Republican Governor Scott Walker Warns Against Medicaid Cuts


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Even the crazies are waking up and see the writing on the wall

t was not a statement one would expect to come out of the mouth of one of America’s most vocal enemies of “big government” and public sector spending. “You can’t cut Medicaid, there’s just no way about it,” Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said on Friday, reflecting the reality a lot of top state executives are facing when it comes to the pending health care overhaul in Congress. t was not a statement one would expect to come out of the mouth of one of America’s most vocal enemies of “big government” and public sector spending. “You can’t cut Medicaid, there’s just no way about it,” Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said on Friday, reflecting the reality a lot of top state executives are facing when it comes to the pending health care overhaul in Congress. t was not a statement one would expect to come out of the mouth of one of America’s most vocal enemies of “big government” and public sector spending. “You can’t cut Medicaid, there’s just no way about it,” Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said on Friday, reflecting the reality a lot of top state executives are facing when it comes to the pending health care overhaul in Congress.

Republican Governor Scott Walker Warns Against Medicaid Cuts
As I've posted my humble opinion on other threads......It will NOT be liberals or main stream democrats to bring the Trumpster down; it will be somewhat sane republicans who see that cutting off from Trump is their better chance of survival and relevancy.

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