Republican Leaders Map a Strategy to Derail Donald Trump

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
This was bound to happen. I've heard some republicans on TV denouncing Trump, too.

Republican leaders adamantly opposed to Donald J. Trump’s candidacy are preparing a 100-day campaign to deny him the presidential nomination, starting with an aggressive battle in Wisconsin’s April 5 primary and extending into the summer, with a delegate-by-delegate lobbying effort that would cast Mr. Trump as a calamitous choice for the general election.

Recognizing that Mr. Trump has seized a formidable advantage in the race, they say that an effort to block him would rely on an array of desperation measures, the political equivalent of guerrilla fighting.
Get Mitch on the job.
The sly old fox knows how to make these things happen.

McConnell: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
I think they've told Kasich, just have a seat in the waiting room and feel free to have some milque and toast. We'll be back with you in 100 days. He's the only one that polled better than Clinton or Sanders in the general the last few months. If Kasich were the Republican nominee in the end I think they would have a chance of winning. Trump is a guaranteed loss.

But, the fun begins.
And some democrats are voting for Trump instead of Hillary.

Sounds like a wash, to me

Far more conservatives are voting for Hillary (28%) than liberals voting for Trump (8%)

And Hillary is winning decisively with independents.

Hence, it will be a Democratic landslide.


And some democrats are voting for Trump instead of Hillary.

Sounds like a wash, to me

Far more conservatives are voting for Hillary (28%) than liberals voting for Trump (8%)

And Hillary is winning decisively with independents.

Hence, it will be a Democratic landslide.



Well if CNN (Clinton News Network) says so then The Donald should just quit
Trump's the last one thinks they failed
Not if enough republicans refuse to vote for Trump. Some are voting for Hillary.

Good grief! In the exit polls in Indiana the R voters said they want an outsider to battle Clinton. 60% of them.

Unless it was on MSNBC or some other left loons site they'll never see it

It's amazing to me that we've come this far and neither the RNC nor the DNC for that matter "get it" that the base has had it up to you know where with the bullshit inside the beltway.

To read that Bill Kristol/former Bush and Romney campaign people are actually thinking of running a third party candidate makes one realize how far out in the twilight zone these people dwell.
Where's Karl Rove in all this? Doughboy's strangely silent. If he predicts a Trump win, Trump is toast.

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