Republican mantra....Poor people do not suffer enough

Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.



what do you think charities
and local nonprofits do that makes them so effective and popular?

the govt CANNOT individualize care to the degree that
people need PERSONALLY.

Why do you think the mental health system fails
that requires LONG TERM one on one counseling?
govt cannot guarantee that, which is a personal
spiritual relationship and process.

Why do you think public schools, housing
and prisons FAIL under huge bureaucracies

Liberals are SCREAMING for individual rights, support
and access to opportunity that INCLUDES diverse approaches needed for EACH CASE.

that has LOCALIZED democracy and mgmt written

Why do you think conservatives scream to get federal govt
out of the business of micromanaging by "uniform one size fits all policies"
and move control back to people and states?

it IS to help people restore equal civil rights and liberties
LOCALLY where we can be empowered to
solve these social problems and ills.

NOT expect federal govt to solve individual problems
that are personal choices of counseling and beliefs.

More freedom, not more dictatorship mandated from
top down govt. How is that going to represent the
needs of the many as DIVERSE as America is???
What charities are capable of doing to help the needy pales in comparison to what We the People can do do help our fellow citizens

Which charity requires drug tests?
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.



what do you think charities
and local nonprofits do that makes them so effective and popular?

the govt CANNOT individualize care to the degree that
people need PERSONALLY.

Why do you think the mental health system fails
that requires LONG TERM one on one counseling?
govt cannot guarantee that, which is a personal
spiritual relationship and process.

Why do you think public schools, housing
and prisons FAIL under huge bureaucracies

Liberals are SCREAMING for individual rights, support
and access to opportunity that INCLUDES diverse approaches needed for EACH CASE.

that has LOCALIZED democracy and mgmt written

Why do you think conservatives scream to get federal govt
out of the business of micromanaging by "uniform one size fits all policies"
and move control back to people and states?

it IS to help people restore equal civil rights and liberties
LOCALLY where we can be empowered to
solve these social problems and ills.

NOT expect federal govt to solve individual problems
that are personal choices of counseling and beliefs.

More freedom, not more dictatorship mandated from
top down govt. How is that going to represent the
needs of the many as DIVERSE as America is???
What charities are capable of doing to help the needy pales in comparison to what We the People can do do help our fellow citizens

Which charity requires drug tests?

Pretty much any of them, and for far less money than is required by the government, which means you can help even more people. Face it, when the Feds are paying themselves large salaries, and spending copious amounts of other peoples money on "incidentals", that is money that won't be spent helping those who need it. The Salvation Army is paid normal wages. The cheapest government worker is paid at least 5 times as much. So, who is able to help more people? The Salvation Army by far could do a better job.

The Salvation Army Salaries in the United States |
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.



what do you think charities
and local nonprofits do that makes them so effective and popular?

the govt CANNOT individualize care to the degree that
people need PERSONALLY.

Why do you think the mental health system fails
that requires LONG TERM one on one counseling?
govt cannot guarantee that, which is a personal
spiritual relationship and process.

Why do you think public schools, housing
and prisons FAIL under huge bureaucracies

Liberals are SCREAMING for individual rights, support
and access to opportunity that INCLUDES diverse approaches needed for EACH CASE.

that has LOCALIZED democracy and mgmt written

Why do you think conservatives scream to get federal govt
out of the business of micromanaging by "uniform one size fits all policies"
and move control back to people and states?

it IS to help people restore equal civil rights and liberties
LOCALLY where we can be empowered to
solve these social problems and ills.

NOT expect federal govt to solve individual problems
that are personal choices of counseling and beliefs.

More freedom, not more dictatorship mandated from
top down govt. How is that going to represent the
needs of the many as DIVERSE as America is???
What charities are capable of doing to help the needy pales in comparison to what We the People can do do help our fellow citizens

Which charity requires drug tests?

^ Hi rightwinger Yes but that DOESN'T require going through Federal
Govt which requires going through Congress

And people would have more freedom to pick and choose conditions
like no drug testing if we run programs ourselves with our own funds.

the minute you use public money then everyone has a say, ie:
you don't want to listen to prolife arguments then don't use prolife taxmoney!
same with LGBT money or people who believe in funding socialized medicine!
fund it directly and we don't keep running into deadlocks
with Congress having to represent all beliefs of all taxpayers
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


You left out the part where Republicans bite the heads off of defenseless puppy dogs and de-claw kittens with vice grips. You right wingers are all the same. Hiding the true crimes of the elite class.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need
Frédéric Bastiat flawlessly address the idiocy of people like wrongwinger, so I will let him take it from here:

Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.” ― Frédéric Bastiat

Literally nothing more needs to be added.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.

And yet it was Obamacare and Obama's policies that helped put a record number of people on food stamps,the slowest economic recovery in 50 years and FORCED people to buy insurance they can't afford to use....interesting.
Just kidding.......we should only expect poor people to take drug tests
Why are you so utterly terrified of people on the government dole being forced to take drug tests? Are you afraid it is going to prove what conservatives said all along and obliterate your false narrative? Yes? Yeah - I thought so.
What charities are capable of doing to help the needy pales in comparison to what We the People can do do help our fellow citizens
This literally may be the dumbest post in the history of USMB. We the people are the charity for our fellow people. We do not need government to do it. You want government to do it because you want to take by force and lower the standard of living to your level.

It isn't about charity with you at all. It's about punishing those that have more and dragging them down so you feel "equal" to them.
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


Do you EVER have a thought of your own?
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.

And yet it was Obamacare and Obama's policies that helped put a record number of people on food stamps,the slowest economic recovery in 50 years and FORCED people to buy insurance they can't afford to use....interesting.
Which policy?

How does Obamacare put people on foodstamps?
The poor people are struggling because the liberals insist on helping them.
Which liberal program causes the poor to suffer?
All of them. You "waged a war on poverty" for over 60 years now and at a cost of many trillions of dollars. All we have to show for it is more people in poverty. Those are indisputable, statistical facts.
I have no problem with drug tests for programs like food stamps and HUD. Health care... that's tricky because for one, part of health care is treatment for addiction and sometimes addiction comes from mental health issues which is also something covered under health care. So what good is offering health care to poor people to help then with their addiction and mental health issues if you are going to take it away from them for the exact same thing they need treatment for? That's a pretty fucked up situation to put someone in.
What charities are capable of doing to help the needy pales in comparison to what We the People can do do help our fellow citizens
This literally may be the dumbest post in the history of USMB. We the people are the charity for our fellow people. We do not need government to do it. You want government to do it because you want to take by force and lower the standard of living to your level.

It isn't about charity with you at all. It's about punishing those that have more and dragging them down so you feel "equal" to them.

We the People decided to help our fellow Americans in need through welfare, Medicaid, housing assistance, food stamps, Social Security........something private charities are incapable of doing
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.

And yet it was Obamacare and Obama's policies that helped put a record number of people on food stamps,the slowest economic recovery in 50 years and FORCED people to buy insurance they can't afford to use....interesting.

Why are so many more people on food stamps after the last 8 years? It's a lot more complicated than you seem to think it is. For one it's because the wage of citizens hasn't gone up compared to the cost of living, which is because greedy big businesses are being let off the hook. It's also because Obama's administration publicly advertised SNAP benefits more and the fact that many people didn't know they might qualify... which leads to the third issue, and that is more WORKING families receiving food tamps than ever before.

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