Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Up from last Sept. Highest since 2011. Keep on keeping on


  • Republican favorability at 45%, Democrats at 44%
  • Democrats generally have had the upper hand in favorability ratings
  • Major gains for Republican Party within the party, including leaners
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Forty-five percent of Americans now have a favorable view of the Republican Party, a nine-point gain from last September's 36%. It is the party's most positive image since it registered 47% in January 2011, shortly after taking control of the House in the 2010 midterm elections. Forty-four percent give the Democratic Party a favorable rating.

Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years
I will wait and see the real poll results in November. I do not see any republican being elected or reelected. But I could be incorrect about that.
I will wait and see the real poll results in November. I do not see any republican being elected or reelected. But I could be incorrect about that.
Meh, you could be right. Might be 2016 all over again

With so many people leaving the Republican Party of course what’s left over loves the party.
With so many people leaving the Republican Party of course what’s left over loves the party.
I am one. Fired them in writing 2014


2006 for me.

Not in writing, but I stopped sending the party any donations at all.

I contribute to individuals now.

While I wrote off the GOP, I do maintain my pledge to be eternally hostile to the DNC and all the regressive, bed wetting pieces of shit who vote for them. I vote GOP to make sure democrooks lose, but when I can vote Libertarian without worrying about a democrook victory I go that way unless the republicrat is as repulsive as McLame was. The DNC must be destroyed. It is a malignancy worse than any cancer or disease known to man.

With so many people leaving the Republican Party of course what’s left over loves the party.
I am one. Fired them in writing 2014


2006 for me.

Not in writing, but I stopped sending the party any donations at all.

I contribute to individuals now.

While I wrote off the GOP, I do maintain my pledge to be eternally hostile to the DNC and all the regressive, bed wetting pieces of shit who vote for them. I vote GOP to make sure democrooks lose, but when I can vote Libertarian without worrying about a democrook victory I go that way unless the republicrat is as repulsive as McLame was. The DNC must be destroyed. It is a malignancy worse than any cancer or disease known to man.
With so many people leaving the Republican Party of course what’s left over loves the party.
I am one. Fired them in writing 2014


2006 for me.

Not in writing, but I stopped sending the party any donations at all.

I contribute to individuals now.

While I wrote off the GOP, I do maintain my pledge to be eternally hostile to the DNC and all the regressive, bed wetting pieces of shit who vote for them. I vote GOP to make sure democrooks lose, but when I can vote Libertarian without worrying about a democrook victory I go that way unless the republicrat is as repulsive as McLame was. The DNC must be destroyed. It is a malignancy worse than any cancer or disease known to man.
Go back to Russia racist pot.
What's up repub trolls?

Last man?
Hell,you're a liberal you've never been a man let alone the last one.

All the GOP need to do is support the President. This is especially true in regards to Trump confronting foreign government trade abusers, and yes, even traditional "allies".

I'm biased due to my personal experience in one such nation that pretends to be an ally, but this is also the source of my information.
Wouldn’t be a hard guess. There really nothing that is so great about the Republican Party- it’s just that the left side has devolved in to a bunch of slobbering troglodytes so right has a lower bar to clear for positive numbers. I’ll clarify though- I am an American, not necessarily a Republican and I want my country to be great again!

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