Republican Leadership Split On Whether To Protect Native American Women

Hey Frankie Boy, the GOP alienated women, Hisapanics, blacks, and people with any kind of scientific background this election. Now they are going for Disabled Vets and Native American Women. However, with people like you, I am sure can improve the situation, and alienate anyone that has Native American background. Yessirree, that is surely the way to win elections.
So Rocks are you saying we should have made up fake American Indian backgrounds like Democrats did?
Hey Frankie Boy, the GOP alienated women, Hisapanics, blacks, and people with any kind of scientific background this election. Now they are going for Disabled Vets and Native American Women. However, with people like you, I am sure can improve the situation, and alienate anyone that has Native American background. Yessirree, that is surely the way to win elections.

Why do native American women need more protection that any other woman or man for that matter?

Isn't it time we stopped labeling people and just treat them all the same?

If we did that the Marxists couldn't divide and conquer.
By passing a stronger VAWA, lawmakers can not only continue the safeguards now in place, but also expand protections to stop the epidemic rates of violence against Native women — rates 2½ times higher than any other group of women in the United States. In April, the Senate passed S. 1925, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, with critically needed provisions that would help tribes address domestic and dating violence in Indian country; however, the House passed a version stripping out these provisions. Since then, procedural logjams and politics have kept Congress from taking action. Speak Up and Take Action!

Petitioning Congress: Pass a Better Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Now!

[ame=]VAWA Video, Indian Law Resource Center, 1491s - YouTube[/ame]
Unless we have this 'law' it will still be legal to assault, rape, or murder female Native Americans.

Ooooooooh noooooooooooo! It must be da jooooooos who are behind this.

Hey Frankie Boy, the GOP alienated women, Hisapanics, blacks, and people with any kind of scientific background this election. Now they are going for Disabled Vets and Native American Women. However, with people like you, I am sure can improve the situation, and alienate anyone that has Native American background. Yessirree, that is surely the way to win elections.
So over 47 % of Americans are adult white heterosexual males with no scientific background and not disabled vets. In other words the approximately 70% of Americans that the Republicans are not waging war on.

That is very fuzzy math indeed, and yet understandable for people who think Obama is doing a good job on the economy by any numerical measure.
Eric Cantor clearly failed to protect women and children. All the considerable problems on Indian reservations is clearly because of not only the neglect, but the war on Indians and women of course.

I thought that would be obvious.
Yep, you think these people would be offended by it..but that is how they divide this country..pit groups of people against each other..
Yep. Now, as a Southern conservative, I have to go watch a NASCAR race and hate black people.

Right, USMB lefties?

As a southern conservative you only have to prove yourself to be braindead. You have been very successful. So between picking up your welfare checks, you can go back to hating anyone not you, and NASCAR races.
You're simply not smart enough to realize you proved my and Stephanie's point.

I'm exactly is it you consider yourself to be intelligent, dumbass?
Under Obama the dividing of our country continues..

that is what the Hufferpost and thinkprogess is around for..

nothing more
I just have to thank the Republicans for keeping it legal to rape, assault, and/or murder Native American women.

The stupidity of the thread is awesome, though.

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