republican screwjob in texas, here it comes folks.

Reps here in PA are trying to pull this fast one also. Dems and Reps have proposed to lower our property taxes while creating a new payroll tax. Its all BS. Basically theres a law on PA state books that has an artificial level that cant be passed on property taxes. They have reached that level long ago and are trying to figure ways around it to get more taxes. They have a plan to lower property taxes and create a new tax that in essence has you paying MORE total taxes. Then they will simply raise the property tax back to its artificial level again at a later date when everyone forgets about it.

I dont follow the whole "Republicans for life" mantra. Anyone that says they want to raise my taxes had better give me a damn good reason why they are doing it.
It's totally unbelievable that this passed yesterday. a republican led government body actually voted to RAISE taxes. :wtf:
manu1959 said:
are you now becoming the tax and spend liberals? is your party reversing its course? did you LIE to the american people then?
manu1959 said:
I see you're from california. What would you have to say if Arnold suddenly shifted and proposed a tax increase?
insein said:
Rep or Dem, you raise my taxes, you lose my vote. Thats how i vote here in PA. Its the kiss of death if a guy says he wants to rasie taxes for me.

Very Libertarian POV, I resemble this remark!
SmarterThanYou said:
are you now becoming the tax and spend liberals? is your party reversing its course? did you LIE to the american people then?

The Republican Party definitely has some soul-searching to do - particularly in the areas of spending and immigration. The Democrats' headlong, suicidal rush toward Hollyweird, gay rights, and blame-America-first globalist bootlicking made the last election a pretty cut-and-dried choice. However, somebody on the other side of the aisle is bound to wake up sooner or later, and try to create at least the APPEARANCE of centrism. I won't believe or trust them, but the Republicans had better get their house in order.

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