Report: Many meteorologists are climate skeptics!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Of course, the members of the religion will say the meteorologists have the IQ of a handball but this is one of the top stories on DRUDGE right now!!

The feelings amongst meterorologists?

The whole "man made" stuff is a crock of shit!! The climate goes in cycles.

Says a meteorologist with 25 years of experience........

“How can their computer models be better than ours?” he said. “We look at computer projections all the time, and we know how off they can be.”.

lol....but the religion says their models are better because the people interpreting them are "climate scientists":spinner:


Bottom line?

The meteorologists don't know dick for sure. The climate religion doesn't know dick for sure.:deal:
Anybody with half a brain can understand why there is such an abundance of skepticism in the meteorologist community!! They see their computer models fuck up all the time.....and take ownership of the failures.

But not the climate science alarmist community. They only report the models that match what they are looking for. They bury the models that fuck up...........and they fuck up all the time!! But the models are "science" to them.

Who's not impressed?

World governments who make energy policy for their people.:up: The religion hasn't quite figured this out yet.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
As for the concept of "settle science," while there is consensus that human activity is increasing the rate of natural global warming, the "proofs" are only convincing if you ignore the historical record of atmospheric CO2 vs. average temperatures - which do not track closely at all. Also, environmental hystericals tend not to address the cost-benefit aspect, and specifically, whether it makes more sense to cripple ourselves now through curbs on CO2 generation, or seek out engineering solutions to the future problems, whatever they are.
Anybody with half a brain can understand why there is such an abundance of skepticism in the meteorologist community!! They see their computer models fuck up all the time.....and take ownership of the failures.

But not the climate science alarmist community. They only report the models that match what they are looking for. They bury the models that fuck up...........and they fuck up all the time!! But the models are "science" to them.

Who's not impressed?

World governments who make energy policy for their people.:up: The religion hasn't quite figured this out yet.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Here in the west we have 2 computer models in disagreement over what will be occurring just 4 days from now. It's because they have a minuscule amount of data input in a sea of infinite variables and we have a minuscule understanding of what is occuring.

To gut the world economy on what some programmers have done is certified insanity.
Anybody with half a brain can understand why there is such an abundance of skepticism in the meteorologist community!! They see their computer models fuck up all the time.....and take ownership of the failures.

But not the climate science alarmist community. They only report the models that match what they are looking for. They bury the models that fuck up...........and they fuck up all the time!! But the models are "science" to them.

Who's not impressed?

World governments who make energy policy for their people.:up: The religion hasn't quite figured this out yet.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Here in the west we have 2 computer models in disagreement over what will be occurring just 4 days from now. It's because they have a minuscule amount of data input in a sea of infinite variables and we have a minuscule understanding of what is occuring.

To gut the world economy on what some programmers have done is certified insanity.

We are going to open the beaches here in Michigan this weekend, if that helps.
Anybody with half a brain can understand why there is such an abundance of skepticism in the meteorologist community!! They see their computer models fuck up all the time.....and take ownership of the failures.

But not the climate science alarmist community. They only report the models that match what they are looking for. They bury the models that fuck up...........and they fuck up all the time!! But the models are "science" to them.

Who's not impressed?

World governments who make energy policy for their people.:up: The religion hasn't quite figured this out yet.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Here in the west we have 2 computer models in disagreement over what will be occurring just 4 days from now. It's because they have a minuscule amount of data input in a sea of infinite variables and we have a minuscule understanding of what is occuring.

To gut the world economy on what some programmers have done is certified insanity.

Exactly......its the only reason Im in this let people know where this ruse takes our electricity bills doubling. Most of the zombies who champion "the crusade against global warming" have zero clue how it would hit them in the wallet. Too......renewable energy slams the poor with higher energy costs, especially in the Third World. All part of the globalist plan.................duh.:coffee:
Meteorology is a hard science...graduates from a meteorology program have a much better education in the sciences than graduates from the soft science of the climate science program..
Meteorology is a hard science...graduates from a meteorology program have a much better education in the sciences than graduates from the soft science of the climate science program..

You know I have heard that a few times. Might explain the fact that tens of thousands of scientists, MA and PHd level slam climate scientists for not using scientific methods and frequently leaning on computer models. Pretty damn ghey.......
Meteorology is a hard science...graduates from a meteorology program have a much better education in the sciences than graduates from the soft science of the climate science program..

Atmospheric Physicist..

This title includes many hard sciences.. 'Climatologist' is kind of like a hair dresser who get a license after four weeks of training.
As for the concept of "settle science," while there is consensus that human activity is increasing the rate of natural global warming, the "proofs" are only convincing if you ignore the historical record of atmospheric CO2 vs. average temperatures - which do not track closely at all.

Big logic failure. You're assuming CO2 is the only climate driver. You might want to learn a little about the science before you dismiss it.

Also, environmental hystericals tend not to address the cost-benefit aspect, and specifically, whether it makes more sense to cripple ourselves now through curbs on CO2 generation, or seek out engineering solutions to the future problems, whatever they are.

All economists except one say that any global warming from now on is an economic net negative. The only question is how much money should be spent to prevent those economic negative.

This issue has been addressed very thoroughly. Before babbling about cost-benefit analysis, you might want to actually get familiar with it, so you come across less as of an anti-environmental hysterical.
'Climatologist' is kind of like a hair dresser who get a license after four weeks of training.

Ah, another fine reversal of reality by the pathological liar deniers here.

In the real world, there's no such thing as "climatology" degree. Those sorts of junk degrees are left to deniers, geologists and weather forecasters.

In contrast, atmospheric scientists usually have physics degrees, doctorates and long post-doc training. They are the best and brightest of planet earth.

Almost all deniers have no degrees or junk degrees. That's why they all suck so hard at every aspect of the science.

By the way Billy, how's the doctorate going?

(I rest my case.)
'Climatologist' is kind of like a hair dresser who get a license after four weeks of training.

Ah, another fine reversal of reality by the pathological liar deniers here.

In the real world, there's no such thing as "climatology" degree. Those sorts of junk degrees are left to deniers, geologists and weather forecasters.

In contrast, atmospheric scientists usually have physics degrees, doctorates and long post-doc training. They are the best and brightest of planet earth.

Almost all deniers have no degrees or junk degrees. That's why they all suck so hard at every aspect of the science.

By the way Billy, how's the doctorate going?

(I rest my case.)

You really should use facts and not your fantasy..

The meteorological study of climates and their phenomena.
cli′ma·to·log′ic (-mə-tl-ŏj′ĭk), cli′ma·to·log′i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj.
cli′ma·to·log′i·cal·ly adv.
cli′ma·tol′o·gist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

1. climatologist - someone who is expert in climatology
expert - a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully

Again the hairball is shown a liar and deceitful. At least I have degrees..
As for the concept of "settle science," while there is consensus that human activity is increasing the rate of natural global warming, the "proofs" are only convincing if you ignore the historical record of atmospheric CO2 vs. average temperatures - which do not track closely at all.

Big logic failure. You're assuming CO2 is the only climate driver. You might want to learn a little about the science before you dismiss it.

Also, environmental hystericals tend not to address the cost-benefit aspect, and specifically, whether it makes more sense to cripple ourselves now through curbs on CO2 generation, or seek out engineering solutions to the future problems, whatever they are.

All economists except one say that any global warming from now on is an economic net negative. The only question is how much money should be spent to prevent those economic negative.

This issue has been addressed very thoroughly. Before babbling about cost-benefit analysis, you might want to actually get familiar with it, so you come across less as of an anti-environmental hysterical.

Speaking of logical failures... Your facts are nothing but fantasy and failed modeling..
'Climatologist' is kind of like a hair dresser who get a license after four weeks of training.

Ah, another fine reversal of reality by the pathological liar deniers here.

In the real world, there's no such thing as "climatology" degree. Those sorts of junk degrees are left to deniers, geologists and weather forecasters.

In contrast, atmospheric scientists usually have physics degrees, doctorates and long post-doc training. They are the best and brightest of planet earth.

Almost all deniers have no degrees or junk degrees. That's why they all suck so hard at every aspect of the science.

By the way Billy, how's the doctorate going?

(I rest my case.)

lol......10 years now of the DUMS and their "republicans/skeptics suck at science" narrative!!

Hows that worked out for ya s0n?!!!!:deal:



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