Republican lawmaker in TX files bill restricting civilians from filming police

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
With a name like that. Anyway, it's up to the people who lives there to take care of it if they don't like it.

he should be voted out of office though. wake up people in Texas
This is a silly bill. There are already laws in place that prohibit people from interfering with the police. This is law is redundant and unneeded.
It won't pass, I don't think, but . . .

One, file a suit to block its operation.

Two, on the first day, organize 100,000 Texans out filming the police.
As a conservative and a republican I DISAGREE with that law. It's more then PROVEN those films convict the guilty and free the innocent. And THAT is more then enough to support films use.
Here is more of that "small government" being served to you by your Republican Party. For all of their screaming and crying about limited government and individual liberties it never ceases to astonish me the way so many of them will consistently get down on their knees and lick of the boots of anybody in a uniform. Nothing authoritarian about that at all.

Jason Villalba Republican lawmaker files bill restricting civilians from filming police - Washington Times

and because of one idiot Republican.... doesn't mean conservative/Republicans aren't for a smaller government

what's sad is they get beat down by the rest of the people in this country for it. kinda like what you just did
and because of one idiot Republican.... doesn't mean conservative/Republicans aren't for a smaller government

But, you're not.
But we are. But like ANY other group we have idiots. We just feel we have fewer idiots per person then the next party. And when you use the group conservative and then say republicans you are calling out a sub group compared to the greater.
quick perusal but I think the bill will say , stand back 25 feet , think that that's probably reasonable !! That being said , I'm all for filming the police but whats wrong with the 25 feet stand back and film rule ??
Here is more of that "small government" being served to you by your Republican Party. For all of their screaming and crying about limited government and individual liberties it never ceases to astonish me the way so many of them will consistently get down on their knees and lick of the boots of anybody in a uniform. Nothing authoritarian about that at all.

Jason Villalba Republican lawmaker files bill restricting civilians from filming police - Washington Times

Yeah...he just wants a space of 25 feet while police are dealing with whatever they are dealing can still take video and photos as much as you want...but this rep. Simply thinks when the police are fighting with a perp they shouldn't have to worry about some asshole crowding in on them to take photos

tell 25 feet clearance from the police interacting with a criminal too much to they can do their job safely and so whatever fool crowds them won't get hurt....and then sue the police......

Try walking out 25 ft. Please...see how far away that is and then repost this thread....

Try will see that this is a reasonable request for the safety of everyone at a police event...
Here is more of that "small government" being served to you by your Republican Party. For all of their screaming and crying about limited government and individual liberties it never ceases to astonish me the way so many of them will consistently get down on their knees and lick of the boots of anybody in a uniform. Nothing authoritarian about that at all.

Jason Villalba Republican lawmaker files bill restricting civilians from filming police - Washington Times

Police have enough to worry about while performing their duties. Is it really too much to ask that wannabe "film makers" stay back from the immediate area 25 feet (100 feet if armed)? It would be much safer for everyone involved. Let them get a telephoto lens if they want a close-up.

It seems that this law may help to clarify anti-interference laws already on the books. Some people need to be told in great detail what constitutes "interference" because their insistence on their rights clouds their judgment.
agree 'truth2' , course I like the 25 foot rule as I think that's reasonable plus most people use cell phones to record rather than cameras with telephoto . I think , no experience as I don't own a cell phone !!

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