Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research

Ravi and the rest of the pro-ebola nutbags are eerily silent these days.

Go figure. Remember the hilarity at the idea that ebola could go airborne or jump species?

What know-nothing, craphead douchebags. We'll see how much they feel like laughing when ebola hits the universities, where the precious offspring of the elitist crapheads are going to die like flies.

President Obama Already Has An Ebola Czar. Where Is She

"The woman who heads that office, and reports directly to the HHS secretary, has been mysteriously invisible from the public handling of this threat. And she’s still on the job even though three years ago she was embroiled in a huge scandal of funneling a major stream of funding to a company with ties to a Democratic donor—and away from a company that was developing a treatment now being used on Ebola patients.
Before the media swallow implausible claims of funding problems, perhaps they could be more skeptical of the idea that government is responsible for solving all of humanity’s problems. Barring that, perhaps the media could at least look at the roles that waste, fraud, mismanagement, and general incompetence play in the repeated failures to solve the problems the feds unrealistically claim they will address. In a world where a $12.5 billion slush fund at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is used to fight the privatization of liquor stores, perhaps we should complain more about mission creep and Progressive faith in the habitually unrealized magic of increased government funding."

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