Republican stupidity morphs into Democrat oppression

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
This is MY OPINION so don't respond with demands for links.

We started with the Patriot Act & the war on terror largely originating with Republican law makers but supported by Democrats.

Now we are transitioning from the war on terror to the war on our first and second amendment rights. That war is being executed by both Democrat politicians as well as a compliant media, both social & main stream.
That Democrat led war is mostly being perpetrated against the right. From the endless search for dastardly mostly peaceful protesters from the 6th where minimal property damage occurred and no deaths were recorded as a result of their actions.
Keep in mind this is occurring in the continued midst of ongoing leftist riots/arsons/looting & murder on a scale we haven't seen in decades.
Then you have states who are oppressing their citizens with lockdowns and arbitrary mandates.
The continued push to restrict lawful gun owners from exercising their rights all the while doing nothing to crack down on the criminals running rampant with illegal guns.
Capital police have opened offices all across the nation under the guise to "catch Jan 6 criminals". Of course anyone with a brain can see what this will lead to if left unchecked.
Your online activities are no longer freely yours as everyone from Zuckerberg to Uncle Sam are now monitoring you as well as altering your speech to suit their agenda.
Every week we hear about the crazy murder rates from many of the Democrat cities yet the focus is on "White Supremacy" despite the vast majority of the shootings being perpetrated by black Americans. The mere mention of that FACT will net accusations of me being racist by the left.

How and when do we reverse this mess before it leads to actual mass political inspired violence from all sides?
This is MY OPINION so don't respond with demands for links.

We started with the Patriot Act & the war on terror largely originating with Republican law makers but supported by Democrats.

Now we are transitioning from the war on terror to the war on our first and second amendment rights. That war is being executed by both Democrat politicians as well as a compliant media, both social & main stream.
That Democrat led war is mostly being perpetrated against the right. From the endless search for dastardly mostly peaceful protesters from the 6th where minimal property damage occurred and no deaths were recorded as a result of their actions.
Keep in mind this is occurring in the continued midst of ongoing leftist riots/arsons/looting & murder on a scale we haven't seen in decades.
Then you have states who are oppressing their citizens with lockdowns and arbitrary mandates.
The continued push to restrict lawful gun owners from exercising their rights all the while doing nothing to crack down on the criminals running rampant with illegal guns.
Capital police have opened offices all across the nation under the guise to "catch Jan 6 criminals". Of course anyone with a brain can see what this will lead to if left unchecked.
Your online activities are no longer freely yours as everyone from Zuckerberg to Uncle Sam are now monitoring you as well as altering your speech to suit their agenda.
Every week we hear about the crazy murder rates from many of the Democrat cities yet the focus is on "White Supremacy" despite the vast majority of the shootings being perpetrated by black Americans. The mere mention of that FACT will net accusations of me being racist by the left.

How and when do we reverse this mess before it leads to actual mass political inspired violence from all sides?

If you have not figured out yet that 911 was a false flag hate hoax by Zionists, you are totally unqualified to figure out anything else....
Yeah, the right seems to only "support the police" when it's someone else being "policed".

When the right is policed, it becomes "oppression".
Because the only subject outlined was police.....

Idiot gotta cherry pick to have a valid response
I never claimed it was the only subject.

But it certainly was a significant component of the subject.

Therefore, nothing idiotic about it.
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  • #7
Yeah, the right seems to only "support the police" when it's someone else being "policed".

When the right is policed, it becomes "oppression".
Because the only subject outlined was police.....

Idiot gotta cherry pick to have a valid response
I never claimed it was the only subject.

But it certainly was a significant component of the subject.

Therefore, nothing idiotic about it.
Your admission of my points is noted.
Your admission of my points is noted.
No admissions.

You other points was mostly pandemic related lockdowns. Not anyone’s ideal but given the extremely unusual circumstances, were warranted and only temporary.

I guess there was a point about social media and “Uncle Sam” watching it. Still relates to policing at heart. I don’t have a lot of sympathy for people’s privacy being invaded when they sign up for these services without reading the TOS which basically abdicates their rights. These are social media platforms after all. Displaying this stuff publicly is the point.
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  • #9
Your admission of my points is noted.
No admissions.

You other points was mostly pandemic related lockdowns. Not anyone’s ideal but given the extremely unusual circumstances, were warranted and only temporary.

I guess there was a point about social media and “Uncle Sam” watching it. Still relates to policing at heart. I don’t have a lot of sympathy for people’s privacy being invaded when they sign up for these services without reading the TOS which basically abdicates their rights. These are social media platforms after all. Displaying this stuff publicly is the point.
What could possibly go wrong with this? A police force run at the federal level? Republicans in office...look out leftist cities.
Democrats in office...look out rural America.

The signs are all there that our freedoms are slowly being stripped away if only you open your eyes.

Will you give up some of your rights to help us

Win the war on drugs
Win the war on terror
Win the war on poverty
Win the war on hunger
Win the war on intelligent patriotic americans noticing too much truth
Your admission of my points is noted.
No admissions.

You other points was mostly pandemic related lockdowns. Not anyone’s ideal but given the extremely unusual circumstances, were warranted and only temporary.

I guess there was a point about social media and “Uncle Sam” watching it. Still relates to policing at heart. I don’t have a lot of sympathy for people’s privacy being invaded when they sign up for these services without reading the TOS which basically abdicates their rights. These are social media platforms after all. Displaying this stuff publicly is the point.
What could possibly go wrong with this? A police force run at the federal level? Republicans in office...look out leftist cities.
Democrats in office...look out rural America.

The signs are all there that our freedoms are slowly being stripped away if only you open your eyes.

The right to due process before asset forfeiture has been violated for thirty years and yet you people say NOTHING!
Your admission of my points is noted.
No admissions.

You other points was mostly pandemic related lockdowns. Not anyone’s ideal but given the extremely unusual circumstances, were warranted and only temporary.

I guess there was a point about social media and “Uncle Sam” watching it. Still relates to policing at heart. I don’t have a lot of sympathy for people’s privacy being invaded when they sign up for these services without reading the TOS which basically abdicates their rights. These are social media platforms after all. Displaying this stuff publicly is the point.
What could possibly go wrong with this? A police force run at the federal level? Republicans in office...look out leftist cities.
Democrats in office...look out rural America.

The signs are all there that our freedoms are slowly being stripped away if only you open your eyes.

The right to due process before asset forfeiture has been violated for thirty years and yet you people say NOTHING!
Drug confiscation laws are bullshit indeed. But you're wrong, it is talked about here in KC fairly often. You just don't hear about it because you live in the middle of nowhere
Your admission of my points is noted.
No admissions.

You other points was mostly pandemic related lockdowns. Not anyone’s ideal but given the extremely unusual circumstances, were warranted and only temporary.

I guess there was a point about social media and “Uncle Sam” watching it. Still relates to policing at heart. I don’t have a lot of sympathy for people’s privacy being invaded when they sign up for these services without reading the TOS which basically abdicates their rights. These are social media platforms after all. Displaying this stuff publicly is the point.
What could possibly go wrong with this? A police force run at the federal level? Republicans in office...look out leftist cities.
Democrats in office...look out rural America.

The signs are all there that our freedoms are slowly being stripped away if only you open your eyes.

Well, that's a gross mischaracterization of the bill.

Our freedoms are being slowly stripped away unless we...

...checks the bill...

...allow police to use race and religion to profile suspects.

Will you give up some of your rights to help us

Win the war on drugs
Win the war on terror
Win the war on poverty
Win the war on hunger
Win the war on intelligent patriotic americans noticing too much truth

The links among each of these bullet points are clear: The movement to protect the people seems to be defined in both the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to our Constitution. The Rights enumerated in both of these seminal documents must not be abused, by the government nor by the people. Examples: The 2nd Amendment; laws or rules regarding the spread of disease; and other regulations which mitigate those bullet points for the people.
Will you give up some of your rights to help us

Win the war on drugs
Win the war on terror
Win the war on poverty
Win the war on hunger
Win the war on intelligent patriotic americans noticing too much truth

The links among each of these bullet points are clear: The movement to protect the people seems to be defined in both the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to our Constitution. The Rights enumerated in both of these seminal documents must not be abused, by the government nor by the people. Examples: The 2nd Amendment; laws or rules regarding the spread of disease; and other regulations which mitigate those bullet points for the people.

Right, only big big big government can save us from the "flu" that kept Trevor Lawrence from starting against notre dame.

All the lies about Covid should remind us of all the lies the head of prohibition put out on pot to keep his taxpayer funded job after prohibition was repealed.

Big government will lie to enrich and empower itself and to lash out at those who notice....
Yeah, the right seems to only "support the police" when it's someone else being "policed".

When the right is policed, it becomes "oppression".
The difference being that when the leftist bed wetters are "policed" it's when they're committing murder, rape, arson, vandalism, theft, pedophilia, corruption and black marketing contraband.

When the "right" is being policed it's because they're expressing an opinion bed wetting Knight's of Nee can not tolerate.

Bed wetters are constantly moving goal posts and changing standards. They can do anything they want, but as soon as someone they're programmed to hate starts doing it, they get hysterical. The 1/6/2021 protest was NOTHING compared to the destruction bed wetters did across all of the Capitol Area. Destroying statues, public property, attempting to set fire to a church and desecrating monuments to veterans which was done by just a few thousand hard core pieces of shit. The 1/6 protesters numbered over a million and could have taken DC if they wanted to.

That's the difference between bed wetting leftist filth and "the right". The "right" are Patriots who love the country, support the COTUS and the rule of law, and have a moral compass. Bed wetting leftist pieces of shit hate this country, hate the COTUS, give no fucks about "law" and hold morality in contempt when it can't be used to promote their insane deviant agenda.

When the "right" is being policed it's because they're expressing an opinion bed wetting Knight's of Nee can not tolerate.
Or in the case of Jan 6th, it's because they beat police officers and broke through the windows of the Capitol.

No one is arrested for expressing opinions unless you are telling the officer how you feel about them. Then they might come up with some excuse to haul you in.
This is MY OPINION so don't respond with demands for links.

We started with the Patriot Act & the war on terror largely originating with Republican law makers but supported by Democrats.

Now we are transitioning from the war on terror to the war on our first and second amendment rights. That war is being executed by both Democrat politicians as well as a compliant media, both social & main stream.
That Democrat led war is mostly being perpetrated against the right. From the endless search for dastardly mostly peaceful protesters from the 6th where minimal property damage occurred and no deaths were recorded as a result of their actions.
Keep in mind this is occurring in the continued midst of ongoing leftist riots/arsons/looting & murder on a scale we haven't seen in decades.
Then you have states who are oppressing their citizens with lockdowns and arbitrary mandates.
The continued push to restrict lawful gun owners from exercising their rights all the while doing nothing to crack down on the criminals running rampant with illegal guns.
Capital police have opened offices all across the nation under the guise to "catch Jan 6 criminals". Of course anyone with a brain can see what this will lead to if left unchecked.
Your online activities are no longer freely yours as everyone from Zuckerberg to Uncle Sam are now monitoring you as well as altering your speech to suit their agenda.
Every week we hear about the crazy murder rates from many of the Democrat cities yet the focus is on "White Supremacy" despite the vast majority of the shootings being perpetrated by black Americans. The mere mention of that FACT will net accusations of me being racist by the left.

How and when do we reverse this mess before it leads to actual mass political inspired violence from all sides?

If you REALLY want to "reverse this mess before it leads to actual mass political inspired violence from all sides"...

This is MY OPINION so don't respond with demands for links.

We started with the Patriot Act & the war on terror largely originating with Republican law makers but supported by Democrats.

Now we are transitioning from the war on terror to the war on our first and second amendment rights. That war is being executed by both Democrat politicians as well as a compliant media, both social & main stream.
That Democrat led war is mostly being perpetrated against the right. From the endless search for dastardly mostly peaceful protesters from the 6th where minimal property damage occurred and no deaths were recorded as a result of their actions.
Keep in mind this is occurring in the continued midst of ongoing leftist riots/arsons/looting & murder on a scale we haven't seen in decades.
Then you have states who are oppressing their citizens with lockdowns and arbitrary mandates.
The continued push to restrict lawful gun owners from exercising their rights all the while doing nothing to crack down on the criminals running rampant with illegal guns.
Capital police have opened offices all across the nation under the guise to "catch Jan 6 criminals". Of course anyone with a brain can see what this will lead to if left unchecked.
Your online activities are no longer freely yours as everyone from Zuckerberg to Uncle Sam are now monitoring you as well as altering your speech to suit their agenda.
Every week we hear about the crazy murder rates from many of the Democrat cities yet the focus is on "White Supremacy" despite the vast majority of the shootings being perpetrated by black Americans. The mere mention of that FACT will net accusations of me being racist by the left.

How and when do we reverse this mess before it leads to actual mass political inspired violence from all sides?
It's been going on for 70 years and now reaching a head due to parents, their parents, and their parents not teaching their kids about rights and holding politicians accountable. It's all over but the shooting imo. I hope you're armed, ex-con or not. No need to confirm.

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