Report: Tom Cotton’s Strong Influence Leaves Chuck Schumer Unwilling to Negotiate on Immigration


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The uncompromising Jew, Chuck Schumer, is trying to dictate his own terms and to hell with anyone else. He wants it his way or the highway, period, and Trump and Cotton are bold America first patriots who will not give in to DACA and chain migration making Schumer go insane. Here's a little educational note: Always remember the old Polish proverb, "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you". Chuck Schumer has cried a lot when he's striked America in the back. He'll do it again.

Report: Tom Cotton’s Strong Influence Leaves Chuck Schumer Unwilling to Negotiate on Immigration – True Pundit
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The uncompromising Jew, Chuck Schumer, is trying to dictate his own terms and to hell with anyone else. He wants it his way or the highway, period, and Trump and Cotton are bold America first patriots who will not give in to DACA and chain migration making Schumer go insane. Here's a little educational note: Always remember the old Polish proverb, "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you". Chuck Schumer has cried a lot when he's striked America in the back. He'll do it again.

Report: Tom Cotton’s Strong Influence Leaves Chuck Schumer Unwilling to Negotiate on Immigration – True Pundit
Good. President Trump is fine by himself but the more America First senators standing with him the better!

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