repub Senator Ron Johnson defends Putin's rhetoric in Tucker interview

I heard MAGA is moving their campaign headquarters to Moscow.
But jimboliar, Poopeypants is the one who shut down our oil production, then paid Putin billions for oil and helped fund his attack on the Ukraine.....remember?
Plus its Obammy's kneepads still at Putin's house.....
Most of America can't see why Putin is so hated by the dems.... especially as we do all kinds of business with a mass murderer in China....
He's attacking a neighboring country?
Xi killed millions of people with covid and holds slaves in his country.... so I'll ask again... what makes Putin worse than that?.... Putin at least has an argument that parts of Ukraine belong to Russia and has Russian people living in it...
Xi killed millions of people with covid and holds slaves in his country.... so I'll ask again... what makes Putin worse than that?.... Putin at least has an argument that parts of Ukraine belong to Russia and has Russian people living in it...
Putin likes DJ as his useful idiot. Liking DJ is beyond the pale.
Putin at least has an argument that parts of Ukraine belong to Russia and has Russian people living in it...

If they are Russian people they can either return to Russia or accept the fact that they are Ukrainian
He's attacking a neighboring country?
Did you know that thousands of Ukrainian men fled Ukraine so they wouldn't have to fight Russians.... we are not getting the truth in any of this... we see on the news every night ground troop footage from Gaza... we never see any from Ukraine... I find that very strange...
Did you know that thousands of Ukrainian men fled Ukraine so they wouldn't have to fight Russians.... we are not getting the truth in any of this... we see on the news every night ground troop footage from Gaza... we never see any from Ukraine... I find that very strange...
Who attacked who?
He's attacking a neighboring country?

A lot of Europeans and Estonia are adamantly against radical LGBT and BLM politics. They abhor the very things your party stands for. They support Ukraine, but they don’t want anything to do with your types of politics that has given us a 50 year high inflation and allowed men to go into women’s bathrooms and women’s sports. It is an abomination.

The United States has what invaded 100 countries?

Countless countries have gone to war. What Russia is doing is not unique in history.

Do you think we should give $100 billion to Somalia because they’re involved in a war, or do you only want to give money to white people?

The whole point is to be more diplomatic, be neutral in the war
You don't get to go there... being against funding this war is not the same as a kinship to Putin... that's a dumb argument...

Eliminating the ability of Putin’s opponent to fight the war is a kinship to Putin
Eliminating the ability of Putin’s opponent to fight the war is a kinship to Putin
No it isn't.... Ukraine's inability to fight the war is due to the decisions made by Ukraine years ago when they listened to Clinton and Obama and gave up their nukes.... so for the US to then aid that inevitable war is just more wrong on top of wrong...
The countries we invaded we did not keep the captured territory
That is not the case. The United States expanded to 50 states to this day through various means, including warfare.

American exceptionalism is ugly and it’s in some cases racist. The idea that Russia is somehow Uniquely evil for invading Ukraine….is wrong.

The right thing to do is disagree with Russia’s invasion, but be neutral in the war. Allow private companies or individuals to send money , or even volunteer to fight for either side in Russia Ukraine, just like we did during the Spanish Civil War.

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