Republican Health Care Plan


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016

A little over six years ago, on the Floor of the House, President Obama invited the House Republicans to show their health care plan to him. To make it look good for themselves on C-SPAN, they waved something at him that looked like a healthcare plan.

Blank pieces of paper. The Republicans waved blank pieces of paper at the President of the United States. That was their healthcare plan.

I didnā€™t like that. So I wrote to those whores for the plutocrats armed with nothing but facts, a American resolve, and a lot of courage. This is what I wrote:

ā€œItā€™s my duty and pride to be able to explain exactly what the Republicans plan to do for health care in America ā€¦ . Itā€™s a very simple plan. Here it is: The Republican healthcare plan for America: ā€˜Donā€™t get sick.ā€™

If you have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If you donā€™t have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If youā€™re sick, donā€™t get sick.
Just donā€™t get sick!


And the GOPā€™s ā€œbackup planā€:
If you do get sick, America, the Republican healthcare plan is this: 'Die quickly.ā€™ā€

The Republicans were apoplectic. They looked like their heads might explode. In fact, at that moment, it looked like they were in some serious need of healthcare themselves.

Thursday night, as I watched the GOP debate, I learned that I had left something out of my description of the GOPā€™s healthcare plan. I inadvertently omitted an important detail. And I would be remiss if I did not update my past statement, based upon this new information. So, without further ado, I present to you an amended version of the GOP healthcare plan:

"The Republican healthcare plan for America: Donā€™t get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly-- in the streets." That's exactly what Canada Cruz wants.

I shouldnā€™t have left that last part out, before. My bad.
some people refuse to take responsibility for any part of their lives. they need a nanny and demand that you taxpayers out there working your fingers to the bone to take care of your families, PAY FOR THEM too.
I strive not to get sick. I think it's a good plan. You?

Actually it is a good plan but unfortunately the medical industry is not in business to cure or prevent disease. In fact, the corporate medical industry and the food industry have conspired to create modern disease epidemics. The corporate health care gangs are in business to make obscene profit.

Even before the bankers I would drag the medical industry gangsters to the guillotine.
I strive not to get sick. I think it's a good plan. You?

Actually it is a good plan but unfortunately the medical industry is not in business to cure or prevent disease. In fact, the corporate medical industry and the food industry have conspired to create modern disease epidemics. The corporate health care gangs are in business to make obscene profit.

Even before the bankers I would drag the medical industry gangsters to the guillotine.
And then the train that could went off the rails

A little over six years ago, on the Floor of the House, President Obama invited the House Republicans to show their health care plan to him. To make it look good for themselves on C-SPAN, they waved something at him that looked like a healthcare plan.

Blank pieces of paper. The Republicans waved blank pieces of paper at the President of the United States. That was their healthcare plan.

I didnā€™t like that. So I wrote to those whores for the plutocrats armed with nothing but facts, a American resolve, and a lot of courage. This is what I wrote:

ā€œItā€™s my duty and pride to be able to explain exactly what the Republicans plan to do for health care in America ā€¦ . Itā€™s a very simple plan. Here it is: The Republican healthcare plan for America: ā€˜Donā€™t get sick.ā€™

If you have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If you donā€™t have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If youā€™re sick, donā€™t get sick.
Just donā€™t get sick!


And the GOPā€™s ā€œbackup planā€:
If you do get sick, America, the Republican healthcare plan is this: 'Die quickly.ā€™ā€

The Republicans were apoplectic. They looked like their heads might explode. In fact, at that moment, it looked like they were in some serious need of healthcare themselves.

Thursday night, as I watched the GOP debate, I learned that I had left something out of my description of the GOPā€™s healthcare plan. I inadvertently omitted an important detail. And I would be remiss if I did not update my past statement, based upon this new information. So, without further ado, I present to you an amended version of the GOP healthcare plan:

"The Republican healthcare plan for America: Donā€™t get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly-- in the streets." That's exactly what Canada Cruz wants.

I shouldnā€™t have left that last part out, before. My bad.

childish and dumb. the typical from the leftwing/lib

A little over six years ago, on the Floor of the House, President Obama invited the House Republicans to show their health care plan to him. To make it look good for themselves on C-SPAN, they waved something at him that looked like a healthcare plan.

Blank pieces of paper. The Republicans waved blank pieces of paper at the President of the United States. That was their healthcare plan.

I didnā€™t like that. So I wrote to those whores for the plutocrats armed with nothing but facts, a American resolve, and a lot of courage. This is what I wrote:

ā€œItā€™s my duty and pride to be able to explain exactly what the Republicans plan to do for health care in America ā€¦ . Itā€™s a very simple plan. Here it is: The Republican healthcare plan for America: ā€˜Donā€™t get sick.ā€™

If you have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If you donā€™t have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If youā€™re sick, donā€™t get sick.
Just donā€™t get sick!


And the GOPā€™s ā€œbackup planā€:
If you do get sick, America, the Republican healthcare plan is this: 'Die quickly.ā€™ā€

The Republicans were apoplectic. They looked like their heads might explode. In fact, at that moment, it looked like they were in some serious need of healthcare themselves.

Thursday night, as I watched the GOP debate, I learned that I had left something out of my description of the GOPā€™s healthcare plan. I inadvertently omitted an important detail. And I would be remiss if I did not update my past statement, based upon this new information. So, without further ado, I present to you an amended version of the GOP healthcare plan:

"The Republican healthcare plan for America: Donā€™t get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly-- in the streets." That's exactly what Canada Cruz wants.

I shouldnā€™t have left that last part out, before. My bad.

The Democrat plan, if you get sick, don't do it on your own dime!

A little over six years ago, on the Floor of the House, President Obama invited the House Republicans to show their health care plan to him. To make it look good for themselves on C-SPAN, they waved something at him that looked like a healthcare plan.

Blank pieces of paper. The Republicans waved blank pieces of paper at the President of the United States. That was their healthcare plan.

I didnā€™t like that. So I wrote to those whores for the plutocrats armed with nothing but facts, a American resolve, and a lot of courage. This is what I wrote:

ā€œItā€™s my duty and pride to be able to explain exactly what the Republicans plan to do for health care in America ā€¦ . Itā€™s a very simple plan. Here it is: The Republican healthcare plan for America: ā€˜Donā€™t get sick.ā€™

If you have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If you donā€™t have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If youā€™re sick, donā€™t get sick.
Just donā€™t get sick!


And the GOPā€™s ā€œbackup planā€:
If you do get sick, America, the Republican healthcare plan is this: 'Die quickly.ā€™ā€

The Republicans were apoplectic. They looked like their heads might explode. In fact, at that moment, it looked like they were in some serious need of healthcare themselves.

Thursday night, as I watched the GOP debate, I learned that I had left something out of my description of the GOPā€™s healthcare plan. I inadvertently omitted an important detail. And I would be remiss if I did not update my past statement, based upon this new information. So, without further ado, I present to you an amended version of the GOP healthcare plan:

"The Republican healthcare plan for America: Donā€™t get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly-- in the streets." That's exactly what Canada Cruz wants.

I shouldnā€™t have left that last part out, before. My bad.

Libertarian Health Care Plan

Making Healthcare Safe and Affordable

As recently as the 1960s, low-cost health insurance was available to virtually everyone in America - including people with existing medical problems. Doctors made house calls. A hospital stay cost only a few days' pay. Charity hospitals were available to take care of families who could not afford to pay for healthcare.

Since then the federal government has increasingly intervened through Medicare, Medicaid, the HMO Act and tens of thousands of regulations on doctors, hospitals and health-insurance companies.

Today, more than 50 percent of all healthcare dollars are spent by the government.
Health insurance costs are skyrocketing. Government health programs are heading for bankruptcy. Politicians continue to pile on the regulations.

The Libertarian Party knows the only healthcare reforms that will make a realdifference are those that draw on the strength of the free market.

The Libertarian Party will work towards the following:

1. Establish Medical Saving Accounts.
Under this program, you could deposit tax-free money into a Medical Savings Account (MSA). Whenever you need the money to pay medical bills, you will be able to withdraw it. For individuals without an MSA, the Libertarian Party will work to make all healthcare expenditures 100 percent tax deductible.

2. Deregulate the healthcare industry.
We should repeal all government policies that increase health costs and decrease the availability of medical services. For example, every state has laws that mandate coverage of specific disabilities and diseases. These laws reduce consumer choice and increase the cost of health insurance. By making insurance more expensive, mandated benefits increase the number of uninsured American workers.

3. Remove barriers to safe, affordable medicines.
We should replace harmful government agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) with more agile, free-market alternatives. The mission of the FDA is to protect us from unsafe medicines. In fact, the FDA has driven up healthcare costs and deprived millions of Americans of much-needed treatments. For example, during a 10-year delay in approving Propranolol (a heart medication for treating angina and hypertension), approximately 100,000 people died who could have been treated with this lifesaving drug. Bureaucratic roadblocks kill sick Americans.

A little over six years ago, on the Floor of the House, President Obama invited the House Republicans to show their health care plan to him. To make it look good for themselves on C-SPAN, they waved something at him that looked like a healthcare plan.

Blank pieces of paper. The Republicans waved blank pieces of paper at the President of the United States. That was their healthcare plan.

I didnā€™t like that. So I wrote to those whores for the plutocrats armed with nothing but facts, a American resolve, and a lot of courage. This is what I wrote:

ā€œItā€™s my duty and pride to be able to explain exactly what the Republicans plan to do for health care in America ā€¦ . Itā€™s a very simple plan. Here it is: The Republican healthcare plan for America: ā€˜Donā€™t get sick.ā€™

If you have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If you donā€™t have insurance, donā€™t get sick.
If youā€™re sick, donā€™t get sick.
Just donā€™t get sick!


And the GOPā€™s ā€œbackup planā€:
If you do get sick, America, the Republican healthcare plan is this: 'Die quickly.ā€™ā€

The Republicans were apoplectic. They looked like their heads might explode. In fact, at that moment, it looked like they were in some serious need of healthcare themselves.

Thursday night, as I watched the GOP debate, I learned that I had left something out of my description of the GOPā€™s healthcare plan. I inadvertently omitted an important detail. And I would be remiss if I did not update my past statement, based upon this new information. So, without further ado, I present to you an amended version of the GOP healthcare plan:

"The Republican healthcare plan for America: Donā€™t get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly-- in the streets." That's exactly what Canada Cruz wants.

I shouldnā€™t have left that last part out, before. My bad.

The Democrat plan, if you get sick, don't do it on your own dime!

oooooo, that's a good one and that's what the op is whining about. because people who cherish their freedoms to CHOOSE doesn't want to continue being saddled with this pos insurance scam called, ObamScamCare
when was the last time anyone here went to the hospital and offered to pay a total strangers bill out of their own pocket?
If you have not done this, you have no right to tell others they have to pay for a total stranger either.
If I dont know you and you get sick and have no money? sorry about your luck, I might think about you while Im taking my family to a nice dinner somewhere, but Im eating my dinner that I paid for while you die.
"Republican Health Care Plan"

Taking away from millions of Americans access to affordable healthcare, and further denying access to affordable healthcare to millions of Americans, is not a 'plan.'
"Republican Health Care Plan"

Taking away from millions of Americans access to affordable healthcare, and further denying access to affordable healthcare to millions of Americans, is not a 'plan.'
heres the problem, nobody is taking away anything. The insurance is the same price regardless of how much one makes. All you have to do is purchase it.
Might mean you buy a smaller house or a used car VS a new car, maybe even hand me down clothing or shop at Good Will, but when you come up with the payment, there is nothing stopping you from buying what you want.
For the republicans to actually take it away would be for them to say you cant even buy it if you do have the money. Nobody is suggesting that.
Repealing or 'defunding' the ACA for purely partisan reasons, replacing it with nothing, is likewise not a 'plan'; or worse, 'replacing' it with Paul Ryan's idiotic 'proposal.'
the ACA was bad to start with. repealing it will allow more Americans to have access to the health care they pay for.
some people refuse to take responsibility for any part of their lives. they need a nanny and demand that you taxpayers out there working your fingers to the bone to take care of your families, PAY FOR THEM too.


I would blame the patients as well such as this infant and his mother who who got the zika virus.


Not sure if these are sick kids or merely Republican voters.


I also blame this little tyke for getting cancer... had he only prayed to JEEEEEEEZUZ


Commie liberal freeloader! Die in the street libtard!


Let em die. What good is he now?


Breast cancer! Who'd want her now? Let her die! Not with the cost.


She had a stroke and looks like a Retard now. Let her die.


Preexiting condition? Tough luck! That Commie Muslim Kenyan Obama is forcing us to pay for defective children. Hiltler was right. KILL all defective people like they did in Biblical times! Stop sullying the gene pool with these losers.
some people refuse to take responsibility for any part of their lives. they need a nanny and demand that you taxpayers out there working your fingers to the bone to take care of your families, PAY FOR THEM too.


I would blame the patients as well such as this infant and his mother who who got the zika virus.


Not sure if these are sick kids or merely Republican voters.


I also blame this little tyke for getting cancer... had he only prayed to JEEEEEEEZUZ


Commie liberal freeloader! Die in the street libtard!


Let em die. What good is he now?


Breast cancer! Who'd want her now? Let her die! Not with the cost.


She had a stroke and looks like a Retard now. Let her die.


Preexiting condition? Tough luck! That Commie Muslim Kenyan Obama is forcing us to pay for defective children. Hiltler was right. KILL all defective people like they did in Biblical times! Stop sullying the gene pool with these losers.
nobody is stopping you from paying their bills.
when was the last time anyone here went to the hospital and offered to pay a total strangers bill out of their own pocket?

Probably sometime toward the end of 2013, when some smartass who told everyone "Heh, I don't need no stinkin' health insurance - I never get sick!" had his pickup T-boned because he jumped an intersection and ended up in the ER with multiple internal injuries, gave a phony address, and hobbled out on the hospital-supplied crutches a few weeks later never to be seen again.

You and every other person in that hospital's community paid a part of his bill; you just didn't realize it.

when was the last time anyone here went to the hospital and offered to pay a total strangers bill out of their own pocket?

Probably sometime toward the end of 2013, when some smartass who told everyone "Heh, I don't need no stinkin' health insurance - I never get sick!" had his pickup T-boned because he jumped an intersection and ended up in the ER with multiple internal injuries, gave a phony address, and hobbled out on the hospital-supplied crutches a few weeks later never to be seen again.

You and every other person in that hospital's community paid a part of his bill; you just didn't realize it.

Im talking about YOU walking in to the hospital and picking up the tab for someone out of YOUR own pocket.
and if the smartass in the pickup truck was treated, then your argument that people are going without is total bullshit.
and, to pay for the every now and again bum that comes in without insurance is still cheaper than paying for insurance for all the freeloaders.
So, when have YOU dug in your own pocket and paid 100% of someone elses bill, someone YOU dont know.
when was the last time anyone here went to the hospital and offered to pay a total strangers bill out of their own pocket?

Probably sometime toward the end of 2013, when some smartass who told everyone "Heh, I don't need no stinkin' health insurance - I never get sick!" had his pickup T-boned because he jumped an intersection and ended up in the ER with multiple internal injuries, gave a phony address, and hobbled out on the hospital-supplied crutches a few weeks later never to be seen again.

You and every other person in that hospital's community paid a part of his bill; you just didn't realize it.

Im talking about YOU walking in to the hospital and picking up the tab for someone out of YOUR own pocket.

No doubt I have. I'm sure there are deadbeats in my community who've refused to carry insurance even though they could afford it and have kited on their medical bills. I know there are hospitals that have had to shut down because of the sheer numbers of them.

Your vociferous self-righteousness suggests Daddy Corporation pays your premiums and, if he ever cut you off, you'd be one of those "I ain't getting no ObominationCare!"

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