Republican: my donors told me pass the tax bill “or don’t ever call me again”

You really think that republicans care about New York and California voters?

probably not.....since you morons don;t care about the number of popular votes....The electoral college and gerrymandering are the only reasons you're currently in power..............But, "thanks" for the honest admission that you morons don't give a fuck about the most industrious states.......somewhat reminiscent of how southern states looked at the situation prior to the Civil War.....and it worked out "wonderfully" for them, didn't it?

The popular vote does not elect presidents. States elect presidents.

Ladies and Gentlemen THIS is the end result of a liberal education. This is what it looks like and sounds like.
The popular vote does not elect presidents. States elect presidents.

Ladies and Gentlemen THIS is the end result of a liberal education. This is what it looks like and sounds like.

LOL.......So, we should just ELIMINATE the popular vote and let "states elect a president"????

have another few drinks, Tipsy......
The popular vote does not elect presidents. States elect presidents.

Ladies and Gentlemen THIS is the end result of a liberal education. This is what it looks like and sounds like.

LOL.......So, we should just ELIMINATE the popular vote and let "states elect a president"????

have another few drinks, Tipsy......

Are you drunk? High? Ten years old and never went to school? We have never ever had a popular vote electing the president. The states have always elected the president. No wonder you're upset. You have no idea how our system of electing a president works. It's like you think that the people who pay the most in taxes won't get the biggest tax cut.
More butthurt about the fact that workers get to keep more of their money. It's the nightmare for the leftists, I understand.

More butthurt about the fact that workers get to keep more of their money. It's the nightmare for the leftists, I understand.

A double Idiot-gram ^^^ by a teenager who posts from his grandparents root cellar.
You really think that republicans care about New York and California voters?


If the coast has a problem they can take it up with their vampire legislatures.

When Republicans were patriots:

“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”
Theodore Roosevelt

TR was the last and greatest Republican President in the 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st.

None dare call Trump&Co. Patriots. For to do so is proof they are a liar, or a fool.
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New York is a blue state which uses laws to avoid paying FEDERAL taxes.

Sorry of last month.......

New Yorkers paid almost $255 billion in taxes to the federal government. While New York received 16 cents less per dollar contributed.
New York is a blue state which uses laws to avoid paying FEDERAL taxes.

Sorry of last month.......

New Yorkers paid almost $255 billion in taxes to the federal government. While New York received 16 cents less per dollar contributed.
Well big nasty, the blue States take money that SHOULD go to the benefit of the entire country NOT just them.
According to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center (TPC), 80 percent of the bill's benefits will go to the top one percent by 2027.

And while many Americans will see their taxes decline next year, the benefits will be paltry compared to those reaped by the wealthy.

In an analysis published Monday, TPC found that in 2018, Americans earning less than $25,000 a year will see an average tax cut of $60, while those earning more than $733,000 will see a cut of $51,140.

'Government for Sale': In Dead of Night, Senate GOP Passes Tax Bill Only Their Donors Can Love

"Non partisan" my ass. The Tax Policy Center is an ultraleft propaganda mill that agitates for higher taxes. IN 2027 all the tax cuts for average filers go away, so that claim is obvious horseshit. IN 2017 a person earning $733,000 paid $165,000 in taxes. in 2018 they are only getting about a 2.6% cut in their marginal rate, which comes to less than $20,000 if applied over their entire income, but they actually only pay that on income over $426,700. Your claim of $51,140 is obviously grossly inflated.
So a group of tax cheats in blue States might have to contribute to running the country.

Does that include a New York orange buffoon???.......Just asking.....LOL
I said blue States!

So, New York is NOT a blue state and Trump is NOT from New York???

Go back to bed.
New York is a blue state which uses laws to avoid paying FEDERAL taxes.
blue States tend to be donor States, unlike allegedly low tax, welfare queen red States.
So a group of tax cheats in blue States might have to contribute to running the country.

Does that include a New York orange buffoon???.......Just asking.....LOL
I said blue States!

So, New York is NOT a blue state and Trump is NOT from New York???

Go back to bed.
New York is a blue state which uses laws to avoid paying FEDERAL taxes.
blue States tend to be donor States, unlike allegedly low tax, welfare queen red States.
Red states are paying taxes that run an entity country. Blue states evade taxes by paying themselves!
And when the folks in blue States realize how screwed they are by SALT taxes look out!
Non partisan" my ass. The Tax Policy Center is an ultraleft propaganda

Well, face it MiddleFingerBaby the ENTIRE fucking world does NOT like you and your ilk.....they're all against you.........LOL
Good. It’s about time the donors and the voters started holding these people’s feet to the fire. Every election it’s broken promise after broken promise.

You may have noticed that this GOPer did NOT say that some everyday voters told him to "get it done"........but donors with big bucks....

Doesn't that tell you anything....Look up the meaning of "plutocracy" just for fun.
Good. It’s about time the donors and the voters started holding these people’s feet to the fire. Every election it’s broken promise after broken promise.

You may have noticed that this GOPer did NOT say that some everyday voters told him to "get it done"........but donors with big bucks....

Doesn't that tell you anything....Look up the meaning of "plutocracy" just for fun.

It’s the donors with the big bucks who gets the face time with these people. The rest of us don’t.
The House Republican tax overhaul has already made a lot of enemies.

Moderate Republicans from New York and New Jersey worry their constituents would lose big if they can no longer deduct their state and local taxes from their federal tax bill — one of the key ways Republicans are hoping to pay for the corporate tax cut at the center of the plan. Outside groups on the right, like Club for Growth, also object to the bill, saying that taxes for millionaires should be cut even more. Outside estimates project that millions of middle-class Americans could end up paying higher taxes.

Yet the bill is still expected to pass the House.

Why? Consider this comment from Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY), one of those New York Republicans who theoretically might be upset that his constituents would be expected to lose under the GOP bill.

.@RepChrisCollins (R-NY) on tax reform: "My donors are basically saying, 'Get it done or don’t ever call me again.'"
8:16 AM - Nov 7, 2017

The Republican donor class — i.e., corporate and wealthy America — expects Republican lawmakers to pass a Republican tax bill. It’s as simple as that.

We know donor pressure is a big reason that Republicans kept trying to repeal Obamacare. But they still failed. Tax reform is their next — and maybe last — chance to deliver a big legislative victory. Republicans know it.

“We haven’t repealed Obamacare, so if we don’t get tax reform done, we are in trouble,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) said back in September. “We might as well flip up our tent and go home.”

House Republican: my donors told me to pass the tax bill "or don’t ever call me again"
To hell with career politicians, no matter the side of the isle they pick...
It’s the donors with the big bucks who gets the face time with these people. The rest of us don’t.

I remember well hos PISSED I was when Cheney was holding a rally (advertised as also a town hall, Q & A) in my small city during the GWB second campaign, but was denied entry to the hall because I was a registered democrat......

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