Repub Base increasingly frustrated w/ Reps leading to 2014

Such is the belief of a have ^^^ with total disregard for the half nots.

Also the belief of those who have noticed how government redistribution schemes invariably favour the interests of the "haves".

'Really? You really believe that, or do you hope 'the base' (aka the echo chamber) will believe your opinion and echo it over and over?

Your use of "government redistribution" is a cliché, a hackneyed catchall phrase used ad nausea and usually with a lie of omission.

Sure, there are welfare programs, but they are primarily state funded (AFDC ended decades ago) and general assistance is limited, and has many requirements (hoops) for recipients to jump through. Not so the welfare provided to industry, the loop holes in the tax code available only to business executives, real estate moguls and hedge fund managers.

Yet these are never mentioned, likely because they are esoteric benefits not publicly acknowledged, unlike the salary and benefits of union members.

Those are the very things I'm talking about. When you set the state up to decide winners and losers in the economy, people with wealth and influence will seek to control that process to further their own ends And they're better at it than you. They'll trump up relatively innocuous 'entitlements' for the poor - enough to keep voters mollified - while the real gravy train goes unnoticed. The only way to prevent it is to keep government out of our economic decisions entirely, and that's what you won't acknowledge, insisting that instead we need even more government manipulation - like drinking to cure a hangover.
Such is the belief of a have ^^^ with total disregard for the half nots.

Also the belief of those who have noticed how government redistribution schemes invariably favour the interests of the "haves".

but, but, the Repubs have been in charge of the purse-strings these last two years :eusa_whistle: :eusa_eh:

Yep... which is why the base is angry. They're being duped every bit as much as progressives who think ACA will lead to single-payer.
STILL, you don't make the poor & elderly the scapegoat when the lion's share of hand-outs go to the well-connected (people who give Boehner liquor, golf trips, cigs, wine, etc... in this case) You see that book thread I started? I suggest you look at it. Boehner has set-up a "toll booth" of sorts to get people to "pay to play" in the Reteapubublican house. Here:
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People said Kasich was a Randian earlier in the year but I KNEW he had SOME good in him:

Top Ohio Republicans face down intraparty critics
Kasich upset some by pushing for certain tax increases and embracing Medicaid expansion under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul; Boehner is clashing with conservative groups over the federal budget; and Portman faces backlash from social conservatives over his about-face in favor of gay marriage.

Their "Base" needs to get out more in the REAL WORLD and see that obstruction isn't how things get done in this great nation.


Discuss? I prefer to thank you for the laughs... :laugh2:
Well we know the Democrat base isn't upset with their bunch of elected idiots

They just march along in blissful lockstep and let them do whatever the hell they want to the people in this country

Brilliant, one of your most intelligent, fair and balanced posts.
[sarcasm alert]
None have proven to be intelligent, fair, balanced or credible.

Everything from you is sarcasm and not just to me..You spew it on everyone here

and none of it is brilliant as you think you are..just your usual nasty

You don't like being called out, stop posting this ^^^ totally partisan crap.

I'm nasty to you because I don't like nor do I respect people who have no clue and have never sat down and thought through an issue; those who parrot the talking points as if they do and are so willing to post lies, half truths, rumors and innuendos; those who are so willing to discredit those who hold different opinions on policy, taxes, government and civil rights; those who attack others because of the job they hold, the color of their skin or the beliefs they hold.
Also the belief of those who have noticed how government redistribution schemes invariably favour the interests of the "haves".

'Really? You really believe that, or do you hope 'the base' (aka the echo chamber) will believe your opinion and echo it over and over?

Your use of "government redistribution" is a cliché, a hackneyed catchall phrase used ad nausea and usually with a lie of omission.

Sure, there are welfare programs, but they are primarily state funded (AFDC ended decades ago) and general assistance is limited, and has many requirements (hoops) for recipients to jump through. Not so the welfare provided to industry, the loop holes in the tax code available only to business executives, real estate moguls and hedge fund managers.

Yet these are never mentioned, likely because they are esoteric benefits not publicly acknowledged, unlike the salary and benefits of union members.

Those are the very things I'm talking about. When you set the state up to decide winners and losers in the economy, people with wealth and influence will seek to control that process to further their own ends (which they do today) And they're better at it than you. They'll trump up relatively innocuous 'entitlements' for the poor - enough to keep voters mollified - while the real gravy train goes unnoticed. The only way to prevent it is to keep government out of our economic decisions entirely, and that's what you won't acknowledge, insisting that instead we need even more government manipulation - like drinking to cure a hangover.

We may agree on the problem but not on the solution. Allowing the private sector to control the economy is a road which will lead, IMO, to a pure plutocracy; a Republic wherein each representative is bought and paid for by the power elite and the Market System is even more manipulated by speculation, insider trading and fraud.

This is the world we have come to, a Supreme Court which equates bribery of elected officials and the ability of anonymous persons (other nations too, like China) to buy air time and influence our elections. We are a joke, no longer democratic and a republic in name only. All those graves, in all those National Cemeteries, filled with men and women who died for our liberty and freedom, for nothing. We have given all to the Power Elite and the Business and Industry which have no loyalty to our flag or its people.

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