Republican and Democratic Governors


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
How many Democratic Governors are women?
How many Democratic Governors are Indian ( Nation of India ) American?
How many Democratic Governors are Latino or Latina American?
How many Democratic Governors are African American?

How many Republican Governors are women, Indian American Latino or Latina American and African American?

There are no African American Republican Governors.
There is one African American Democratic Governor.

Anyone else can do the simple research to answer the first three questions.
The results are quite interesting.

Happy Hunting.
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There are no Democratic Governors that are Latino or Latina. The Republicans have the first Latina Governor.
There are more women Republican Governors than Democratic ones.
There are two Republican Governors who are Indian Americans. The Democrats have none.

The Democrats need to ask their power brokers why?
What the hell difference does it make?
How many Democratic governors have cut taxes, or not raised them?
How many Republican governors have cut taxes or not raised them?
Which states are seeing lower budget deficits, which ones higher budget deficits?

The truth is that Dems have raises taxes in California, Illinois,and Maryland. All those states are worse off than they were 4 years ago.
What the hell difference does it make?
How many Democratic governors have cut taxes, or not raised them?
How many Republican governors have cut taxes or not raised them?
Which states are seeing lower budget deficits, which ones higher budget deficits?

The truth is that Dems have raises taxes in California, Illinois,and Maryland. All those states are worse off than they were 4 years ago.

I'd say it makes some difference as the GOP is always accused of putting out those "tokens". We sure have a lot of tokens and they sure seem to get a lot of air time.

Your point is to a different issue and one worth discussing. I have heard it said that several Republican Governors have balanced their budgets in spite of the national picture.

I'd like to learn more about how that is done.

But that is a different issue.

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