the left got a dose of their own medicine.

What an idiot.....this thread criticizes Jeb's lying.....and what is your "conclusion"?????

"Its about time the left got a dose of their own medicine."

Does that make any sense except to other of your fellow idiots?

Calm yourself lib.
Interesting when a DemocRAT agrees with The Donald... must be the LIES he tells!

Democrat lauds Trump for slamming China!!!!!

The Hill ^ | 08/12/15 10:13 AM EDT | Vicki Needham
A Michigan Democrat is agreeing with Donald Trump’s take on China and the U.S. economy. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) says the GOP presidential front-runner is “spot on” in slamming China’s devaluation of its currency. “Countries like China that cheat and don't play by the rules hurt good paying American jobs — like the ones we have right here in Michigan in the auto industry, and it needs to stop,” Dingell said in a statement.

No, nitwit, no one ever stated that democrats are immune to demagoguery......and make no mistake (a tall order for a nitwit like you) that what Trump states IS demagoguery....nothing more.
Look how the scurrying around intensifies as the Repubs deflect away from Bush lying about the Iraq war. Of course that is an impossible topic to defend. Hence, lets find some lies told by other people about totally disconnected and different topics. Anything to get away from that Iraq war business and all the lies W told.
Interesting when a DemocRAT agrees with The Donald... must be the LIES he tells!

Democrat lauds Trump for slamming China!!!!!

The Hill ^ | 08/12/15 10:13 AM EDT | Vicki Needham
A Michigan Democrat is agreeing with Donald Trump’s take on China and the U.S. economy. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) says the GOP presidential front-runner is “spot on” in slamming China’s devaluation of its currency. “Countries like China that cheat and don't play by the rules hurt good paying American jobs — like the ones we have right here in Michigan in the auto industry, and it needs to stop,” Dingell said in a statement.

No, nitwit, no one ever stated that democrats are immune to demagoguery......and make no mistake (a tall order for a nitwit like you) what Trump states IS demagoguery....nothing more.
So apparently a DemocRAT Representative that agrees with Trump is also into demagoguery....Thanks for admitting it!
Can you quote one of your posts where you attacked Obama for lying? . . . . . . .
I didn't think so.

Is Obama running for a 3rd term???? Let go of your hatred...its making you even dumber than you already are.

....and yes, I've criticized Hillary Clinton many times, and I'm not here to waste time finding the posts for your moronic satisfaction.

In other words, you admit you never attacked Obama for lying.

Can you spell the word "hypocrite?"
So apparently a DemocRAT Representative that agrees with Trump is also into demagoguery....Thanks for admitting it!

Well look at it this way.........If I tell you a LIE and you believe it (and actually repeat it) WHO, ultimately, is the liar???
In other words, you admit you never attacked Obama for lying.

Can you spell the word "hypocrite?"

No, that is a "conclusion": from a you.....I've criticized Obama many, many times (especially for not kicking right wingers' asses often enough).....Now, either you take my word for it....or don't. I really couldn't care any less.

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