Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

10X + 2Y = 110.

Y = 5

What does "X" equal?

To the GOP, that fuzzy math. There are letters there. It doesn't make any sense.

What do they think of:
E = mc²
And what does that little two do?
Wonder how many USMB Republicans looked at this post and couldn't get passed the "fuzzy math".

All of them understand that math with letters is gobbledygook. And fuzzy.
I'm a software engineer, how about you dean?
Retired Senior Design Engineer.
Excellent! So I've never seen a rigorous study on the subject, but based on the thousands of engineers I have known in my career, I would say AT LEAST a slight majority of them vote Republican. What would you say about engineers you have known Dean?

It is so tiresome to read Liberal USMB posters continue to perpetuate this idiotic notion that Conservatives are math challenged and generally stupid. That is an unsupportable myth.
10X + 2Y = 110.

Y = 5

What does "X" equal?

To the GOP, that fuzzy math. There are letters there. It doesn't make any sense.

What do they think of:
E = mc²
And what does that little two do?
Give up?
I don't remember the rules but guessing that you're supposed to multiply the substituted letters with numbers, I came of up 10
10x10 = 100 + 2x5 = 10 == 110
Squared (love these photos - USS Enterprise)


  • upload_2018-6-26_14-23-17.jpeg
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Excellent! So I've never seen a rigorous study on the subject, but based on the thousands of engineers I have known in my career, I would say AT LEAST a slight majority of them vote Republican. What would you say about engineers you have known Dean?
There are several different categories of engineers.

I am a mechanical engineer, and have found that most mechanical engineers are conservatives and vote Republican.

Which makes sense because the nature of our profession is dealing with machinery and processes that have close tolerances with little room for error. Thus mechanical engineers tend to be realists.

Whereas, people who are drawn to degrees in the Liberal Arts, value feelings and emotion, over facts and reality. Making them a perfect fit for the Democrat party ... :cool:
Excellent! So I've never seen a rigorous study on the subject, but based on the thousands of engineers I have known in my career, I would say AT LEAST a slight majority of them vote Republican. What would you say about engineers you have known Dean?
There are several different categories of engineers.

I am a mechanical engineer, and have found that most mechanical engineers are conservatives and vote Republican.

Which makes sense because the nature of our profession is dealing with machinery and processes that have close tolerances with little room for error. Thus mechanical engineers tend to be realists.

Whereas, people who are drawn to degrees in the Liberal Arts, value feelings and emotion, over facts and reality. Making them a perfect fit for the Democrat party ... :cool:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

I knew one Republican in the rather large engineering department I worked in.
And he had an alcohol problem. What is it with right wingers and booze?
Excellent! So I've never seen a rigorous study on the subject, but based on the thousands of engineers I have known in my career, I would say AT LEAST a slight majority of them vote Republican. What would you say about engineers you have known Dean?
There are several different categories of engineers.

I am a mechanical engineer, and have found that most mechanical engineers are conservatives and vote Republican.

Which makes sense because the nature of our profession is dealing with machinery and processes that have close tolerances with little room for error. Thus mechanical engineers tend to be realists.

Whereas, people who are drawn to degrees in the Liberal Arts, value feelings and emotion, over facts and reality. Making them a perfect fit for the Democrat party ... :cool:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

I knew one Republican in the rather large engineering department I worked in.
And he had an alcohol problem. What is it with right wingers and booze?

What other departments in the University did you provide janitorial services?
Excellent! So I've never seen a rigorous study on the subject, but based on the thousands of engineers I have known in my career, I would say AT LEAST a slight majority of them vote Republican. What would you say about engineers you have known Dean?
There are several different categories of engineers.

I am a mechanical engineer, and have found that most mechanical engineers are conservatives and vote Republican.

Which makes sense because the nature of our profession is dealing with machinery and processes that have close tolerances with little room for error. Thus mechanical engineers tend to be realists.

Whereas, people who are drawn to degrees in the Liberal Arts, value feelings and emotion, over facts and reality. Making them a perfect fit for the Democrat party ... :cool:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

I knew one Republican in the rather large engineering department I worked in.
And he had an alcohol problem. What is it with right wingers and booze?

What other departments in the University did you provide janitorial services?
Janitor= Maintenance Engineer.
10X + 2Y = 110.

Y = 5

What does "X" equal?

To the GOP, that fuzzy math. There are letters there. It doesn't make any sense.

What do they think of:
E = mc²
And what does that little two do?
Wonder how many USMB Republicans looked at this post and couldn't get passed the "fuzzy math".

All of them understand that math with letters is gobbledygook. And fuzzy.
I'm a software engineer, how about you dean?
Retired Senior Design Engineer.
Excellent! So I've never seen a rigorous study on the subject, but based on the thousands of engineers I have known in my career, I would say AT LEAST a slight majority of them vote Republican. What would you say about engineers you have known Dean?

It is so tiresome to read Liberal USMB posters continue to perpetuate this idiotic notion that Conservatives are math challenged and generally stupid. That is an unsupportable myth.

AKA, a lie.
There isn't one politician in a hundred who could pass a basic algebra test. It has nothing to do with party. The party that claims to be the "party of science" can't even say for sure how many genders there are.

As for the political leanings of "engineers," i worked all my life with engineers, technicians, and real scientists - in the private sector - and among this large group, there were about as many Democrats as you would find Conservative Republicans in a college Fine Arts department.
Excellent! So I've never seen a rigorous study on the subject, but based on the thousands of engineers I have known in my career, I would say AT LEAST a slight majority of them vote Republican. What would you say about engineers you have known Dean?
There are several different categories of engineers.

I am a mechanical engineer, and have found that most mechanical engineers are conservatives and vote Republican.

Which makes sense because the nature of our profession is dealing with machinery and processes that have close tolerances with little room for error. Thus mechanical engineers tend to be realists.

Whereas, people who are drawn to degrees in the Liberal Arts, value feelings and emotion, over facts and reality. Making them a perfect fit for the Democrat party ... :cool:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

I knew one Republican in the rather large engineering department I worked in.
And he had an alcohol problem. What is it with right wingers and booze?

Probably he had to drunk listening to you all day long ...I know I would have

Yeah, algebra is nasty. I mean why do we have to start every $ figure with that crossed over S? Like we are suspected of having Stolen it?

Face it, numbers and letters don't mix. Although 36D is indeed a puzzle.

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