Report Calls Out Billions in Wasteful Gov't Spending


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
$200 Billion in wasteful spending this past year. Not to mention the waste, fraud and abuse of legitimate programs. We have a lot of duplicate welfare programs where people get stuff from WIC, food banks, monthly food giveaways and then free meals at school. Many schools send food home with children and some have started feeding students and their families all year round. No wonder so many impoverished children here are overweight. I am not saying we should ever let anyone starve, but a more streamlined program would be much easier to oversee and prevent waste.

Then there are the perks for congress members. Not hard to see where a lot of money can be saved.

Libs think military spending is wasteful. While money could be saved on many military projects, we still need a strong military. Our people are not paid well. Most of the military spending bills have tons of pork added as a condition for congress voting for it. I tend to think they credit the entire spending to military when most of it is pork projects for individual states.

Of course, in the past there were other things that were a total waste. Solyndra ring a bell? That and a host of other green energy companies gobbled up millions, maybe billions, and had nothing to show for it. We also give billions in aid to countries, many of which are hostile to us and our allies. We've built mosques overseas. You'd think we were rolling in the dough and our government acts like they can fund everyone and everything even though it doesn't improve our economy or way of life. In fact, it hurts every single tax payer because the burden of the debt continues to grow. We are deep in debt and yet still giving away money. Pelosi has insisted in the past that there are no places we can cut. She claimed that all spending was vital and we couldn't pinch pennies any more than we already are. That is not the case.

National security and infrastructure are where we should put money. Not to Muslim countries so they can buy weapons and build mosques. Not on stupid experiments that are a waste of time, like finding out that kids don't want to eat food that has been sneezed on. Seriously, that study was funded with tax dollars.

Presidents should pay for their own vacations if they take more than one a year. They can afford it. And that should include Air Force One costs when it is used more than once a year for vacationing. If Trump is serious about draining the swamp then he needs to lead by example. He should even pay for security if Melania doesn't move to Washington right away. If they can't afford to pay for a vacation, then they will have to face the same disappointment millions of Americans face. Can't afford it, go without.

We had a deal put in place at the beginning. We would pay people to serve their country. The deal never including making people wealthy or allowing them to exclude themselves from the laws they create for us to live by. It never meant allowing them to live like royalty. Of course, originally, there was no income tax. Woodrow Wilson made that permanent with a promise that it would always be low. Of course, once you allow government to give themselves more power, they don't handle it responsibly and they abuse it more and more. That is why they are forever increasing what they take from us and they continue to spend on frivilous things. How much did we pay just so Obama could jet around and campaign for Hillary? So what if you would never willingly donate to her campaign. Government spend your money on it.

We need to set limits. Congress shouldn't be getting paid that much. If they can't afford a fancy mansion in Washington D.C. then they either find a cheaper place or don't run if it's such a hardship. I think we should treat congress the way we treat our brave military people. Build some fancy apartments, complete with the best security, and they all live in one building when they are in Washington. If they want a big, expensive house then they better be willing to pay for it themselves.

Congress people are always complaining that their salary isn't enough and yet they come out with millions. We're missing something here.

I'm sick of people saying that we need to send aid to countries. Or that we need to continue spending billions on illegal aliens and Muslim refugees. It's not even about need anymore. What part of "we don't have the fucking money" don't people understand? We can't afford it. Either some of the wealthy Arab countries can step up and help or we're all screwed. I'm certain those rich oil countries full of peaceful, loving Muslims want to help those in need. We would save billions if they would step up. We could help by sending aid to them instead of seeding them all over the world. That is not working out. Why pay to bring on more problems?

"Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) released his second annual “Federal Fumbles” report Monday to shed light on how the government wastes tax dollars.

Last year, the report showed an unnecessary $105 billion dollars in federal spending. So, what are the numbers like this year?

Mike Emanuel reported on "Happening Now" that the 154-page report found that dozens of different programs and initiatives by the government added up to more than $200 billion in wasteful spending.

Emanuel highlighted some of the most unusual expenses, including $495,000 for an exhibit on "medieval smells," $2 million on a study that found children don't like eating food that's been sneezed on, and $1 billion in hospitals and infrastructure projects for the Palestinian government.

Other bizarre programs in the report include $180,000 to develop a new and more effective method of counting and tagging sea ducks, and $315,000 to study how court rulings make people feel.

"Expect fiscal conservatives like Sen. Lankford from Oklahoma to continue to beat the drum in a new Congress about it being time to tighten things up in terms of federal spending," Emanuel said."

'Medieval Smells' Exhibit? Report Calls Out Billions in Wasteful Gov't Spending
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Strange that the GOP-led congress, who has complete control over the power of the purse, would be okay with this and approve similar spending year after year
To pass a bill the Repubs have to add all the pork the Dems want. That ain't kosher sez Herr Trump. It's gonna stop.
The way government takes our money and wastes it is just sickening. While our own infrastructure crumbles and our veterans go without basic needs, we are spending billions to fund illegal aliens and refugees, not to mention the billions we send to other countries. Then we see the waste with insane studies and other things. Imagine how far that $200 billion would have gone in repairing some old and dangerous bridges in the Midwest or highways. There is no excuse to let critical things wait while they fund stupid shit that everyone could live without.

They have their priorities completely screwed up.
$200 Billion in wasteful spending this past year. Not to mention the waste, fraud and abuse of legitimate programs. We have a lot of duplicate welfare programs where people get stuff from WIC, food banks, monthly food giveaways and then free meals at school. Many schools send food home with children and some have started feeding students and their families all year round. No wonder so many impoverished children here are overweight. I am not saying we should ever let anyone starve, but a more streamlined program would be much easier to oversee and prevent waste.

Then there are the perks for congress members. Not hard to see where a lot of money can be saved.

Libs think military spending is wasteful. While money could be saved on many military projects, we still need a strong military. Our people are not paid well. Most of the military spending bills have tons of pork added as a condition for congress voting for it. I tend to think they credit the entire spending to military when most of it is pork projects for individual states.

Of course, in the past there were other things that were a total waste. Solyndra ring a bell? That and a host of other green energy companies gobbled up millions, maybe billions, and had nothing to show for it. We also give billions in aid to countries, many of which are hostile to us and our allies. We've built mosques overseas. You'd think we were rolling in the dough and our government acts like they can fund everyone and everything even though it doesn't improve our economy or way of life. In fact, it hurts every single tax payer because the burden of the debt continues to grow. We are deep in debt and yet still giving away money. Pelosi has insisted in the past that there are no places we can cut. She claimed that all spending was vital and we couldn't pinch pennies any more than we already are. That is not the case.

National security and infrastructure are where we should put money. Not to Muslim countries so they can buy weapons and build mosques. Not on stupid experiments that are a waste of time, like finding out that kids don't want to eat food that has been sneezed on. Seriously, that study was funded with tax dollars.

Presidents should pay for their own vacations if they take more than one a year. They can afford it. And that should include Air Force One costs when it is used more than once a year for vacationing. If Trump is serious about draining the swamp then he needs to lead by example. He should even pay for security if Melania doesn't move to Washington right away. If they can't afford to pay for a vacation, then they will have to face the same disappointment millions of Americans face. Can't afford it, go without.

We had a deal put in place at the beginning. We would pay people to serve their country. The deal never including making people wealthy or allowing them to exclude themselves from the laws they create for us to live by. It never meant allowing them to live like royalty. Of course, originally, there was no income tax. Woodrow Wilson made that permanent with a promise that it would always be low. Of course, once you allow government to give themselves more power, they don't handle it responsibly and they abuse it more and more. That is why they are forever increasing what they take from us and they continue to spend on frivilous things. How much did we pay just so Obama could jet around and campaign for Hillary? So what if you would never willingly donate to her campaign. Government spend your money on it.

We need to set limits. Congress shouldn't be getting paid that much. If they can't afford a fancy mansion in Washington D.C. then they either find a cheaper place or don't run if it's such a hardship. I think we should treat congress the way we treat our brave military people. Build some fancy apartments, complete with the best security, and they all live in one building when they are in Washington. If they want a big, expensive house then they better be willing to pay for it themselves.

Congress people are always complaining that their salary isn't enough and yet they come out with millions. We're missing something here.

I'm sick of people saying that we need to send aid to countries. Or that we need to continue spending billions on illegal aliens and Muslim refugees. It's not even about need anymore. What part of "we don't have the fucking money" don't people understand? We can't afford it. Either some of the wealthy Arab countries can step up and help or we're all screwed. I'm certain those rich oil countries full of peaceful, loving Muslims want to help those in need. We would save billions if they would step up. We could help by sending aid to them instead of seeding them all over the world. That is not working out. Why pay to bring on more problems?

"Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) released his second annual “Federal Fumbles” report Monday to shed light on how the government wastes tax dollars.

Last year, the report showed an unnecessary $105 billion dollars in federal spending. So, what are the numbers like this year?

Mike Emanuel reported on "Happening Now" that the 154-page report found that dozens of different programs and initiatives by the government added up to more than $200 billion in wasteful spending.

Emanuel highlighted some of the most unusual expenses, including $495,000 for an exhibit on "medieval smells," $2 million on a study that found children don't like eating food that's been sneezed on, and $1 billion in hospitals and infrastructure projects for the Palestinian government.

Other bizarre programs in the report include $180,000 to develop a new and more effective method of counting and tagging sea ducks, and $315,000 to study how court rulings make people feel.

"Expect fiscal conservatives like Sen. Lankford from Oklahoma to continue to beat the drum in a new Congress about it being time to tighten things up in terms of federal spending," Emanuel said."

'Medieval Smells' Exhibit? Report Calls Out Billions in Wasteful Gov't Spending

Good read and spot on.

You forgot all the needless Fed workers out there. Hell if half of them disappeared tomorrow no one would notice. That's how uneeded they are.

Sure hope Trump goes after the spending and we quit sending money to countries overseas. Most of those countries only like our money and the minute they have it turn on us. Fuck em all. Let their country sink or swim on its own merits and keep our hard earned tax dollars at home.

Oh and who the hell wants to pay for a fucking Mosque?? Not me.
The military budget should not bve spared of cuts. It is full of bloated items like everything else.
Strange that the GOP-led congress, who has complete control over the power of the purse, would be okay with this and approve similar spending year after year
Congress approves the budget. The affirmative action lazy jackass that the stupid Moon Bats elected is the one that spends it.
I thought audits of government spending would have been a major point of emphasis for Trump. If it was, I missed it. I doubt his inauguration speech will get too much into policy specifics and so I'm looking forward to his State of the Union in February to provide the details of his policy agenda.
The military budget should not bve spared of cuts. It is full of bloated items like everything else.

That is my point. So much crap is added to every spending bill in exchange for votes. They start with a reasonable spending request for a few million and by the time everyone adds to it, we end up with hundreds of millions.

Military spending, and by that I mean actual cost, is necessary.

Government has never been good at finding the best deals. Seems like they pander to friends and campaign donors when it comes time to hiring contractors and such. And the people don't pay enough attention to know what's going on.

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